Chapter 9: Caught in the act

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Lucifer I looked at Belle like she was crazy, and then I burst out laughing. “What’s so funny?” She asked. “That you think there’s anything else in me, I know where you’re going with this, you think I’m good, that somewhere deep down I’m still pure or have love inside of me. Let me clear that up for you…I don’t.” “I think you do, after all, you weren’t made evil you started off as an Angel.” There it was, like most people when they realised I was an Archangel of heaven once upon a time, she thought I still held some sort of goodness inside of me. I gave her a look of pure hatred, bringing my past up always brought the worst out in me. “Do you realise how evil I must have been for my God who loved me more than the others to cast me out? Don’t pretend to know me, Belle, you know nothing about me except hearsay and made up stories of what ifs and maybes.” Unaffected by my hate filled gaze, she replied, “there are people in the earth realm who claim to follow you and claim you’ve told them you are not evil.” I shook my head at her, “I am telling you right here, and now I am evil, I’ll tell them and show them whatever I need to for my own agendas, but go ahead and believe it all if you like, it won’t end well if you fall for me, I will only cause you heartbreak and misery.” I hoped she bought what I said because the truth was far worse, and I didn’t want to crush her little dreams of heaven and singing angels and all that c.rap. She stopped arguing with me and we finally finished the dinner. We sat down, and I tried the stew and pulled a face. “Something wrong with my cooking? First the porridge I made you and now this.” I looked at Belle over the table, “I’m used to more bloody and fleshly food.” She giggled at my words, and I tried to ignore how cute it sounded. “Oh Lucifer you are funny, be honest now what’s wrong with it?” I dropped the spoon on the table, making it clang loudly and answered, “fine, your food is terrible, you’re a s.hit cook, Belle.” I expected her to yell at me, get angry, cry or something, but she didn’t, she burst into laughter, her eyes sparkling with delight and humour. “I know I am, I’ve never been a good cook, food doesn’t interest me at all but books, however, well, I can read you Charles’s dickens books word for word or Alice in Wonderland, I can fix a torn page and have it look brand new, but that’s where my talent stops, anything other than books I’m not so very good with.” “Hmm,” was my only answer, she looked kind of sad that I didn’t engage with the conversation, but I wasn’t really a small talk kind of demon. I didn’t want to encourage her ideas of me being anything other than what I was. Zatana came in not long after, and I was almost, almost! Glad she came in and broke the awkward silence between us. “Come, my king, we have work to do.” I fought the enchantment just a little, taking my sweet time to get up, she wasn’t a patient woman, so it was worth the pain and struggle just to see her p.issed off face having to wait. She looked at Belle and snapped, “hurry up and finish your food, the cinder needs cleaning, and then you can do the dishes.” I stopped and turned to look at Belle, “wait, you are Belle, right? Everyone’s not going to start calling you Cinderella?” She did that cute giggle again and replied, “of course not, silly, why would people call me Cinderella?” Zatana walked off and called me to follow her. Leaning down to Belles ear, I whispered, “in the realm called earth they have many fairy tales both stories and movies about you and other princesses like Cinderella.” Her wide eyes looked up at me, “about me? My life is a story?” But how?” I fought against the enchantment trying to pull me towards Zatana, “yes, and it’s a little like the magic we have here, except it isn’t wild and free to claim on earth, that realm is a realm without magic, all the magic they have are stored away inside their minds, and they don’t even realise. Every story created from their minds is a little bit of their magic, it comes to life, living inside their hearts, it’s rather a shame they don’t realise the realms like this one that they’ve created.” My lips were against her ear when I whispered those words to her and I got the scent of her hair, cherry blossoms and honey. She was smiling happily after those words, and I was finally forced to follow Zatana, the smell of Belles cherry blossoms and honey hair still with me, I was glad I took away some of her sadness, seeing her smile made me feel better for some reason. As soon as I thought that, I quickly shoved it away, I didn’t even allow myself to question why I felt those feelings. I would never love her that much, I was certain of. Anyway, it was Hecate I wanted, Belle hadn’t been completely wrong in my feelings for the wild Goddess. I followed Zatana into her spell room and saw dark brown shelves of potions and crystals and herbs, looking at the other shelf I saw it stacked with spell books. The matching brown wooden table she worked at was a mess, three bowls were there still filled with whatever s.hit she had filled them with, I noticed the necklace on the side too, but it wasn’t just a necklace, it had a spirit bound to it. Objects could be used as vessels to bind spirits to, but usually the practitioner had enough respect to allow them to come and go and still live their life on the otherside, for some reason, some spirits enjoyed bonding with a human but Zatana had bound this spirit so tightly it was forced to stay trapped here. I noticed the spirit watching me, she was bright and glittering to look upon, a soft hue of yellow surrounded her and her wings were a pale green, her hair was Ruby red and tied into some complicated looking updo and all she wore was a short lilac dress, her skin was also a pale green, and she was beautiful which surprised me because she was a tree fairy, they were beautiful when In nature, but they became hideous and ferocious creatures when starved of nature, I was surprised because it meant Zatana had been keeping this fairy close to nature. I tripped over the small cauldron she had lying on the floor and looking around I muttered, “sheesh, desperate much.” “Don’t mock me demon, you may be a king, but here you are nothing more than my possession.” I rolled my eyes at that and looked back at the fairy, I assumed she kept silent because Zatana had a way to communicate with the spirit world, she looked scared, and I was going to ask Zatana why she had a fairy, but the fairy quickly waved her hands at me and mouthed, “no, please don’t tell her You can see me.” “What are you looking at?” Zatana snapped at me. I casually looked at her and shrugged, “nothing, I was just daydreaming about the beautiful ways I will t.orture you when I’m free.” She laughed at that, and then her face grew serious. “Come, we have work to do.” Of all the reasons she could have wanted to summon the king of hell, and she chose to use me to help her make some simple hex potions and small curses. She cleared up the table when we were done, and then she sat on the edge of it, “come here,” she purred. Ugh, I reluctantly moved towards her until I was a hairbreadth from touching her. She pulled me so that I was between her legs and she wrapped them around my waist, her hands lacing behind my neck. She trailed soft kisses along my neck, and the only thing stopping me from retching was thinking it was Hecate instead. She unbuttoned my shirt and threw it to the floor. “You truly are divine to look upon,” she breathed. She ran her fingers lightly along my muscled arms and whispered, “f.uck me, king, I want you to f.uck me like the beast you are.” I rose an eyebrow at that, I could use that to my advantage. I slid her dress up around her waist so it was out of the way and ripped her underwear off, I slammed into her so hard she gasped in pain. I thought that would end things, but she moaned for me to be harder, so I had my way with her as hard and as rough as I could, taking all my rage out on her through s.ex. She was spilling over into ecstasy when I looked up, sweat sheening my body, and I saw Belle. She had been on her way up to her room, and now she was sat staring in shock at me mounting her stepmother furiously. Normally, eyes watching would turn me on, but I didn’t want Belle seeing me doing something so vulgar. I stopped moving and blushing furiously, she quickly wheeled herself away. Zatana was catching her breath underneath me and I asked, “can I go now.” I didn’t even care about having to lower myself to asking permission. She nodded dreamily, and I did my trousers back up and rushed off to find Belle.
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