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Amara's pov Loud angry growls filled our ears and then snarls, Cora turned up her snout picking up the scent and at that instant, I felt her worry, Rogues Amara! Feral rogues! She cried out before turning to sprint off but she was trapped and caved in as a bunch of them jumped from the thickets, surrounding her, sizing her up with their angry snarls filling the air. Cora count! I ordered and she squinted trying to make out their forms, there was the bigger one who was the leader, and then there were five others making them six in total. They enclosed her forming a circle. Their foul scent was strong and repulsing as their growls were irritating. "If it isn't the poor princess, all by herself right where she shouldn't be." Their leader spoke immediately, his reddish eyes glinting mischievously, "How do you feel about this situation your highness? Scared?!" "The word should be irritated mutt!" She snarled at him digging her extracted claws in the ground, the need to protect and defend rising slowly. "Feisty leader! Feisty!" Another one spoke adding to Cora's annoyance and she Huffed with a head shake. "Now here's what will happen your highness…" He mocked with a wolfy grin which made his acts of future lewdness clear and we weren't going to allow that, "You are going to be a g…" "Oh, I know!" Cora cut him short and she earned a bark, "You and your dogs will take a lap at the count of ten Mississippis like the good boys you are." "Shift you wretched wolf!" He growled moving towards her, "You possess guts, just what I am seeking. I love them writhing in pain beneath me while trying to fight me off despite knowing they won't win." "Classic." Cora rolled her eyes, "No one orders me around, now run along before I bare my guts before you." "Can I go first?" One of them asked panting towards Cora and she sent him a terrifying growl, the wimp stepped back. "You are quite stubborn." Their leader said, "It will be fun breaking you, and mind you, no one can hear you scream, no mummy or daddy to come save you." "I came out hunting for deer but I might as well settle for what is before me." Those were Cora's final words as she leaped in the air attacking their leader. She slashed her paws across the right side of his face injuring his eye and enjoying as he fell back howling in pain. The rest came onto her, attacking with their claws and canines. She kicked one with her hind paws while snapping her jaws around the neck of another inching her canines into him. She threw him aside, his body hitting one of them that advanced before turning to face the rest that tried to corner her. "Get the b***h!" The leader growled struggling with his sight and two of them leaped towards Cora with their canines bared. She sprang up in the air causing the both of them to collide as their claws and canines met causing severe injuries to themselves. The one whom she had hit with a body was back on his paws and was accelerating towards her, she moved at him and head-butted him, s***h his side! I cheered her on and with her extracted claws she tore at his side, his howls were like music and the smell of his blood mingled with that of the rest. Cora let out a loud howl of victory and Just then the leader pounced on her back imitating a mounting stance, No! I cried as she struggled to push him off, after much effort she managed to do it and didn't waste time poking her paws in his good eye and blinding it just like she did with the other one, and just as she was about to snap his neck, a black mass of fur flashed before us, strong jaws clamping down on the wolf and throwing him aside, Daddy! Mummy was here too, I could hear her growls as she snapped at the other wolves before attacking them, "What the hell were you thinking Cora?!" He barked at us drawing my attention. "You promised that you will let us do it on our own this time!" Cora argued stepping away from him, "You broke your promise!" "Because I was trying to avoid this!" He retorted referring to the whole rogue incident. "And I fended them off well! All by myself before you all came along. why can't I be trusted with my own security?" "Look." He moved closer bumping his head on Cora's and just then Mummy came along with a not-so-happy look on her face. "We are only looking out for you." She said before he could continue, "You can't do this on your own yet?" "Of course, I can! I just proved myself! Is it because I do not have powers like the rest of you?" Cora spat bitterly as she stared at them. "That is not true." My dad spoke, "Why do you always think that it boils down to that?" "Cause it does!" She sneered and I knew she was about to cry and so was I, "No matter how much training and whatever I pick up to get better at. I will never be good enough for myself neither will I be able to protect the kingdom and rule!" "Cora, don't say things like that!" My mother said sternly, "You know that is not true." "It is." She shook her head, "That's why you kept moving the coronation date and the hunting process, I am not stupid!" And with that she ran off, sprinting away from them with the tears blurring her vision. ________ I kicked the door shut as soon as I stomped into my room. My hands wiped my face trying the clean off the remnant of my tears. I had been happy, this was technically the best birthday month ever seeing that Cora and I could throw off the rogues and we could finally see ourselves in the good enough light but it was all ruined. Don't you think we were too harsh? Cora asked as I stumbled out of the bathroom having freshened up and worn my nightie, They haven't always made us feel inadequate. But their fears of always wanting to protect us confirmed their exact thoughts! Their exact thoughts of them feeling that we aren't good enough yet! She said nothing to my reply. I hopped into bed, pulled the covers over myself and grabbed my phone from the bed stand. It was filled with notifications. Eros??: Do you ever wonder if things will be different if we were both also a part of the mafia aside from being werewolves? I snorted. Rose??:Ammaaaarrrrrrrraaaaa! I have been appointed to talk sense into your head as always? So see you tomorrow ?bye bestie! I smirked. Liam?:You should listen to your parents more often Amara, they know what is good for you! I frowned. Terren❤: How did your hunt go? I already know you will do great love. Will call you tomorrow, sleep tight, I love you? I grinned. I typed out all my replies and shoved the phone aside with the intention of sleeping when my phone pinged. I whined reaching out for it. I sat up again and unlocked it. My eyes met with the pop-up message and my heart rate was trippled as apprehension coursed through my being. Unknown: Your combat skills are quite an impressive printsessa…Till we meet snyek… I looked around frantically and there was no one, my heart was beating fast and I felt light-headed. I didn't need to think twice before knowing who had texted me. I would have replied to ask who he was but I couldn't with the options blurred out and the number was unknown. I swiped through my screen to check the meaning of the strange words and the first one meant princess in Russian. The second, snyek, Sent a chill through me as I read the meaning, only a few people knew what my middle name was. I can't even remember the last time I answered to it and he just addressed me by it. I was going crazy. I went back to the text and back to Google. I did the back and forth thing more times that I should have as I stayed rooted to the bed with my fingers clutching my phone tightly. It was all real. He had poked and found out too much about me and I wondered what other things he knew and how much of my privacy he had invaded. synek, I looked at the word again and gulped. He was definitely watching me now, enjoying how shocked I was. He knew, he knew that my middle name was snow.
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