
1974 Words
"Well, you're definitely not predictable. I'll give you that." Brendan smirks as he watches her walk right into the crowd. She didn't even wait for the car to fully come to a stop before she jumped out. Something that he expected. He clearly knew she wanted out the moment he stepped into Ava's car. If her murderous look was anything to go by. She was definitely unhappy and didn't even attempt to hide it. His lips twist in a wry smile as he watches her quick steps that carry her quickly away from him. Her fury is written all over each step as she stomps her way to class. And for someone who hates the spotlight she sure knows how to blend in... or not. He notes. She's got on one of her oversized attires that obviously shines the weird sign on her so brightly anyone can see it. She is just lucky nobody cares much about anyone who looks like that. Except the bullies of course, but he has a feeling she can handle herself pretty well in that situation too. A smile tugs at his lips. She is definitely different and not because she remains unaffected by his presence or the fact that she is not moved by the world around her, but something else about her has him intrigued and he already decided to uncover whatever it is. That's what today was supposed to be about. His pick up was supposed to be his very first step in uncovering the mystery that is Natalie Brown. The girl that has flooded his senses and turned his life upside down in a space of hours. He even woke up early today. Much to the surprise of Nate who he was sure was still in dream land the moment he showed up at his house to pick him up. He convinced himself that it was all for the plan but a part of him was excited about seeing her again too. But he was not ready for the variables in his plan. He had been used to its success with many other chicks before but just as he had come to know, Natalie is as odd as her choice of clothes making his plan totally flawed. Apparently an early morning pick up from a handsome god just gets him a glare from her. While all the other girls gladly slipped into his car, she totally ignored that he even existed. But of course he improvised and created variables of his own and ended up where he had planned to be in the first place. Driving to school with her right by his side. Even though that was only in the physical sense. Thanks to Natalie who simply just refused to acknowledge him...again. He laughs when he remembers her futile attempts to stay as far away from him as possible. If only she knew that whatever distance she puts between them, she is still as close as her lips were in their heated lip lock. She should know that he is not about to let go just because she says so or chooses to ignore him. Brendan bites his lips as yesterday's memories come rushing in. The feel of her soft lips plaguing his mind once more. He takes in a sharp intake of air as he tries to calm himself down. He thought she would be the one going to spend her days wanting more but here he is terribly pining for her while she looks like yesterday didn't even happen. "How is that even possible?" He mumbles to himself. Apart from the icy stares she was giving him, there was nothing in those beautiful eyes of hers that remotely indicated he kissed her the day before. "Either she is good at pretending or…" He shakes his head at the oncoming thought. He doesn't even dare think about it. "Does she even know how many want to be in her position right now?" He grits his teeth in frustration. "What is wrong with me?" He leans back on his seat as his eyes stay focussed on the last place he saw her before she disappeared. He is definitely curious about her, but more than that he wants her. It's weird, but there is no mistaking it. He knows it just by the way his control has been slipping when he is around her. He is glad back in the car she was too preoccupied with her own insecurities to notice how uneasy he was. He wasn't even supposed to stop for coffee but he needed to breathe. To get himself under control. He may have fought to be all calm and collected on the surface but underneath all that, was a raging fire that was consuming his insides and only she could quench it. By the time he walked back he was fine but only until she asked why he was being nice. In his head he panicked and he said the only thing that came to his mind. He may have sounded like the jerk she says he is but it worked. Only for a moment though. He found himself right back where he started when she gave him all her sass as she poured out the coffee. "Damn, why do I even care?" He looks up and finds Ava and the guys approaching him and he decides to get out of the car. Something to get his mind off of his current obsession. "So you like?" He smiles at Ava while nodding in his car's direction. "Ooh, she's perfect. So gentle, yet so powerful. I couldn't get enough." She says beaming as they exchange keys. "I just hope she was worth it." "What's that?" Brendan asks when he thinks she said something more. "Oh it's nothing. Was just saying she's perfect that's all." Ava replies all too quickly. Brendan laughs at how she refers to his car like a person, pretty much like he does. Makes him not regret letting a total stranger drive his baby. She sure is a car enthusiast and he has a feeling this is not the last conversation they'll be having about cars. From one car enthusiast to another. "Where is Nat?" Ava asks while she takes a look around and lastly in her car. "She...uh went ahead." He manages to say. "Oh, I thought she was going to hang around waiting for me." "You certainly took your time." Brendan smirks even though he knows that's not the reason Natalie left. "Oops, hope we didn't keep you waiting too long." She says sheepishly but Brendan just shakes his head. "I'll just meet up with her. Later guys." She turns to leave but a thought makes Brendan stop her for a bit. "There's this gig happening over at Nate's." Brendan says and Nate shoots him a surprised look but he ignores him totally. "Would love you guys to be there." "Oh?" Ava turns to Nate who still looks too surprised to say anything. "It's just a welcome back party that we are throwing, nothing major." Cooper jumps in when he catches on quickly. "Just a little something to celebrate everyone who made it back to the new school year." "We are?" Nate asks, still surprised and Brendan just rolls his eyes. Something is off about their hook up man. He is not usually this slow. "Of course we are." Cooper drapes his arm over Nate's shoulder and gives it a little squeeze and that does the trick. "Oh we totally are." Nate finally looks at Ava. "Oh..okay." Ava says, not sounding sure. "Do you think you guys can make it?" Nate asks, this time grinning from ear to ear making Brendan laugh. He seems to have finally got his head back in the game. "By us guys? You mean me and Nat?" She asks. "Yeah." Brendan replies. "I definitely can, but I'm sorry can't say the same for Nat though." She bites her lips nervously. "Why, she busy or something?" Brendan can feel his plan falling apart. "Well...let's just say she's not a fan of parties." Ava replies, looking apologetic but Brendan is not giving up. "You could try talking to her?" Brendan says but Ava shakes her head. "I could, but I'm sure she hates me for ditching her today." She laughs nervously. "But maybe you could ask her." Her face lights up when she looks up at him. "Me?" Brendan asks, surprised. "Yes you. Aren't you going to be like with her after school?" "You could just ask her yourself you know." "Trust me, there is no way in hell she'll listen to anything I have to say." He lets out a chuckle. His thoughts linger on her icy stare that she gave him back in the car. "What did you do?" Ava looks at him and this time her charming sweet face has been replaced with an icy stare. The girl clearly is very protective of Natalie and he finds that endearing. "Hey relax mama bear. I didn't do anything." Brendan replies with arms raised in surrender. "I have a feeling we just don't click. At least not yet" He smirks but Ava just bursts out laughing. And when he looks at her frowning she calms down and eyes him with amusement. "You are yet to know a thing or two about Natalie Brown." The way she says it piques his interest. Her words just add to his intrigue of the girl who refuses to see him. "I'll try, but don't hold your breath." She says before turning to Nate. "So see you?" Ava tucks one of her locks behind her ear looking all nervous. "Yeah sure." Nate replies all too happily. "Oh man, what's up with you?" Brendan is the first to speak after Ava leaves. "You got a thing for her or what?" Cooper adds before Nate can even reply. "We are late for class." Nate growls before walking away. "Since when did he care about being late?" Brendan asks, amused. "That wasn't exactly a no, right?" Cooper adds before they burst out laughing. "Didn't see that one coming." "Neither did I." Both guys agree before deciding to walk to class. "So what do you think? Still not decided?" Cooper asks after a few steps and Brendan knows exactly what he means. "I can't seem to decide." "Wait what?" Cooper asks shocked and with good reason. "Are you sick or something," Cooper's hand lands on his forehead. "I'm fine." He swats his hand away annoyed. "Are you sure? Coz it usually doesn't take you much to decide." Cooper smirks at him. "That kiss is messing with my head." He mumbles to himself. "Yeah about that." Cooper frowns at him. "Don't even start." Brendan glares at him. "I didn't even say anything ." Cooper protests. "I know what's going on in that twisted brain." Brendan throws a knowing look at him. "Oh what were you thinking?" Cooper bursts out laughing. "I'd really hate to be in your shoes right now dude, you are so toast." Brendan just runs his hands through his hair in frustration. He's definitely toast, that's for sure. And it's all on him this time. "Or maybe you just need to kiss her again you know. Maybe then your system will be clear. " Cooper shrugs his shoulders and Brendan looks at him thoughtfully. He thinks his wingman might just be on to something. Maybe there is nothing there after all. Maybe one more kiss is all he needs to flush her out of his system. "One more kiss and I will be good as new." "So about the party?"
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