Chapter 8

2065 Words
"Leave me!" I screamed as they pulled me along to my bedroom. "Please stop!" I screamed at them trying to get out of their grip. I hope someone hears me and comes to save me. It's late already and I doubt someone will pass by. "Shut her mouth!" Aveira gave orders to them as she took a seat on the only couch available in my room. One of them brought out a tape and covered my mouth with it. They pushed me on the bed and held me tight to it. "Do you have something to say before I deal with you?" Aveira asks as she lights her cigarettes. I nodded. She gave a sign to them to release the tape. They removed the tape which hurts both my cheeks. I whimpered in pain and glanced over at Aveira. "Aveira, why are you doing this? Please we can solve this amicably." I said, trying to persuade her. I don't know what she's planning to do with me but I hope it ain't what I'm thinking. "I don't like solving things amicably. It's too low for me." "But why are you doing this?" I cut in as I was on the verge of tears. "We had an argument today and I'm unleashing my anger at you. Stop feigning ignorance." She replied annoyingly. "But Lucian rejected me. He prefers you over me. Please let me go and I won't interfere between you both." She stood up and moved closer to my face. She puffed smoke on my face and I started coughing out vigorously. "I don't care. But you won't escape this." She replied with a smirk. "Rape her!" She ordered and turned her back at me. My eyes widened as they taped my mouth. I hummed out in denial and looked at Aveira who sat on the couch with pleading eyes. When I realized, she wouldn't listen neither would she give me sympathy, I turned to the men who are about to rape me. They tied me down with a rope and began their mission immediately. They stripped off my nightgown as I was left with my underwear. I cried out in pain and struggled with them. One of them slapped me hard as he got frustrated with me. No, I didn't plan this for myself. Truth be told, I already gave my virginity to Alpha Gunner but been raped by thugs was never in my agenda. It's disgusting! They took off my underwear and I was stark naked in front of them. Their eyes shone with lust and they started bargaining on who to go first. It almost became an argument when Aveira's voice chipped in. "Just make it threesome." She said annoyingly and they both agreed instantly. One was coming in from the front and one at the back. My eyes widened in shock as I realized it was real. I'm getting raped. After all, they are not the one breaking my virginity but can I really live with the trauma? I never knew Aveira could stoop so low to do this. My nose caught a scent and I scrunched in curiosity. From the look on Aveira's face, she sniffed it too. As soon as she stood up abruptly, I felt a strong force pull the two men away from me. A blow was landed on one and the other was left with a broken hand. I gasped and my eyes landed on Lucian. Lucian? Why is he here? The two men stood up immediately and rushed out in a jiffy. On sighting him, they had to save their lives since they don't want to get implicated. Aveira couldn't move from where she stood. Her leg was rooted to the spot and her thoughts were disheveled. "Lucian." She called out to him. Lucian looked at her with fury and attacked her instantly, beating her up. I tore my gaze away from the sight as I couldn't handle what he's doing to her. He's literally beating her up. I struggled with the rope and loosened it from the bed which held me tightly. I stood up abruptly and held the bed comforter close to my body, wrapping it on my body. I held it tightly and moved towards them and held Lucian's hand. "Please stop it!" I pleaded. He stopped for a bit and glanced at me before looking back at her. Aveira stood up immediately and found her way out of the room and out of the house. She cursed silently while walking past me as she walked out of the room. It seems the beating he gave her didn't affect her mouth. I released his hands when I realized I was still holding it. I staggered back and held the comforter closer to my body. "Are you okay?" He asked with concern. "Yes, I am". I replied. "Did they hurt you anywhere?" He asked again. "No, they didn't. How did you get here?" I asked as I was curious on how he found out. I was expecting no one to save me as I was anticipating the trauma that would be created in my life. "Go freshen up. We will talk later." He replied. "Are you leaving? Please, don't." I pleaded, holding his hand. He stared at my hand for some minutes before he nodded positively. "I'm not leaving. I will be in your living room." He replied. I disentangled my hand from him and he walked out of the room. "Lucian ." I called out and he stopped, turning to face me. "Thanks." I thanked him sincerely. He smiled and moved away from my room. I hurried and locked my room as soon as he left. I ransacked my wardrobe and settled for a dress to wear. I rearranged my room and went out to the living room. This night is scary and I can't believe I was about to be raped some minutes ago. As I was about to leave the room, my feet stepped on a phone. I picked it up and saw it was recording. Was Aveira recording me while I was about getting raped. She wanted to post it on blog to taint my image. I would forever be grateful to Lucian for showing up on time. I went through the phone to be sure she has nothing against me on the phone. I stumbled on so many disgusting acts with people's secrets. Some I know, some I don't. I wiped the phone immediately and cleared everything. That was the only thing I could think of at that time. I met him laying down on the couch facing the ceiling. I cleared my throat so he could notice my presence as I realized he was deep in thought already. He turned to face me and gave me a quick smile. I sat on the other couch facing him. "Thanks Lucian. I can't imagine what would have happened to me now if you hadn't arrived. I really appreciate it." I said to him, "It's nothing Estina, you thanked me then." He scoffed out. "But why would Aveira do that? I can't imagine she would do that to me." "She's getting out of hand and I promise to tame her. She's my dog and I will tame her." He replied with a smirk. I chuckled out. "And how did you know I was in danger?" I asked curiously. I wanted to ask that when I saw him rescuing me. "I noticed Aveira was up to something and I know she would never back off and want to deal with you. So I trailed her to these places when I saw her take off with her car and some unknown guys. I didn't know she was coming to your house and I didn't know she was at your house." He replied to me. "Oh, I knew she wanted to take revenge on me but I didn't expect it to escalate to this extent." "And moreover, you have a nice house." He complimented me with a smile. I would say smile really looks good on him. It fits him. "Thanks." I replied, smiling back at him. "Take. This is for Aveira. She dropped it while rushing out." I handed the phone over to him. I can't keep it because it isn't mine. And he's the best person to return it since he is her boyfriend. He would give it back to her. I recollect how she looked at me with hatred back at school as a thought hits me. I realized something. "Was that why you escorted me to the cafeteria? Not because you wanted to eat but because you thought Aveira would attack me on the way." I said to him, "Yea, that was true. You hesitated a bit to go to the cafeteria and I thought I should just walk you there." He replied. No wonder he wasn't interested in eating. That's so nice of him but that doesn't mean anything would happen between us. "It's late already. You can't leave tonight." "Well, you don't want me to leave in the first place." He said with a smirk. "No, that's not it." I stuttered and tried explaining myself. "I was ju…just scared." I replied facing down. "No problem. I will sleep in the living room. Go get some sleep. It's late already." He replied and laid back on the couch. "Thanks." I said to him and headed towards my bedroom. I saw my phone on the floor at the back of the couch and hurriedly picked it up. It fell from my hand when those men gripped me. I made sure the door was locked and laid on my bed. I will never forget this night. On this my beloved bed, I was about getting raped by thugs hired by my enemy, Aveira. I don't know why she's doing this because she's well aware that Lucian rejected me and made a mockery of me. He doesn't want me. Then why is she still insecure? I know that Lucian has been behaving strangely after caughting me in bed with his cousin but I will never give in to him. I don't like Lucian anymore. I don't have feelings for him like I do. I wouldn't want to make a mockery of myself again. I guess Aveira just wants me out of the way simply because I'm his Mate. She doesn't want to drag Lucian with anybody and I don't want him anymore either. How I wish she knew that. I'm acquainted with Alpha Gunner and I've lost interest in Lucian. I picked up my phone and switched it on. Missed calls! There were missed calls from Gunner. I yawned tiredly and stared at my phone with blurry vision. I can't call him back tonight. I'm really tired. I will call him in the morning, early in the morning and tell him I slept off. I won't tell him what happens because it can create more enmity between him and Lucian. I suspect they both don't favor each other and I have no intentions of fueling their problems. My alarm rang out. I stood up and switched it off. It's 6AM in the morning. I yawned and made my way into the bathroom. I took out my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. After that, I got into the bathtub and took my bath. I walked out and the time was already 6:30AM. Glad I spent 30 mins in the bathroom. As I creamed my body, I wondered why I slept late last night because I woke up tired. Oh My Goddess…. The rape? Lucian is in the living room. I totally forgot about that. I placed my ear on the door, trying to pick a sound but it was deafening. I hurriedly took my dress and wore it before stepping out of the room. Mm.. The living room was empty. I rushed towards the kitchen but it was empty as well. He left already. I went to check the door and saw it was not bolted. So, he left without informing me. He should have informed me before leaving.. I sighed, displeased with what he did before bolting the door. I walked back to my room and got dressed up for school. I would have loved to see his morning face but…. *Oh, Estina, what are you thinking* My wolf scolds me.
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