Chapter 37: The Cleverest of the Cleverest

1117 Words

Tanya’s “Heard from the other guys. They’re already done and is about to clean up too.” Gilbert announced to us while we were still midway of cleaning up the scene ourselves. Like the usual, we tied the involved targets together and compiled the evidences. This time, it’s the cases full of illegal arms and weapons. Then aside from these evidences on scene, we also left the evidences we gathered beforehand. “Great. Let’s meet up with them later then. Let’s finish this up before the police comes.” I ordered and all of us worked. The moment the siren of the police is heard, we’re already driving back and even passed by them on the road. The area then was cordoned as we watch the events via Haru’s laptop. When we saw the targets being dragged by the police out, we all high-fived in joy. N

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