Chapter 18: Glamour and Lust

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Arabella Dagon wheeled me out of the hall and led us down some hallways until we reached the main entrance. The big arched shaped door was beautiful, made of strong wood. It had intricate silver vine patterns running through it, flecks of gold ran through the wood like the dinner hall table had. I hadn’t been able to decide what to do so Dagon had said he would give me a tour of the place, the nicer areas thankfully. When we got outside I looked up to see a lilac cosmic sky above it was so beautiful, the moon glowed a soft turquoise in color. I gasped when I saw a dragon fly by us, Dagon laughed and said, “don’t worry, you’ll see a lot of dragons here, not quite as big and magnificent as our king though.” “Are they demons too?” He laughed again. “No, they are real dragons but still very intelligent and wise, they can choose to appear in human form if they wish, but their dragon form is their true form.” I watched people milling about living their lives just like the people in my town, homes, and buildings surrounded the area, the floor was made of sand and dirt, no concrete here. “These are people?” “Yes, some people prefer to spend their afterlife here with us rather than another God or Goddess, everyone has their own preference.” “And they can just choose?” “Of course, you all have free will but once you make the choice you can’t change it, you may leave and travel and explore, but your home will remain permanently here with Lucifer or which ever other God you choose.” Hmm, so I was right, there was more to Lucifer than some evil incarnate that he kept trying to convince me that he was. I watched in wonder as a brilliantly white horse with a horn and wings trotted by, followed by another that was jet black in color. We were outside for a while and came upon some roses, roses of every color. “May I?” I gestured towards them and Dagon shrugged, “sure, go for it.” I picked a beautiful white one, a yellow one and a blue one, I avoided the pretty purple one it reminded me too much of the cursed rose my stepmother had mentioned. After a while, Dagon wheeled me back inside when another demon came over to him. “Dagon, I need your help with someone who won’t take no for an answer about entering our realm.” Dagon turned to me, “you’ll be alright to take yourself to your room won’t you? It’s next door to Lucifer’s.” I nodded, and he rushed off with the other demon. I wheeled myself to the room, and it was beautiful, chandeliers hung from the ceiling, the floor was white marble with rose gold veins running through it. A big golden rug lay on top, the bed was made up with white, rose gold and gray covers. A white canopy was delicately tied back around it. It was a beautiful and feminine room, even the drawers were made of glass in a rose gold color. I wondered why that color was familiar, and then I remembered the flecks of rose gold that ran through Lucifer’s eyes. There was a door at the other end, so I went to open it, assuming it was the bathroom. It was not. I had done it again. This room was an adjoining room, and I’d opened up the door to Lucifer’s bedroom. Hecate was naked and at the edge of the bed with Lucifer between her legs leaning on his hands above her. Thankfully, they weren’t making love yet. They were kissing when Hecate pulled away and murmured, “my dear, you don’t seem quite as enthusiastic as you usually are.” “I am,” Lucifer answered and leaned down to kiss her again. She pulled away after a while and smiled knowingly at him. “I know what it is, or rather who it is.” When he only frowned at her in confusion, she said, “it’s that sweet wheelchair girl isn’t it, what is it you call her? Belle?” “I don’t give a s.hit about Belle.” She laughed at his answer and replied, “the more defensive you are the more I know you’re not being honest with yourself, I’ve known you a long time Lucifer it’s ok to be attracted to a human.” “She’s ok to look at, I suppose.” They were discussing me? I should leave them to their privacy, but I was too curious about what else they would say. “Let’s make it fun.” Hecate grinned, and then she wasn’t Hecate anymore, she was me. Somehow she had glamoured herself to look like me without needing to chant a spell or anything, I suppose she was the Goddess for witchcraft after all.” Lucifer went to move away, but she pulled him back. It was unnerving seeing myself so…confident and seductive. “Enjoy the fantasy,” she whispered. “Tell me what you would want to do to Belle, make sweet love?” He shook his head no, his gaze trailing over her. She hadn’t seen all of my body, so she didn’t have the scars that covered mine. He moved between her legs again and kissing his way along her neck, he mumbled, “I would f.uck her hard.” Another kiss along her neck. “And fast.” He reached her lips and she whispered, “what else?” “I would f.uck her until she begs me to stop.” “And would you?” “No, I’d keep f.ucking her until she’s begging me to make her come on my c.ock.” He slammed himself inside of Hecate, and she moaned in pleasure. He had his way with her extremely rough, so much so that the frame of the bed he had been holding on to broke, the whole thing collapsing onto the bed, neither of them cared. “Would you come inside of sweet Belle?” “If she’s a good girl, yes, I’ll spill my seed inside of her.” I clasped a hand over my mouth when I made a sound, but they were much too interested in their own pleasures to notice me. I shut the door and moved away from it. I was a virgin, of course and I had never felt what I was feeling right now, I think I had enjoyed watching them. I quickly slammed that thought away and shook myself out it. I went over to the drawers wondering if there were any clothes inside and there were. I pulled out a pale pink mesh nightie that stopped at my ankles once I had it on. I was deep in thought afterward and dared to wonder if perhaps Lucifer did have some sort of feelings for me after all? Perhaps it was simply lust, maybe I was just someone he was interested in spending a night with for the experience? I worried that maybe I was too prude for him, did I have to be a little more forward? I didn’t know. An hour later Lucifer Knocked the door and came in, his hair was wet and tousled from a shower and cleaning up, no doubt. I blushed as he walked over to me. “Where’s Dagon?” He asked. “He had to help another demon with something.” “I f.ucking told him to look after you.” “Lucifer, language, and he did look after me.” He looked me over as if he were making sure I didn’t have any bruises or something, I laughed, and he frowned at me. “What?” “You don’t need to worry so much, I’m fine.” I took his hand and gently moved him until he was sat on the edge of the bed, I needed to try something brave for once. Ignoring the heat in my cheeks and the possibility of fainting from kissing such a beautiful being, I leaned in and pressed my lips against his softly. He jerked back in surprise. “Belle, I thought I told you—“ I cut him off, “I know you don’t love me.” “So now you’re happy to just f.uck me?” I shrugged and smiled. He narrowed his eyes at me, but he didn’t pull away when I pulled him back towards my lips. I kissed him softly, and slowly he kissed me back until our mouths were opening and closing against one another delicately and sweet. We kissed like that for a while and when I went to unbutton his shirt, he gently pulled my hands away and placed them in my lap. He broke the kiss and moved back. “What’s wrong?” I asked, my voice a little breathy. “I don’t want to kiss.” “Ok, let’s make love.” His eyes widened in surprise, and he gave a soft laugh, “are you drunk? Did Dagon give you anything to drink?” I frowned trying to think back and replied, “he gave me a drink yes, it was a lovely blue color and tasted sweet like berries.” He laughed and answered, “Ah, he got you drunk on dragon’s wine.” “I’m not drunk, I don’t feel dizzy or anything.” “You wouldn’t, it’s designed to not give you the unpleasant effects.” I reached out to him again, and he smiled gently at me. “I don’t want to have s.ex with you, Belle.” My heart deflated, and I whispered, “because I’m too ugly?” He leaned his forearms on his legs, leaning forward so that we were eye level and gently cupped my chin between his thumb and finger, he lifted my eyes up to meet his. “No that’s not why, I like Hecate, remember?” I slammed my hands to my mouth in horror, dread filling me. I had been so wrapped up in my own feelings and thoughts that I had forgotten about her for a moment. “Oh, what a terrible person I am! I am so sorry.” He laughed and said, “it’s fine, if anything I think she would certainly enjoy watching us.” I remembered them and blurted out, “yes, I saw you two making love, she looked like me, that’s why I thought you would want to make love to me.” He lost the humor and became almost defensive. “One, I don’t make love, I f.uck. Two, what you saw doesn’t mean anything, we were both turned on and in a k.inky mood, that is all, it meant nothing, do you understand?” I nodded slowly, and he snapped, “I mean it Belle, it could have been anyone, we’ve done it before, sometimes she gets off on the thrill of me f.ucking someone else in a fantasy. That’s all that was.” “Ok.” I may not have felt dizzy, but I did feel somewhat out of control and I found myself leaning forward and kissing him again. He didn’t move away, but he didn’t kiss me back either. “Belle,” he murmured against my lips. “Mmm?” I kept kissing him, I felt like I could kiss him forever, he was so beautiful, I felt so lucky. I tried unbuttoning his shirt again and he again, stopped me. “No, Belle.” “Why?” He cupped my face in his hands gently and made eye contact. I had never heard him talk so gently before, almost sweet. “I will not take advantage of your drunkenness, and even if you weren’t drunk, I wouldn’t.” “Why?” That time It sounded almost like a whine. He smiled sweetly at me and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear that had escaped my braid. “I just think it would mean something a little more to you.” “And it wouldn’t to you?” He shook his no softly.
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