Chapter 38: The Guardian's Reappearance

1098 Words

Tanya’s I looked at my hands and back at the house in front of me. “Am I dreaming? What’s this?” But my questions were not even heard, even to myself. Is my voice not coming out? Why? “Bart! Bart!” Though still flustered, my attention was interrupted with that thrilled voice. I don’t recognize who it was so as the house in front of me. “Why? What’s wrong? Are there cockroaches in the bathroom again?” “What? No. No. It’s not about cockroaches! It’s about this!” Growing curious about the events happening in the house in front of me, I made the initiative and went inside. And as impossible only occurs in dreams, in just a blink of an eye, I am already inside. All because I just wanted to. Then two unfamiliar figures stood in front of me. What’s obvious about them is their wrinkled

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