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"Ava, will you pay attention for once." Natalie huffs in frustration at her best friend who is acting nothing like it at the moment. "Am sorry Nat but just look at it. You guys are perfect, so adorable. If I didn't know better I would say you are definitely in love." Ava holds her phone in front of her and she just rolls her eyes at the gadget. The picture of her and Brendan in a fierce lip lock on the screen just makes her want to disappear every time she looks at it. "I should leave you alone more often." Ava stares dreamily into space. "Will you put that away." Natalie tries to cover the screen before anyone around them sees it. The assembly hall is already full and chances that a stray eye would see the picture too is high. "Oh please, everyone has already seen it. What did it say on his fan page again?" Ava scrolls through what Natalie assumes is her social media feed. "Ah, here it is. The king and the maid. Someone is definitely pulling out their hairs for not being the ones in this lip lock." Ava laughs. "Ava! You know it's not funny. My best friend is supposed to be comforting me." Natalie says, a pout on her lips. "Look am so sorry that you got your first kiss." Ava finally looks at her amused. "I didn't get it. It was stolen from me." Natalie retorts. "Whatever. But if you ask me I'd say about time too." "What?" Natalie's jaw drops. And to think that she thought Ava was supposed to hold her hand while she cried her eyes out. "And what an epic way to get your first kiss. Stolen by the gods." Ava is back to her dreamy self. "Ava!" "I mean, have you seen those lips...aaah. Lord why don't such things ever happen to me?" Natalie looks at her best friend in disbelief. She didn't think that all her earlier fussing about wanting to see her was only so that she could confirm what she saw on her social media. When Natalie expected her to comfort her, Ava has spent her time day dreaming about being kissed by any of the other elites. Natalie finally gives up and goes to check on her revised calender schedule. She has had enough drama for the day and she just wants to move onto something productive. Even though that is proving to be difficult with every person around her reminding her of what she wants to forget. Her usually quiet days around Blackwood high are now filled with whispers behind her back and glares from every female she comes across. With some trying to intimidate her for it but luckily she is not so easily intimidated. She learnt earlier how mean high school can be and she decided never to be at the bottom of the food chain to be trampled on by those who preyed on such kids. Even though she hasn't used that until now. Now that everyone seems to remember her face clearly just because of one insufferable human being. She sighs loudly before dropping her head back on her seat. She already misses the days she was invisible around school. It's been a few hours already but her news about the unfortunate kiss is still burning like a forest wild fire on a really hot day. She had to borrow Ava's hood just to remain a little hidden from everyone who seems to have had their hearts pierced by her kiss with Brendan. She rolls her eyes again at the thought of how clueless and useless many of the girls around her school can be. She honestly doesn't get what all their fuss about the elites is all about. The guys have got the looks yes, but that is all. They have nothing else to offer aside from their arrogance. She on the other prefers looking beyond looks. She would rather connect on an emotional level with that sensitive guy who would care if she was having a crappy day. It doesn't take her long from there to slip into one of her usual day dreams about her perfect guy. Some one simple, who cares more about others than spend his time wanting to be worshiped by people he doesn't even know. Preferably a book worm or nerd like herself. Someone she can have to herself and not worry he would be snatched away the moment she is not looking. "Not some self conceited, insufferable, arrogant…" she finds herself saying when a certain handsome face flashes in her mind. "Are you dreaming about you know who already?" Natalie opens her eyes and finds a very amused Ava looking at her. "I am not!" She retorts. "Then why did you spend the last couple of minutes cursing the poor guy to hell?" Natalie just bites her lips before looking around. She didn't realise she was loud enough to be heard by anyone. But luckily it seems aside from Ava, no one else heard her runt. They all seem to swallowed up in one thing or another. "Because he is a jerk, that's why." She replies with a huff making Ava laugh. "And why is this damn assembly taking so long?" She asks no one in particular. "That's a first. Someone did really get your pants in a twist. Never knew you to be like the rest of us for wanting it to end quickly." Ava is right. She loved assemblies and listening to their superiors talk about their academic year, but not today. She is too distracted to care or maybe she just wants some peace and quiet to herself. Without having people around her who are wishing for her death. "Did you say he was going to apologise?" Ava suddenly asks. "Yes, why?" "Because I think you are just about to be apologised to." Ava says with a grin making Natalie whip her head towards the front. She finds Brendan walking towards Mr. Smith. His shoulders look a bit slumped and Natalie smiles to herself. "Serves you right." She mouths to him even though he is not looking her way. She feels some form of satisfaction at his look of defeat as he comes up to the microphone. She folds her arms and waits for his apology that she is sure he is dreading making. The audience has gone extremely quiet. Which is very surprising that they would do it for him and not their superiors. When he looks up though, his eyes land directly on her and she feels her heart skip a beat. "How did he know where I would be sitting?" She thinks to herself. And as if he can get her confusion he smirks. His arrogant self shinning ever so brightly forth and Natalie realizes too late that his look of defeat was all an act. "I apologise for giving Miss Brown here her very first and definitely sensual kiss." "What no!" Natalie exclaims from her seat while the audience erupts in fits of laughter. She feels like she is going to die of embarrassment any second. Whatever possessed her to ask for a public apology. She regrets not accepting the one he offered in the Principal's office. How did she forget that between him and her she would most likely take the nasty fall. "How the hell did he know he was my first kiss? And did he have to announce it to the whole world." She glares at Brendan who just smirks and winks at her and she wishes she could send him six feet under. Instead of apologising, he is deliberately embarrassing and mocking her at the same time. She should have known the jerk was just going to make everything worse for her. She doesn't even dare to look around. She must be receiving countless numbers of glares, sneers and death threats already. So much for not wanting to be in the spotlight. Not only is she in the spotlight now, but she just managed to put a target on her back too. "Mr. Bachmann, if you are quite done with your theatrics I suggest you apologise properly to the young lady immediately." She looks up at her principal and finds him looking sternly at the jerk. "Of course sir." Brendan bows to Mr. Smith like he were a true gentleman before stepping off the podium and heading into Natalie's direction. "What is he doing?" Natalie watches him with eyes wide as he approaches her casually. Nothing about him says apology and she realizes she is about to be embarassed further. "No, no, no, no, please don't come here." She prays as she slides into her chair hoping to hide from him which is lame because obviously the guy knows exactly where she is seated. "Miss Brown?" Natalie shuts her eyes tightly, unwilling to look up at him as if that will send him on his way. "Is this not what you wanted?" She almost jumps from her seat when his unexpected whisper tickles her ear. "Why is he so close, where is Ava?" She opens her eyes and finds her not so faithful friend has gladly moved to the side and left enough space for her tormentor to be this close to her. She doesn't even get enough time to glare at her before she hears him speak a little louder this time. "Am Sorry." He says and for a moment Natalie thinks she saw some truthfulness in his eyes but it's quickly masked up with a smirk from him. "Of course there is more where that came from." He whispers this time as he takes her hand and brings it up to his lips before placing a feather light kiss on it. Speechless doesn't even begin to describe her state as she watches his retreating back. Did he just think she was going to be kissing him again?
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