Chapter 19: worthy of you

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Lucifer I was surprised as f.uck when Belle had kissed me, it made much more sense when I realised she was somewhat drunk, I’d be having words with Dagon about that. I had meant everything I said to her, even if she had been sober, I didn’t want to have s.ex with her. The whole kink thing with Hecate was fun and when Belle first kissed me, I thought it could be a reality, but something about the kiss was different. I felt things that not even Hecate made me feel. Even looking like Belle, the difference was incredible, I knew now that if anyone were to try and trick me into believing they were Belle I would know in an instant with a simple kiss. Hecate could dress herself up as Belle all she liked, but she would never be Belle. Everything about Belle was soft and delicate and kind and sweet, I don’t know how, but she seemed to pour that into everything she did, including her kisses, apparently. When fooling around with Hecate I thought I had meant the things I’d said about Belle but after that kiss, well, now I knew I was wrong. I didn’t want to f.uck Belle, I would want to do more gentle things, things that she deserved, make love to her because that’s what she deserved, someone to love her, be gentle with her, show her the same kindness she showed everyone else. I wasn’t that person, I was not kind or good. I watched her face fall at my rejection, and I tried to ignore the feelings it triggered seeing her look so sad. Did I have feelings for Belle? Pfft, of course not, I was simply being a good friend. I helped her into bed and then sat in her wheelchair. “What are you doing?” She mumbled sleepily. “Hecate broke my f.ucking bed, I’ll fix it tomorrow.” She giggled and replied, “I’m pretty sure it was you who broke it.” “F.uck me, Belle, how much did you see?” She hid behind the covers. “Enough.” “Yeah, well, let’s just blame Hecate. Go to sleep.” I pulled out my phone, I liked these devices, they were fun for when I was bored or had nothing to do. Belle stared at it in fascination and asked, “what is that?” I rose my eyebrows at her and replied, “it’s a phone, you can watch stuff on it, you can even have people read stories to you.” She smiled in excitement at that. Sighing I got up and moved her so that she was lying on her side, climbing into the bed with her back leaning against my chest, I slipped my arm under her head and draped my other over her, she was encircled between my arms while I used the phone. “Here look.” I showed her some apps that had movies on. “Wow, that’s incredible,” she whispered, her eyes unable to move away from the screen. I let the movie play until I was sure she was asleep, and then I turned it off. I dropped the phone and left my arm around her waist, Pfft I was too tired to move it ok. I hoped Belle would be drunk enough not to remember anything in the morning. Yeah, no, she remembered, when morning came I woke to her shoving me roughly. “Lucifer Morningstar, you vulgar beast!” “Wha—?” I mumbled. “The things you did with Hecate while she looked like me!” I sat up groggily and held a finger up, “hey, one, you shouldn’t have been spying on us and two, do you remember throwing yourself at me afterwards?” Her hands went to her mouth and her eyes widened as she remembered everything. “Oh my goodness, I’m a terrible person! Poor Hecate, poor you! I’m so sorry!” “Don’t worry about Hecate, she would have enjoyed seeing that play out.” “Lucifer!” “What? She would have.” I got up and asked, “do you want breakfast?” “Yes please.” “Ok, give me a sec to get dressed.” “You are dressed.” I looked down at my messy shirt and trousers. “Uh, yeah, but I’m the the king of hell, so I can’t walk around in my bed clothes or wrinkled clothing.” “Oh, of course,” she laughed, and then she grew nervous. “What’s wrong?” “Well, I saw yesterday how Hecate was respectful to you In front of the others, and she even curtsied you, am I supposed to do all those things? Will I be punished if I don’t?” I couldn’t help but laugh, but I controlled myself enough to answer, “you’re fine, quit worrying so much.” I went to my room and got ready, when I went back to Belle I was wearing a white shirt, the first few buttons left undone, the buttons were gold, and the shirt had a few patterns of embroidered gold. I wore medieval ankle trousers, they were loose enough up top for if I needed to fight comfortably, and they cuffed more tightly around the ankles, I wore black combat boots, the trousers tucked into them and rolling the arms of the sleeves up to my elbows I was ready enough. I found some clothes for Belle and when I turned around, she held a white rose out to me. “I forgot to give you this, I found them outside, there were so many colors. This one reminded me of you for some reason.” Smiling, I said, “so you are worthy of me?” “What do you mean?” “To give me a white rose means you think you are worthy of me and my love.” She blushed and quickly gave me the blue one. I smiled more and took the rose, “and this one means unrequited love, are you in love with me Belle?” I was only teasing, but I was surprised when she simply went quiet and dropped her gaze, even with her dark skin I knew she was blushing hard. I cleared my throat awkwardly and said, “uh, anyway, let’s go and have that breakfast.” I wheeled her out and to the hall again, and she seemed even more excited than yesterday. She looked at all the food, pancakes, scrambled eggs, toast, fruit, you name it we had it, it was all laid out for everyone to help themselves and I wheeled Belle to the same spot as yesterday. Dagon was already sat down and grabbing his arm I dragged him up and along with us. “You and me need a word.” “Aww, come on, can’t it wait until I’ve eaten?” “No.” I left Belle to help herself to the food and dragged Dagon to a quiet corner. “You let Belle get drunk yesterday.” “Sorry but hey that girl really loved the stuff, I told her to ease up, but she didn’t listen.” “She thought it was f.ucking juice, i.diot.” “Sorry?” I rolled my eyes, “go back and f.ucking eat.” “You know king, Belles right, your language is pretty foul.” He ran before I could respond to that, sarcastic p.rick was just as bad, we all were. I went back and joined Belle, she looked cute in the yellow dress. “Enjoying yourself?” I grinned. She nodded smiling and when she had swallowed her food she said, “oh, it’s my father’s anniversary today, every year I hold his picture frame and dance, he loved to dance and as a little girl, he would hold me and waltz me around the room. Do you have a private place where I might do this with some music?” “Sure, but how do you dance?” I didn’t mean for it to come out so bluntly, but she laughed at my expression. “Relax Lucifer, my stepmother used a spell so that I could use my legs, it didn’t last very long, but it was enough.” “Wait what? Your witch b.itch actually did something kind?” “I know, it’s strange, I don’t know why, perhaps she simply felt some kind of guilt.” I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of it before, but I said, “there is a spell I can do for you, it’s not permanent, but it will give you twelve hours.” She looked at me in awe, “twelve hours? My stepmothers only worked for two at most. Twelve hours, I can’t even imagine what that would be like, the things I could do in that time.” “Well, mine is a powerful one, it will require something you may not like.” “What?” “You need to drink some of my blood.”
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