Chapter Twenty Two

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Despite the way Brodie had left me pining for him, I hadn't changed my mind. We needed to be back at the camp. I started trying to pack up the small amount of things we all owned. Making sure I knew where everything was so that I could still find things for the triplets if I needed anything. Trying to concentrate on the practicalities instead of on the situation between me and Brodie, whatever that was. I needed something to take my mind off it all. Not to mention the shouting that was going on outside, just below my window. Whatever Jackson and Mikkel were arguing about, I hoped they sorted it out. Not that even I could see a way forward for the pair. Jackson was adamant he wouldn't stay, and Mikkel could hardly come to the camp with us. We had already nearly exposed ourselves to him, and that was without a camp full of werewolves. It just seemed so wrong that I had a chance at love with Brodie, but Jackson's chance was being taken away from him. Let alone that it was me that was taking it away. All three of us had so many things to resolve and I knew it would take time, but I prayed it would be sooner rather than later. There were just so many problems to go through. The first of which was how we were all getting back to the camp. It wasn't like we would all fit in Jackson's truck. Before I could even broach the subject, I needed Brodie and Jackson to put everything behind them and finally start repairing their relationship. I was still going over it all in my mind when I felt him. "Nice of you to come back." I probably shouldn't have been as snarky with him, but it had hurt when he left the way he did. "Sorry. It's not what you think. I needed to put some distance between us. The pull of temptation was too much." "Is that such a bad thing?" "It is after everything you've been through. It's too soon after all the trauma." "The trauma of birth or the trauma of everything that happened between us? Penny healed me. I'm fine." "You didn't sound fine." "I'm just a little stiff. Come back." It was almost like I needed to be that close to him just to know that things were better between us. As though it wouldn't be real until we were truly reunited. I had never felt a yearning like it before. There was the usual physical element, but something more spiritual, too. "I'm not taking the risk. I nearly lost you. Jackson broke it off with Mikkel. Does that mean you are both coming home?" "Yes it does and, according to Jackson, there is nothing to break off." "Does that mean you have forgiven me about the whole Cassie thing?" "I've come to realise that I might have overreacted more than a little. I had no right to doubt you." "After everything that's happened, it was hardly surprising. I don't think us having an argument over who is to blame is the right move, though. It's best if we just move on, if that's what you want?" Of course, he was right. He would blame himself anyway, no matter what I said. Nothing would go back to how it was before, easily, but we were on the journey to making everything right between us. We owed it to the triplets to try to put it all behind us. I couldn't even work out how it had even happened. "I would like nothing more." I looked down at the triplets all sleeping away. It was quite rare for them to all be asleep at the same time, and I was thankful for a moment of peace. I couldn't help but notice they seemed to be growing by the minute. It wouldn't take long for the boys not to fit in their cribs any longer, and they still needed names. We needed to get back to the camp as soon as possible. Especially with Mikkel coming around. It wouldn't take long for him to realise they were growing too quickly. "We need to leave as soon as possible. The triplets need to be in the safety of the camp." "I know. I'm ready when you are." "The boys need names. I feel awful not having done it yet. Not to mention they already look three months old. If anyone happens to see us and ask, it's going to be very odd that they haven't got names. I was thinking of Theo for the eldest of the two and Aiden for the youngest. It means little fire, and he has your eyes. It seems fitting somehow." "Well, I like them both and, after all, I named Penny. What does Theo mean?" "I have no idea. I just liked the name." "What do you know about Mikkel?" "Nothing. I only met him when he had his head between my legs. It was quite an introduction. Why?" I couldn't work out what Brodie was getting at, but I hoped he would keep his nose out of Jackson's business. The last thing their relationship needed was more confrontation. "There's something about him. Something familiar somehow. I can't put my finger on what it is, though." "It's not possible for you to know him." "It's not like I recognise him, more like something in him. I don't know, just ignore me." I didn't know what it was he thought he saw in Mikkel, but somehow it didn't surprise me. There was something in him that I found familiar, too. Like I had known him for years, but I had put it down to the weeks of talking about him with Jackson. The idea that Brodie was wary, too, put me on edge. The sooner we were back at the camp, the better.
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