A Bumpy Ride

1660 Words
"I demand an apology." Natalie folds her arms and quirks an eyebrow in Brendan's direction. They are in the principal's office and Natalie is determined to make Brendan pay for his assault on her lips. She made sure to cry all she could back on the rooftop just so she didn't break down in this particular meeting. In all her years at Blackwood, she has never been summoned to the principal's office on disciplinary issues and she is not about to start now. She made sure to let them know it was entirely Brendan's fault and luckily for her they believed her. Whether it was because of her clean disciplinary record or something else she didn't care as long as she is in the clear. "I'm sorry okay." A cocky smile crosses her offender's lips while he lays back comfortably in his seat. "In front of the whole school." She retorts. "Not happening." He gets up not caring that his father and the principal are in the office.  Natalie however is not having it and she tries to block his way but she trips and falls into his arms. "Back for some more?" Brendan smiles smugly at her and she curses herself mentally when she feels herself blush. "In your dreams." She wiggles out of his hold and glares at him but he just smirks and blows her a kiss. "That can be arranged." He winks at her and Natalie swears someone just increased the room's temperature.  "If you are quite done with your little lover's squabble, I would love to settle this matter quickly." Mr. Bachmann's calm but intimidating voice makes them turn towards him and Natalie is so embarrassed she wishes the ground would swallow her. The man is sitting right across her principal in a very domineering manner, and though she is not one to cower she finds herself being wary of him. "It's no lover's squabble sir, I assure you." She steps away from Brendan while she makes sure her hair is in place. "Ouch you wound me my love." Brendan's words make her cringe and she turns and glares at him but he just smirks which infuriates her even more.  "Take that you...you. " She gives him a hard kick and he cries out in pain but she just smirks and turns back to his father who looks amused. "Sorry about that sir." She says while she tries to maintain a straight face. "It's quite alright Miss...?" "Miss Brown, sir." She replies, strangely feeling proud of her father's name. "I think he deserved that." Mr. Bachmann says and Natalie is surprised that he took her side.  "Now back to why we are here." Mr. Bachmann turns to their principal who has been quietly observing everything up until now. "Yes please. I do apologise for disturbing your schedule again." The principal turns to Mr. Bachmann who just waves him to go on. "However our no touching or rather kissing policy is quite serious and seeing that your son is the offender, it could not be avoided." Natalie takes a deep breath at that. It's a good thing they agreed to have this meeting without her father. Well..after she convinced everyone that there was really no need because she was the victim.  "In normal circumstances, we would be looking at suspension." The principal goes on while Natalie eyes Brendan who appears disinterested in whatever is being said. "But as already discussed, detention for Mr. Bachmann junior here will have to do." Natalie chuckles at the principal calling him Bachmann junior. She catches him glaring at the principal and she swears he looks cute. She averts her eyes before her mind wanders away. "He is going to do it." Mr. Bachmann gets up as he buttons up his jacket. "And I expect a full report, right Miss Brown?" "Yes sir...wait what, what report?" Natalie looks at him confused. "I can only trust you to do it. I know my son too well. The man says while a hint of a smile tugs at his lips. "But I'm not even part of Blackwood's staff. I'm just a student as he is." She protests. "That should not be a problem, right Mr. Smith?" Mr. Bachmann turns to the principal who nods in agreement leaving her beyond surprised.  "Of course one of our members of staff will definitely oversee but if you think Miss Brown's input will be beneficial, we can integrate it into her program. I'm quite aware of her schedule that if I do say so myself, will do Mr. Bachmann junior, some good." This time she doesn't even find any amusement in Brendan being referred to as Bachmann junior. She wanted him to pay for assaulting her, not have him hang around her during her time in school. Unconsciously she looks his way and finds him grinning from ear to ear and she blushes instantly.  "No no no no...oh no." You have to find somebody else. Her eyes switch between Mr. Bachmann and the principal who seems to be smiling in his seat. "Please." She even tries her puppy dog eyes look, hoping they can spare her this headache. Being around the self proclaimed jerk will definitely ruin her entire year even if detention will be for only a few weeks. "Alright let's do this then. Internship." His father stretches his hands towards her and her eyes widen. The most important person in their city is offering her his hand and she doesn't know what to do. "Internship?" She is not sure she heard him correctly either. "Yes. This is your senior year right?"  "Y...yes" she replies nervously, wondering how he knew. "If you do this you have a guaranteed spot in my company. Internship and a job after college graduation" "What?" Both she and Brendan exclaim at his father's offer. Her eyes are as wide as saucers. She can't believe he is actually offering… "A job? You are offering me a job? As in your very company?" She asks, shocked. "You can't be serious dad." Brendan seems to be awake now, which is very surprising. "Of course you would have to pass with flying colours first, which as I have been reliably informed is not a problem for you." The man turns to his son looking displeased. "B...But." "No buts." The man raises his hand to keep her from saying anymore. "If it makes you feel better, take this as an official recommendation from your principal here. You do know my company always has two slots for the best graduating students each year right?" "Yes sir." She replies. Of course she knows all about their program and until now she could only dream about taking one of those slots. Her whole body is covered in goosebumps. Talk about an opportunity falling in one's laps. "Please Natalie, we both know you were going to end up taking one of those slots anyway."  She finds her principal looking at her proudly and she feels a little warm liquid fill up her eyes. All she has ever done is work hard and she didn't realise someone was watching. All she did was focus on her prize but she didn't realise her dedication would pave an even easier route to get there. "Not a problem then sir." Natalie replies, her voice a little shaky. The turn of events has left her overwhelmed. "Then welcome to the Bachmann group." The man extends his hand and this time she is quick to take it. "Can I get that in writing?" She asks nervously.  "I like you already." The man laughs. "You do?" Brendan's surprised tone makes everyone turn to him. His eyes are on his father, clearly shocked by his decision. "What's not to like?" His father smirks before walking out finally but stops by the door and turns to Natalie. "Expect an email from my firm, and don't worry Miss Brown, you will get your apology." He smiles at his son before the two walk out. She almost wanted to say forget the apology but the man was already gone. "That went well, wouldn't you say." The principal's voice makes Natalie turn to him.  "Yeah…" She answers, before slumping in the chair that's closest to her. She is obviously still in shock. If she wasn't in the company of someone else in the room she would have probably pinched herself to confirm she is not dreaming. Her head feels like it will blow up any second. It's only been the first day but she feels like she has gone through every emotion known to man. "We'll do well to inform your dad too." Her principal's voice brings her out of her thoughts. "Sure." She nods.  "Though I hate to inform you that I will have to let him know of the other prevailing circumstances too." The principal says and she grimaces. She is not even sure how her father will react to all of this, but at least she is glad she won't be the one breaking the news to him. "This is not just another rich man's ploy to keep his son out of trouble right?" She narrows her eyes at her principal who just bursts out laughing. "You do need to have more confidence in your abilities Miss Brown. Besides that, Mr. Bachmann is very sure you are going to be a positive influence on his son which I must say even I do agree." Natalie swallows nervously. The weight that has been put on her shoulders suddenly weighs heavier after hearing the confidence in her principal's words. "I will try my best." She croaks out, unsure of how she is going to survive the next few weeks with the cocky, self proclaimed god of Blackwood high. Not to mention his clueless cheerleaders that are sure going to make her life a living hell. She sighs, suddenly feeling defeated. It's definitely going to be a bumpy ride.
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