9.at the pack house

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Aisha was weak from being immobile for so long, so Zane opted to carry her towards the packhouse. Their closeness was affecting Aisha as she wondered what was happening to her. She felt attracted to this handsome stranger more than she felt that she should. She didn’t want to feel the way she was feeling. She was not ready for a relationship yet. She had a kingdom to save. And people to avenge. She had a war to be fought, so falling in love was not what she needed right now. But she couldn’t help it. Her feeling was beyond control when he was close by. She looked at his face as he carried her bridal style. His facial features were perfect. She had not seen a better-looking man her whole life. She blushed bright red as she remembered that they almost kissed earlier. What was happening to her? It couldn’t be magic. And what were these sparks she felt each time their skin touched? She had so many questions which she wanted to ask, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t ask someone she just met. She was shy. Soon they were at the packhouse and Aisha was taken to the infirmary for inspection. She was weak and she would need medical assistance. Zane had to leave Aisha with the doctors and nurses though he didn’t want to. He wanted to stay with her the whole time. Zane watched until they were no longer in sight, as they took Aisha inside. He sighed. How he wished he could confess how he felt soon. Adam was examining his friend. He knew that this girl was Zane’s mate. And she was not a werewolf. This means she most probably has no idea that they were mates. “ Take it easy. You can do it.” Adam said hoping to give some motivation. Zane turned towards his friend. “I know. It would be a little different because she is not werewolf.” Zane wondered how he was going to say it. Werewolves had it pretty easy. Mates would recognise each other and it would be love at first sight. But in his case, he would have to work a little for it. Zane knew she would be attracted to him, but he wondered if she would accept him. The thought of rejection made him shudder. “relax. She will love you. Don’t think too much....maybe bring her flowers?” Adam suggested. “Yeah. And oh, she is the princess of the wizard realm, which means she is the lost sister of our Luke.” Adam’s eyes widened as realisation hit him. His heart fluttered excitedly. At the same time, he was worried. What if the sister wanted to take Luke away? No. He would request for them to stay in the pack. And help them in every possible way to fight for what is rightly theirs. “ Aren’t you going to bring him to meet her?” Zane asked. “ I will. But let’s talk to her first.” AISHA pov I was given an IV because I was weak from being underfed for all that time. I was cleaned and given new clothes to wear, which I was grateful for. The clothes I was wearing were dirty and torn in several places. I was left alone to rest. I am so glad I was saved. I wouldn’t have gotten such treatment anywhere back in our kingdom. Our kingdom is in a mess. After the death of our father and mother, the real king and queen of our realm, the kingdom has fallen apart. All Visior cared about was wealth and power. He didn’t care about the well being and prosperity of our kind. Our kingdom was once the most powerful and respected kingdom of all until greed got in the way. I sighed as I thought of the condition of my home. Tears started to roll down my cheeks. It was bad enough that he took away our parents and childhood from us, but in reality, he had taken away much more than anyone can imagine. Anger started to build in me. I definitely would go back. I will train Luke to be the king and fulfil the prophecy. He may be a child, but he is different. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my powers. I smiled as I felt them running through my veins. I lifted my hand and created a small Powerball in my hand. It has been so long since I last had the chance to use magic, as my powers were drained from me. Being able to use magic gave me little satisfaction. I still need to find Luke. I wonder how he is. I am positive Visior would do something. I closed my eyes as I leaned back on the bed and concentrated on healing myself. I almost dozed off in to dreamland when I heard a knock on the door. “come in” I called out. A tall well-built man in his twenties entered. I recognised him as he was there when I was saved. He is handsome, but the other guy with mesmerising blue eyes has captivated my mind. “Hi. I’m Adam, the alpha of this pack. I have understood from my beta that you are the princess of the wizard realm.” Beta? Oh, my knight in shining armour is the beta. Nice. “Where is he?” I blushed as soon as I said that. Why can't I keep my mouth shut at times like these? “ I mean, I should thank him for saving me. I should thank you all actually, but he was there and because of him Visior's poppet couldn’t complete his spell on me.” My face had heated up by the time I said that. I should indeed thank him but I had this unexplainable desire to see him again. Adam chuckled. His eyes clouded for a while. I guess he just minds linked. Suddenly I started to feel like an i***t for wanting to see him again. “Hope you are comfortable here princess” my thoughts were interrupted by Adam. “of course. The doctors and nurses were nice. And please, don’t call me princess. My name is Aisha.” I gave him a sweet smile. Adam just looked as if he knew something I didn’t. Just then the door opened and the guy I wanted to see stepped inside with his hand behind his back. My heart started to beat faster small butterflies were in my stomach. I was happy and excited to see him. How could spending a few minutes with someone have this effect on me? I couldn’t look away from him as he stepped inside. Just then a very attractive young woman with dark blond hair followed behind him. My heart stopped. What? Don’t tell me he is already taken. My smile faltered a little, disappointed in myself. How could I do this to myself? I thought. The young lady walked up to Adam and kissed his lips. Oh, so she is his partner. I mentally face palmed myself. Something is very wrong with me. “Flowers for the pretty girl,” he said. I stared at him shocked. “I...thank..you” I stammered as I took the flowers from him. A silly smile crept into my face as I kept looking at the flowers. They were wildflowers that grew on the forest floor and I loved it. “We have something to show you.” the young lady said. Then a little boy entered the room with the doctor who attended to me. My emotions went haywire. I gasped and I couldn’t stop myself from calling out. “LUKE!”
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