Chapter 17

2529 Words

Chapter 17 Sin “What did you do when she confronted you?” I asked Bridget. We had our coffee in front of us, and she enlightened me on her experience dealing with Joe’s scorned lovers before they had become mates. Joe was far from a boy scout and indulged in various s****l experiences before he settled down with Bridget at twenty-five. Unfortunately, because of all of his endeavors before their meeting, a few she-wolves caused many problems and created discord between Joe and Bridget before she could fully trust him. “I didn’t want to do anything. She was the third woman to confront me about how she was once Joe’s lover. She said I wouldn’t amount to her regarding Joe’s affection, and I was just so discontented with all his past bed-warmers antagonizing me. I was so exhausted and was no

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