Chapter Eight-2

1965 Words

I looked around, unsure where I was or how I had got there, vaguely aware of terrible images that chased each other through my mind. “Fergus! Hurry! If they catch us we will not die quickly.” It was the work of half a second to slice the rope that held him, but escaping from Lochindorb Castle was a more complex task. The walls were high and constantly manned, but Peallaidh had a solution. “Can you swim?” I nodded, wondering, and he led me to the well. “Jump in!” I looked downward into the dark, and shivered. There seemed no bottom to that well, but while I hesitated he pushed me in and jumped after. Cold water cut off my yell and Peallaidh grabbed me by the arm and pushed me ahead, thrusting with his head to ensure I kept moving. I struggled, utterly confused as to who I was and what I

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