Chapter 2-1

337 Words
Chapter 2 Weekends were down time, unless there was an op in motion, which was going to happen all too soon. Mike stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. Morning was time to take meds. He picked up the new prescription bottle. The neurologist said he was lucky to start with. First, that the Topamax worked at all, because a number of people had no success with that medication. Second, that it worked at a moderate dose so Mike had minimal side effects. He didn’t want to have to take this crap at all, but at least the past months had been predictable. Meds at 100 mg twice a day meant no seizures. Now he was being cut down to 50 mg, still twice a day. He needed a magic 8-ball or a deck of Tarot cards to tell him what to expect. Yeah, right, if only it were that easy. He gulped down the dose and walked out of the bathroom trying to focus on his To- Do list for the day. Laundry had to happen. He needed to change the oil in his bike. That was long overdue. Either he or Kurt needed to get some groceries, that being one more thing that had gotten postponed for too many days. At least a token amount of cleaning had to happen in the house too. The place was looking a little too much like “two single guys live here,” which was only partially true. Kurt was guilty of letting everything but dishes slide until it triggered some sort of critical mass event where he went on a daylong cleaning binge. Mike was more likely to try and keep up with the mess on a weekly basis. When was Maggie due over today? Sometime in the afternoon? She and Kurt had apparently worked out a game plan to watch dog Mike for the weekend. Okay, he needed to ignore the feeling like he was being babysat. It was for his safety he knew, but God, the idea twisted his gut.
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