
1964 Words
"S.lut!" Natalie sighs when the banging of the door that's followed by the screech of a voice dripping with hate reaches her ears. She has really had enough drama to last her a lifetime. But it seems trouble is her middle name all of a sudden, thanks to a certain someone. She takes a deep breath as she tries to keep calm. She was only looking for a moment of peace and quiet and she figured the ladies room would do since it was after classes. But apparently she was mistaken. The peace seemed to only last for as long as she made her way into the room. She didn't even have a moment to breathe before whoever is hurling insults at her followed. She turns around reluctantly to face her newest adversary and decides to ignore her insult too. Being the only one in here, she knows those daggers from the fury filled eyes and insults from the weirdly contorted mouth are all for her. The girl is livid and if looks could kill Natalie figures she would have met her end quicker than she could blink. She visibly sighs. On any other day this confrontation would have been a shocker, however today she has a pretty good idea what this is all about. She decides to remain as composed as she can be and to keep the reigns on her emotions tight. A cat fight at this point wouldn't just do. Besides another visit to the principal's office will dent her name this time. "And who might you be?" She asks nonchalantly and the person glares at her so much she thinks their eyes might just pop out of their sockets. Of course she knows Blackwood's Miss high and mighty who thinks everyone should worship the very ground she walks on but Natalie is not about to give her the satisfaction of even hinting at recognising her. Neither is she ready to be regarded as a possible mindless follower of hers. It's no secret that Valerie considers herself the queen of Blackwood high especially after she dated the self proclaimed king a.k.a her tormentor. A sorry, insufferable pair in Natalie's opinion. Though Natalie doesn't get why she is here calling her names instead of having this tantrum with her so called boyfriend. After all, it was he who seemed to have forgotten that he had a girlfriend. She eyes Valerie from head to toe. As usual, she is in one of her usual skimpy outfits that leave little to the eye's imagination. With her high heeled pumps that makes her legs seem like they really need a break from all the stress of being so many inches off of the ground. Her heavy make-up that she must have put on after classes makes her look way older than her age. And of course she's blonde. But not the naturally beautiful blonde like Ava is. Her blonde shade is just kind of weird. Natalie may not be an expert but she is sure that her hair is definitely dyed. But as with everything about Valerie, it was probably overdone making it look like the fur of a dull coloured pooch. Although despite her terrible dressing, again in Natalie's opinion, her rich origins are very evident. Just the way she carries herself with her nose stuck up in the air like she was aiming for the freshest air from the heavens leaves her snobbish attitude bare for all to see. "I think you overdid that one Nat." "Keep your hands off my man!" Valerie screams on top of her voice while ignoring Natalie's question. And in response Natalie just scratches her ears looking unconcerned. "I'm sorry?" She smiles sweetly at a very furious Valerie. "And who is your man by the way?" Natalie asks, feigning innocence and she swears Valerie is about to blow up. But again Natalie won't make the mistake of acknowledging that she knows her at all. "Brendan of course, you cow!" Valerie shouts again and Natalie is tempted to tell her not to shout so much otherwise she would hurt her little voice. But she figures that Valerie wouldn't be down for that kind of lecture right about now. "Oh that." Natalie finally replies even though very flatly. "Then I suggest you keep your dog on a leash or better yet teach him to keep his hands to himself." She replies and decides to walk out not wanting to hear anymore of what she has to say. This whole thing is really getting old and she just wants to move on. And besides their relationship is none of her business. "I'm not done you bi..." "Tsk...Tsk...Tsk. I wouldn't do that if I were you." Natalie grabs hold of Valerie's hand that was about to strike her. The strength in her own hand leaves her surprised. Valerie on the other hand is beyond shocked. She obviously hasn't had anyone stand up to her like this. Natalie can't help but smirk at all that shock in those eyes. "And please do get your facts straight." She says calmly. "He kissed me, not the other way round." "He did what!" To say her eyes were as wide as saucers is an understatement. For a moment Valerie looks like a wounded animal that is ready to charge at Natalie. But there is no way in hell that Natalie is going to cower before her. She stands her ground and gives Valerie a pointed look. She didn't need to mention the kiss, but Valerie's disrespect made Natalie decide to give her a taste of her own medicine. But what she doesn't get is how surprised she is. It almost seems like she had no idea that that happened. Which is a surprise because as far as Natalie knows the whole of Blackwood saw the damn thing. They stand there for a good few seconds with the supposed queen staring down at Natalie like she was a typical commoner in her kingdom who had dared defy the crown. Natalie bets at this moment she wishes she could say 'off with her head.' A few seconds more and the self proclaimed Miss perfect storms out of the ladies room. A loud bang of the door being the only indication that she had left. Natalie takes that time to take in her much needed breath. She is still stunned at how she just handled herself. Where all that energy and courage came from has left her speechless. She may have decided she wouldn't be bullied but she didn't know she would stand up to the likes of Valerie in such a way. She smiles to herself and for the first time today she misses Ava. Her best friend will definitely be very proud when she hears about this. Even though this is like declaring a war and she is sure this is not the end of it. She decides to walk out of the ladies room and she stops in her tracks when she finds a string of people by the door. She has no doubt each person heard their conversation and each face seems to regard her with a different emotion. Some are totally glaring at her and she just ignores them, while some are beaming and seem to be congratulating her for putting Valerie in her place. She takes another deep breath before deciding to be on her way. She still hates being noticed and all these eyes on her just make her uncomfortable. It doesn't matter if they are glaring or happy about what she did, she still doesn't like that this many people are noticing her. She is also beginning to think of accepting that she will never see her quiet school days ever again. That thought has her sighing loudly the moment the crowd disappears behind her. Her eyes fall on her watch and she groans inwardly. It's the first day of detention for a certain someone that if she had her way would prefer not seeing. Especially after her encounter a moment ago. "It's got to be done." She cheers herself up before picking up her step and heading to the library. Her part time job there allows her to not only pay for some of her expenses but it also gives her an opportunity to spend as much time as she wants in one of her favourite places. It's a perfect excuse to bury her nose in as many books as she wants...well that's according to Ava who wishes she didn't have to step a foot in there at all. "Hello Miss Peaches!" She whisper yells at the beautiful elderly lady who is also her boss. "Hello my dear. Right on time as usual." The library fairy as Natalie has chosen to call her looks up from her desk with a smile. "You know me." Natalie replies proudly. "Yeah, yeah...not a second more, not a second less." Miss Peaches retorts with a chuckle. "Though I've got to say someone beat you today. I'm told he is to help you out around here." Natalie's smile disappears as she slouches in a seat in front of Miss Peaches. "Why the long face, he is such a sweet young man and handsome too." The elderly lady winks at her making Natalie blush. "I assure you, there is nothing sweet about that young man Miss Peaches." Natalie finally says after composing herself. "Hmmm could've fooled me." Miss Peaches retorts with a smile. "Well, I'm off to see the sweet young man before he probably burns this place down." Natalie winks at the elderly woman who just shakes her head. The earlier she starts on her to do list the earlier she can go home. She happily walks to her usual spot where she gets to sort out the books before putting them back in their rightful places. A smile graces her lips. The little exchange with Miss Peaches has lifted her mood like always. She looks back at the woman who has resumed whatever she was doing and smiles. She could always count on her charming personality to make her smile even on days when she didn't really feel like smiling. Just like a real life fairy. "Coffee?" A familiar voice speaks from behind her and she turns around while she feels her mood dampen a little. She finds Brendan standing there awkwardly, coffee in hand by her table. She just scoffs and passes by him. The coffee reminds her of this morning. Not that she even had a chance to forget his sentiments. She kept cursing him the entire day today no matter how much she promised herself not to think about it. And him choosing to sit right behind her in class was even more annoying. It's the whole reason she had sought a little peace and quiet earlier before seeing him again. "I'm sorry okay?" He says after her and she turns to him calmly. "For what exactly?" She narrows her eyes at him. "This morning?" He bites his lips and Natalie is tempted to look away. Now that he is close again her hormones have decided to remember their function again. "Uh huh." She looks at him with curiosity this time. "And you thought coffee was going to save you?" "A guy can hope right?" His grin reveals his pearly whites and for some reason Natalie thinks he looks cute. "A guy maybe, but you are no guy." She walks away leaving him standing there with his coffee still in hand. "You are going to have to do better than that Bachmann junior."
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