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It's dark before I know it and now I feel chill about being out all alone not even knowing where I am. Stupid me! What did I think I'd accomplish by running off like that. I could be attacked by some wild animals out here and I'll not know how to defend myself. But I'd rather die than go back to lock heads with Maria or be where weird Tom is.  I look for a place to camp out but because of the total darkness I barely see a thing. The moon chose this day to not shine. I'm seriously going to die out here and my family won't even know because wild animals will feast on what's left of me.  I'm walking around blindly until I step on some branch I think that breaks too loudly and then I'm being hoisted up. I just walked into a trap. Just got hunted. I've had of such traps and that the owners sell people caught in them into slavery. At least I have all night to think about whether I should tag along with the wizard and his lover or let me be sold like cheap old cloth.  I try moving but the net is kind of rough and uneven. I can't sleep in this thing. I have to free myself somehow. And since I don't have any sharp object to cut the net and take a fall, the old wizard is my only hope. But how do I get him? I don't know how I can tell him to find me. Maybe I should have paid attention to what he said to me earlier.  "You can't get away from me. I don't even know why you tried. " I didn't think I would be this happy to hear that raspy voice.  "Just get me down old man. " I order before my mind could catch up.  Tom quickly does what I say and the look of pure disdain on Maria's face reminds me of what led to my getting trapped. I want to glare back at her but let things be because she already is self torturing and there will be more incidents. She is the loser here.  "You two have to learn to get along somehow. I'm obliged to serve her and can never disobey her. " He speaks looking at Maria but pointing me then looks at me and says, "I'm bound with her for now so I can't take any sides here. "  "Whatever does that even mean Tom? " I ask not enjoying being under informed.  "Simply that we need to find Connor and united with each other. This forest is dangerous and so we need to look out for each other. " Tom says.  "I will try for you honey. " Maria says so love stricken.  I roll my eyes as I turn around from them.  "I don't know where Connor is. And I asked why you have to serve me. " I say distractedly.  "But you do. Your majesty! " Tom says confidently.  Majesty? I know he won't give a straight answer so I don't bother asking.  "I don't know where he is from. We never talked about that. " "Just call him and he'll set out to find you and we'll meet him halfway. Mean it and he'll speak to you. " Tom says encouragingly.  I turn around to stare at him. How is he this confident with me? He nods encouragingly. I raise my eyebrows in disbelief. Does he mean now?  "Close your eyes and focus on him and only him. When you feel his attention speak to him and tell him to find you towards the eastern plains ." Tom says seriously.  "What does any of that even mean. Wait, don't answer. You never answer! I'll just go to sleep. I'm tired. " I dismiss him.  "Let's leave her then. " Maria tells Tom almost persuading him.  "No, we need her. " Tom says.  I feel important.  "But do we? She doesn't even listen to you. I told you we should have left her wander alone till morning. " Maria whines.  "If I'd listened to you she would have been sold into slavery in the morning. She is the only one who could break this curse and set us both free. " Tom snaps at Maria.  Maria starts crying.  "So you don't even love me? You want to be rid of me? " Maria asks still crying.  I roll my eyes at her.  "All this is your fault you witch! " Maria yells at me before running off.  I throw my hands up in exasperation. Now what did I do ! Tom actually looks sad and heartbroken. I want to laugh at how ridiculous they are being at the same time want to scream so bad not liking being in such a situation. Right now I'd be having supper with my family in the comfort of my home.  "I'll go find her don't run away again. " Tom says quietly.  Damn, love must be exhausting to this old man. He hands me his torch and walks away. I sigh. Close my eyes and think back at today's events. Now with my eyes closed and all alone maybe I should try finding Connor. Whatever that means!  So I try to remember his face. His long dark locks that frame his chiseled face. High cheekbones, strong jaws ,sharp jawline, wide full lips the lower one slightly pink and top one dark like his skin tone. The contrast really does arrest one's eyes to his lips and imaginations run wild. I open my eyes. What am I doing?  My two companions are not back yet. Maybe I should try again. Connor. An inch or two maybe three taller than me. How beautiful he looked down at me with eyes slightly hooded. He really concentrated on my face, my eyes like he was trying to unravel my soul through them. That gave me tingles you know where and even now I can feel the tingles and bite down on my lower lip. That day I was so stupid because I looked away when it was that moment he had leaned in to kiss me. He ended up pecking my cheek and then someone came up to the river so he ran away.  Suddenly I see his eyes piercing through mine. He seems angry from how his eyes are hardened.  I wonder who pissed him off. This is exciting and strange also weird at the same time.  I try to look away but I can't because I feel like I'll break if I do. I swallow hard. Tom says to speak to him after getting his attention. How do I do that?  "Connor? " I call but don't even hear myself speaking.  He doesn't respond and I'm not sure he heard me because I'm not sure myself that I've spoken. I clear my throat and he speaks before me.  "Why do you do this to me? You should leave me alone. Please. I'm getting married off tomorrow down to the south. Forget about me. Please. " "What? I need you to find me. Meet me at the eastern plains in two days. " "I can't I'm already sold off. And please don't do this to me again. " Connor begs.  Something in me snaps and I open my eyes furious. I meet gazes with Tom and Maria. They stare weirdly at me.  "Did you speak to him? " Tom enquires carefully.  I throw down the torch and run my fingers through my hair furiously.  "Yeah, and not only did he not tell me where he is but also refused to meet me and practically begged me not to do I don't know what to him. And then he is getting married off tomorrow. " I yell a little too worked up.  "Girl get over it. You can't have every man out there! " Maria mocks me.  I want to strangle her. I look at Tom sternly.  "Why did he dismiss me like that? " "Because it's exhausting for him to talk to you like that. " Tom says like I should be knowing that.  Well I feel just fine on my part.  "He told me he loves me. " I yell in frustration.  Tom's eyebrows are scrunched. He looks confused.  "You don't know? " He asks slowly.  "Know what? " I scream having lost all my patience.  "That you two haven't really met! He thinks he imagines you. "
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