Chapter 10: wicked words

1349 Words
Arabella I quickly rushed to my room, I couldn’t believe I’d just witnessed two people having s.ex and not just any people, my stepmother and Lucifer. I was mortified for interrupting such a thing, and there was also a small pang of longing, surely I wasn’t falling for a beast? The more time I spent with Lucifer, the more he seemed less of a beast to me. He could deny it all he wanted, but there was a good person underneath all those horror stories, I’d seen it. I was taking off my shoes when he came in a few minutes later, his hair was more of a tousled mess than usual and his chest was sheened with sweat. I quickly averted my gaze, I think somehow the messy hair and sweat glistening upon his chest somehow added to his already overly perfect attractiveness. “I’m sorry you had to see that.” His deep rumbling voice angered me for a moment, and then I let go of the anger, it wasn’t his fault I was developing some silly crush on him after all. “You can do whatever you like, it’s fine.” “I did not want to do that, I didn’t really have any choice in the matter.” I looked at him sadly, and he came and just dropped to the floor in front of me with his legs crossed. “Don’t look at me like that, I’m a big boy I can handle the likes of Zatana, I just didn’t want you to see me act so indecently.” “Why do you care what I think?” I hadn’t meant for the hint of annoyance to come out in my tone, he snapped, “I don’t give a damn what you think of me, I just wanted to make sure your innocent little vanilla mind wasn’t broken after seeing such sinful things.” He got up and slammed the door to the adjoining bathroom open and then walking inside he slammed it shut again. I hadn’t meant to anger him, I left him to hopefully calm down and got into my bed clothes. Once in bed I fell asleep quickly and didn’t wake until the middle of the night, I needed to go to the toilet, but sitting up awkwardly I saw Lucifer asleep in my wheelchair again, his legs up on my bed. His hair was still wet and messy from his bath. For a moment, I simply watched him sleep, he was so beautiful, it made me want to cry for what he had become. He had such perfectly full kissable lips that for a second, I felt myself lean forward, I quickly sat back and put a hand to my mouth in surprise at such unladylike manners. Somehow, while sleeping he looked even more perfect, maybe it was because he was asleep and not there to stare back and make me blush, here I could look at every detail of his face uninterrupted. I didn’t want to be creepy, so I forced myself to stop staring and slid myself over to him, gently I shook him until he groggily opened his eyes. “Hmm?” “Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom.” He dropped his feet to the floor and sat up straighter in my wheelchair. He ran a hand over his face and through his hair, and then he stood up, with no warning, he picked me up so that I was cradled in his arms like a baby. “Lucifer! Put me down!” He ignored me and started walking towards the bathroom, when we were inside, he sat me on the side of the counter with my body now against his for support, and hooking one arm around my waist, he lifted me enough to slide my underwear down. I slapped at his arms, but he simply ignored me and then sat me roughly on the toilet. “Why didn’t you let me use my wheelchair?” I snapped, more breathlessly than anything. “Why bother with that at this time of night? It’s much quicker if I just carry you to the bathroom. You’re welcome.” He slammed the door, annoyed with me. I waited a while, and then I went to the toilet. When I was done, I cursed under my breath, what did I do now? Did I call for him after upsetting him when he had only tried to help me? Had he gone back to sleep? I was too afraid to call out for help and risk him ignoring me, so I used my hands and the strength in my arms to very awkwardly get down on the floor. It took a while, but I got myself decent with my underwear pulled back up and straightened my nightie as best I could. I started using my hands to slide myself backwards towards the door, reaching up I opened it and pulled myself out about halfway when I looked up to see Lucifer looking at me like I was a crazy person. “What the f.uck are you doing?” “I wasn’t sure if you went back to sleep,” I replied meekly. He looked at me with a bewildered expression on his face and then mumbled, “you are such an i.diot.” He picked me up and carried me back to bed, and I was surprised at how gently he put me down unlike on the toilet. “Thank you.” “Sure.” “Why do you do that?” He sat back in my wheelchair before looking at me and answering, “do what?” “You shrug off any gratitude, and you hate when anyone says something kind about you.” He ignored the gratitude part and said, “because I’m not kind.” “Yes you are, you were kind to me just now.” He grew uncomfortable and muttered, “just go the f.uck to sleep.” “Not until you answer me.” He leaned forward with his forearms resting on his knees and stared wrathfully at me. “I simply thought it would be much quicker, any acts of kindness you think I’m doing I assure you I am not, do not mistake any gentlemanly or courteous acts as kindness, I am the king of hell where respect is demanded and not just to me. I can demand respect and manners and also show respect and manners, that is all.” I didn’t know what showed on my face but like an afterthought he added, “you were right too, I do have feelings for Hecate, I wish to get back to her and admit my feelings for her, so don’t go thinking I hold any for you because I don’t.” I blushed and whispered, “of course not, why would I think you have feelings for me?” I’d never seen him be cruel or nasty before, but it was as if he were trying to really drive it into me that he was not a good man. He sneered with contempt and answered, “it’s obvious you want me to, the way you look at me and the way you are always trying to see the best in me when there is no best to be found. I can’t help you with your curse even if I wanted to, and I don’t, I suppose I am prideful after all, I would never lower myself to falling for a human, least of all a disabled one who is pretty at best but not much else and certainly wouldn’t survive a day in my kingdom.” If he wanted to carve out my heart with his words, it worked, tears slid down my face and I whispered into the darkness, “I don’t care what you or anyone thinks of me, but there is no need for your cruel and wicked words you horrible beast!” I turned away from him, laying down and cried silently into my pillow.
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