Chapter 16

3018 Words

Chapter 16 Mikey “Yeah, don’t worry about it.” “Thank you, Mr. Rays. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my resignation. I was told that since I was accepting the severance package, I wasn’t permitted to tell anyone about it.” “It’s all good, Jackie. That Keith guy said many things that weren’t correct and lied to you. He’s been removed from his position and the company. So, if you’re up for it, I would love for you to return.” “I would love that as well. When should I return?” “Yesterday.” “Hahaha, okay. I will let my partner know I will return to work tomorrow. Thank you again, Mr. Rays.” “No, thank you, Jackie. I’ll see you in the morning.” “Yes. Goodbye.” “Bye.” I hung up the phone and sat back, sighing deeply. I got a hold of Jackie and explained everything to her. Thankfully,

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