How They Meet: Grayson Part 2

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This is all made up; please don't hold anything against me.     Grayson’s P.O.V After getting slapped by my mate it breaks my heart; which I didn’t even get a chance to get to know her name. She walked out of the café pissed off by what it seemed, but her face was red from embarrassment. Before I could even start going after her to explain what that was all about, and I mean really explain why it all happened the way that it did cause she seemed really open-minded. Instead, Quinn and Avery stepped in front of me to get in my way and started giving me an earful of how I could do this to the new girl in school on her fourth day in town. Which caught my attention really quickly. “Wait, she’s new to town?!” I ask interrupting them. “What’s her name? Please I have to know.” I say almost begging. I grab each of their hands tightly, but lightly enough that it doesn’t hurt them. Saying it in almost a begging tone, so they know how important this is to me. Quinn and Avery look at each other as if debating on whether or not they should tell me. After a few seconds of what seemed like an eternity of chatting to themselves in their own mindlink they turned to me. “Damn it Grayson, fine, but only because we don’t want you to use ‘that’ voice on us.” Avery says then turns her head to Quinn. “Her name is…. Ryder, Ryder Greenman, but that’s all your getting out of us. Got it!” says Quinn in a profoundly serious tone; which is really rare for her. The only time I hear her like that is when she is arguing with Noah, her twin brother; which doesn’t really happen often. My knees just about to buckle and give out on me when I hear my mates name. When I’m done getting my earful from the girls, I turn toward Noah who has just been standing by the door the whole time while I was getting my earful, but instead I come pretty much face-to-face to my Monday girlfriend. She puts her right hand on hip in a sexy stance with a pissed look on her face; she knows that pose turns me on, but right now it is just pissing me the f**k off, along with Knight. She is standing in my way at the moment. She says with a mega attitude, “You broke one of your rules! You know the one where you won’t kiss another girl on that designated girlfriend’s day.” Knight is wanting to rip her apart right now for being in our way, and for disrespecting us. Noah must have felt it because he came in for the rescue to deal with the situation that was going on. “Hey man, what happened to you today at school? We missed you; mainly at practice.” Noah said and then he mind-linked me saying ‘She is in pretty much all your classes.’ This causes me to smile, but I try to hide it; it apparently fails miserably because my Monday girlfriend gives me one of those curious looks probably wondering what I’m smiling about. “He was with me all day long.” My Monday girlfriend says proudly. “We went shopping, window shopping, and then came here.” “Wow the usual for Monday’s, but the only thing that wasn’t listed that you normally say just to get me jealous. You didn’t say that you have your usual number of make-out sections.” Noah says looking at my Monday girlfriend with a knowing look.  She storms off towards the table that we were sitting at, and that’s when I decide to tell her something, so I say, “Oh yeah, we’re over, please tell the rest of them as well, so please don’t come near me at all.” After I’m done saying that I walk out of the café knowing that everyone is watching me, and her reaction to what I just said to her since I didn’t stick around, I don’t know what her reaction is. I leave to go find my mate. Her scent is still fresh and close, so she has to be somewhere nearby; I can’t lose her. I feel like if I don’t find her now then I wouldn’t see her ever again. I looked all over the small area that I was in, and I was starting to panic. If I don’t find her soon then I know something bad will happen; I just don’t know what or when it will happen tonight. I’m just about to call for Avery, Quinn, and Noah when I catch her scent in the wind that came from my left. I look that way, and I see her at the first store that I was at today. My first thought was ‘Is she really like my ex-Monday girlfriend?’ then I notice that she is looking up at the sky. I breathe a sigh of relief when I realize that she is not like any other girls that have been around me or that I’ve been around, and then it hit me what have I done messing around with all of those girls? What is she going to think of me? What does she think of me? I decided to stop my rabbit hole, and just go up to here and explain myself to her. The full thing, I mean she is going to have to find out sooner or later, right? I went right up to her and put my hand on her shoulder, but that was probably not my brightest idea; since she flipped me like I was nothing, and I weighted a ton. Once I’m on the ground I think she realizes who I am, and is extremely sorry because I can see it in her eyes. But I also see something else that I can’t explain. Her eyes changed colors on me, but just for a second; they were like a lighter blue than they are now. I just brush it off as the light hitting them differently than it did before when she leaned down to check if I was alright. “Why did you come out of nowhere like that? I could have killed yo….” she cuts short of what she was saying, but I don’t know what she means by she could kill me. I mean I’m much bigger than her, and much more powerful than she is; then I realize something on her; her necklace came out when she flipped me. It’s a witches necklace. “You’re a witch!” I say not knowing how loud I am. She puts her hands over my mouth after she does a spiny thing with her finger when I started my sentence, and then looks at her ring. “Yeah and you’re a werewolf, so what of it?” I look at her surprised that she knew that I was a werewolf.
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