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Amara's pov A full moon rose above the pitch-black clouds illuminating the skies and casting its light against the darkness just as it reflected on Cora's fur. The wind blew softly against her caressing her fur as well as causing the tree branches to rustle which was the only sound that could be heard as it blew through the forest. We were being followed. I could feel it. My statement wasn't a result of paranoia or anything. It was a fact, one which I have known ever since my sixteenth birthday and for five years now he followed me. I knew. I had kept it a secret. I'd always wonder if he was who I thought he was, a vampire for sure, the blood gave him away. But was he actually who I thought he was? Was he Ares? He always left clues that he was watching me and my every move. I had always searched hoping to catch a glimpse of hair as blonde as mine or something else that I noticed a long time ago which would convince me that it was him but I had nothing. I was pulled further into doubt by the notes and occasional chilling feeling of someone watching me and I had begun to think it was probably not Ares. The novelty of being stalked by a handsome vamp who would sweep me off my paws and steal my breath was beginning to wear off as I had outgrown my childish fantasy. I blame it on the books and of course the fortune tellers who made an effort to read my palms and talk about a future with a devastatingly handsome man and an enchanting love story. I had even bought the idea of them being extinct and this was some other creature but be it a vampire or not, I wanted to know what he wanted and why he still hasn't revealed his identity. what was the whole point of stalking me for years? The chilling feeling that left goose bumps rising on my skin any time he was near swept through me again. He was nearer, probably ready to pounce on us knowing that we had our first official hunt today, he was pro…. Pay attention, Amara! Cora snapped as she leaned on her paws with eyes narrowed into slits and tail wagging excitedly. She was behind a bush and I could see that she had set her sights on a rabbit feasting quietly unaware of the dark fate about to befall it. Starting with meek Animals? I scoffed with an eye roll, How the hell are we going to prove our worth by killing a rabbit on our first hunt? What happened to deers? She ignored me and kept her eyes trained on her prey. She was careful to stay fixed in her position, unmoving lest she startles it. pounce on it already! I groaned and just then we heard shuffling behind us causing the rabbit to move from its feeding stance. Its ears were perked and turned upwards in alert and it looked around trying to survey its surroundings. Whatever is in those bushes had better not cause my prey to dart off! Cora growled in frustration as she ducked repositioning herself with the most indistinct moves I had ever seen her make and I snorted, all these expertise for a rabbit. Pounce! I growled and she did as I bid but the white-haired creature slipped from her grasp gliding between her paws and off she took chasing after it with her grunts filling the air and the tiny squeaks coming from the rabbit. She chased after it raising debris and dirt as she tried to have it in her clutches but it was quick to slip again and down it went burrowing into a narrow hole. Cora went after it in all aggressiveness digging at the entrance of the hole with her paws, growling as she shoveled dirt over like it will bring the rabbit out of hiding, I can't believe I lost it! It's okay Cora, let's try again, I tried to pacify her as she withdrew from the hole. She turned away from it and began to trot further into the forest. Her snout turning up to pick up the scent of familiar grounds. We passed by the stream where my family and I loved to goof off and then we went further and deeper into the forest. He had stopped following, I could tell. His presence was gone and so was the prickly feeling I always felt when he lurked behind watching me. I decided to rid my thoughts of him and focus on the hunt. We had to ace this which was amongst the very first of tasks. We needed something to fill up for the inadequacy we felt which came with being a silver wolf and having no extraordinary powers. She got into another thicket of bushes and ducked behind them before moving slowly towards the front. I could see what she saw. A big deer was feeding before her and as usual oblivious to its surroundings. It was the perfect time to pounce and just as Cora was about to do so, the bushes behind her rustled harshly, and off went the deer who was startled by the noise before she could even think of sprinting after it. "Oh No!" Cora let out a harsh breath as she turned around to face where the noise had come from and out of the bushes came Uncle Andros and his mate, Aunt Lillith, "What is going on?" She sneered at them, "You chased my prey! You are not following me, are you?" "Of course not!" Andros answered stepping towards Amara, "We are just taking a walk and basking in the moonlight." "You have always been a bad liar uncle Andros!" She sneered at him before turning to his mate who just stayed calm on her paws, "Aunt Lillith." "Sorry for chasing your prey, Cora." She apologized. "He sent you didn't he? And I am sure mummy has a hand in this too! Why can't I be left alone to take care of myself, it's a hunt and I am not a child anymore." She growled at them and I could swear that I heard whispers of laughter or it was just me being stressed out from the hunt. "They do not want you getting hurt Cora." Andros said stepping forward to lay a paw on her but she jerked away from him and I could feel her anger as I felt it too. I was tired of being babied and guarded. We both were tired of being sheltered. "I can take care of myself!" Cora groaned backing away from them, "I want you both gone." "The Alpha and luna instructed that we be with you till you have your first kill and then bring you home." Lillith explained, "Please…" Fuck it! I growled forcing control over my wolf and pushing her backward. I growled at them angered by their words as if I was an adolescent wolf. I was quick to turn on my heels, kicking dirt in their eyes, and then I ran off sprinting towards the boundaries. If they wouldn't let us hunt in our territory, I could as well do it outside. I quickened my pace making sure to run haphazardly while kicking dirt in the air as I wanted them to lose track of me. What the hell are you doing?! Give me back control Amara! Cora screeched but I ignored her hastening my trot. Soon I reached the border and I pushed through the barrier with all the force I could muster while bearing the pain of forced breaking and shortly enough I was out. I had broken through the borders and skipped far away from my territory and onto unmarked lands. ______ Are we dead yet?! I mocked asked Cora as she traveled more through the unmarked territory. So far she couldn't smell rogues nor foul creatures and I was glad I coaxed her into not turning back before giving her full control. She gave me a snort while she tried to find amicable hunting grounds. She ran down a hill which led to what I thought was a spooky thicket of where we were and as she entered I could feel a bad chill, a really bad chill. It was like this place was desolate made up of thick trees which were so tall that the rays of the moonlight hardly penetrated. It was so dark that Cora had to squint while also relying on her werewolf sight, Do you think we should maybe turn around? You are chicken! She blurted with a smirk as my uneasiness roamed through her which was quite embarrassing as I suggested this in the first place. I am not! I scowled as she giggled before venturing further into the forest and just as we got deeper, we heard growls.
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