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Connor was the thing on my mind as I watched everything. It was on the tip of my tongue and I was really really compelled to say it but I didn't. If you expect me to say I didn't know any Connor, I won't because I actually do.  But I don't see how he comes in, in any of this. I hardly know the guy.  ..."when they come here ,say his name. " Huh! Who's name? Connor's?How does he know? I mean, I know he's like a wizard and all but how could he?  "Yasmin, Yasmin! Where are you going? "Mother asks from behind me.  So I realize I'm walking towards the door. A string of ear piercing screams stops me on my tracks. My sisters. They are looking outside in distress. I quickly open the door and step out to see a horrific scenario. The old wizard guy is some kind of a killer machine ripping the men and their horses limb after limb. So much blood. Screams and cries. Nothing of this sort has ever happened here.  "Connor. " I whisper because my voice is caught in my throat.  My eyes start to sting and a whimper escapes my lips.  "Connor. " "Connor ." "Connor ." "Connor. " At this point I'm yelling at the top of my voice. My breathing heavy with panic. Kneeling on the ground I try to calm myself down. It doesn't work very well. I look up and stare right into the eyes of anger. The old wizard looks like he could eat me alive but he quickly turns around and flees.  The woman by his side follows like a lost puppy. Something about her mannerisms tell me she is confused by everything happening. I know her, Maria. She lives close to my house. A few years older but unmarried. Around here, it is not a big deal. There is old women without kids and never married. All of that is a choice, just don't fall in love.  I watch them move so fast ,the wizard dragging Maria along. I start to wonder how they know each other and since when. Also, just how strong that man must be. So I do the most sane thing to do in such a situation. I run after them. Into the woods surrounding our village.  Of course I don't see them so I test my tracking skills. It hasn't rained in days so their shoe prints are not visible. I mostly just move blindly until I come across a torn piece of clothing. I would recognize that black cloak anywhere. See, there is dress codes according to villages. Our village wears grey. Our neighbors wear dark green, dark blue and red respectively. Beyond that I don't know but I've seen burgundy and black before. Not close by though.  I may be in the right track after all and in that tone I pick my pace. And for the second time question the old wizard's stamina running that much.  After a long search I finally catch up to them camping behind some big rocks. And the old wizard is not even shocked to see me. At least he is no longer angry at me. I wouldn't know why he was anyway.  "You shouldn't have come. " Is his greeting.  "How did you know about Connor? " I ask ignoring his hostility.  "You told me. " He dismissed.  I told him?  "Why were you angry at me earlier? "  "You made me. " "What even happened back there? " "You ask too many questions. " "Well answer me! " I exclaim in frustration.  "Yes. " He sits up straighter, " I asked you about Connor through this spell . I cast it while back in my  village when you broke the love seal. You told me everything. In detail. "He pauses, "I was angry at you earlier because, well I wasn't angry at you really. I was channeling your anger..." "Hold it, channel my anger ?" I ask confused.  He scratches his head in frustration like talking to an i***t which sadly is me right now, is getting to him.  "You were angry but it is I that felt it. " I don't understand that and I don't remember being angry. Things have changed really quickly around here and I don't like any of it.  "You don't know anything! " The wizard complains.  "And I'm supposed to apologize for that? What's even your name? " I question.  "Tom. "  Does this guy have to have an attitude problem? But wait, his name is Tom? I burst out laughing. Not everyday you meet an old wizard called Tom.  "Are you finished? " He asks agitated.  "Give me a minute then explain to me what you meant by I brake a seal or whatever. " I say in between laughter.  I know myself when it comes to laughing where not applicable. And it's hard to stop when I know I probably should. But the man actually gives me a minute before speaking.  "That boy! You love him. You broke the seal that unleashed the love curse. Didn't your mother tell you not to ever fall in love with anyone whatsoever ?" Tom scolds.  I hate being scolded.  "Please don't do that, I don't like it. " I warn quietly.  "I... Um... I'm sorry. "He apologizes with a slight bow.  What?  "Why do you seem to take orders from her? " Maria enquires.  "Take orders, what orders? " I question.  "You should too. " Is all Tom offers.  I don't understand!  "Where is this boy now? " Tom asks before I bombard him with questions.  "I assume it's Connor we are talking about, I don't know. " "What do you mean you don't know? " "That I don't, I haven't seen him in a while and I'd tell you he's not from this village but you already know that. So I don't know where he is. " "You are some work, you know that? " "Working progress? " "Rather enemy of progress. " "Come on, now you are just being mean. " "Young lady... " Tom starts but is cut off by Maria.  "Okay you two, that's enough. So Tom, what is my contribution here and what in the hell is, " She fetches the metallic thing from her pockets, "This? " "Yeah what is that? " I question reaching for it.  But I only get to lay a finger on it before my hands are swatted away, painfully.  "Verbal wasn't enough for you now you go physical? " I half yell sulking a little.  He doesn't have to be so mean!  "What did you do to him? "The woman yells at me in rage.  It's then that I realize Tom is doubled over for some reason.  "Nothing. "I deny as I get closer to him.  Maria narrows her eyes at me.  "It's pretty clear you have a lot of harm to do to my man. I think I want you to back off! " She barks at me.  I'm startled. I don't even know what I did to the man and here I am being accused of hurting 'my man '. "I didn't even think you two knew each other. " I mutter to myself.  "Oh, we are deeply in love. " Maria says like a lovestruck fool.  "It's the curse, it powers the bow and arrow I was shot with. Could make anyone fall in love with anybody. "Tom explains while panting.  "Honey don't say that. " Maria says sounding dejected.  "Just like that? So are you in love with her? Isn't she a little too young for you? "I question before my brain could catch up.  "Unluckily, I feel like I can't live without her. It's not any of our faults. "Tom is embarrassed while Maria pouts.  "But why her? " I push.  They both give me a stink eye.  "Would you rather it was you? Don't you have Connor for yourself that was too precious for our village to be cursed over. " Maria laments.  Really now!  "Before shooting a person with the green arrow, a random name is said out loud and whomever bears that name is forever bonded to the one shot. It's why I told you to shout his name. It would have cancelled the effects. " Tom informs me.  Huh!  "Am I a wizard too? " I question scared to hear a yes.  "A witch. No you are not. But your bloodline is tied to a line of wizards. How old do you think you are? " Tom is speaking but not making sense to me.  "Sixteen. What do you mean? " I ask puzzled.  "It's what you think but you are not. "Tom says with a smirk.  Damn old man!  "So she's older or younger? "Maria questions.  Words right out of my mouth.  "Neither. She is not time bound. " Now this guy is just loving too much to make us look like fools.  "I'll go hunt us some dinner. We should camp here tonight and leave at first light to go find Connor. And we'll need to summon him through you. I'll explain when I get back. Try not to kill each other when I'm gone. "Tom says.  "Don't be gone too long, I miss you already. " Maria complains in a kid's voice.  "So why again are we going to find Connor? " I question.  "To get rid of this curse once and for all. " Tom says with a confident smile.  Ah, look at that, it could smile!  So Tom leaves funnily enough with a bow and a quiver of arrows I don't know where from he got. Can't he just command a rabbit to stop ! Or freeze.  I hope he is a better fighter than he is at making friends. Because he sucks.  "I want your control over Tom gone. He is mine, I love him. We love each other. You can't come between us, understand? "  This one takes my mind off the wizard.  "What? I didn't even know any wizards until a few hours ago. Do you think I know how I do anything to him? Because I don't. I can't control it when I don't even know what I'm doing. Sorry pal, but I can't help you. " I say a little irritated.  How dare she!  "Alright then, so I'll help you do it! " She yells and pounces on me like a hungry predator on a prey.  I struggle to protect my face not wanting to be scratched at the same time trying to pry her fingers off my hair. It hurts like a b***h! "Freeze! " Tom suddenly yells.  He sounds pissed off. Before I know it, Maria is off of me and on the ground a few steps from me sobbing. The wizard runs to her looking like he's about to cry too. He consoles her. I get up in a haste. Whatever is happening here, I don't want to be a part of! So I run very fast without minding my direction. I'll end up where I'll end up. Just need to get away from these people.  As I run, I cry. Life was going on smoothly. So what happened that changed everything and now I question everything. How old am I really? 
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