2 • Mary •

1370 Words
It's very cold in the underground cell and silent. The only sound that could be heard was that of my sobs and heart still racing. The state I have found myself in had hit me like a volcano and left me dumbfounded. Life has been unfair. As the daughter born from a nanny, I was aware of the fact that my father hated me. I also know about my stepmother's desire to get rid of me, but still, with all this hatred, I have never thought they would be capable of sending me to hell. I have never for once thought they would go to so many Miles to discard me in such a way. It wasn't news anymore that I was the black sheep in the Ross family. In high school and college, I never had any friends. And whoever approached me was only for their benefit. Life has been hard while growing up, and the hardest part was when my mother finally left me alone by dying when cancer defeated her after thirty years of fighting. As if that wasn't enough, my stepbrother, my only sibling, Ivan who was supposed to look out for me, had never for once spoken a word to me. He Is everything I would never be. A beloved son. The legitimate successor and a Star. He had occupied the space as the top pop star for far too long and was successful in making more money for the top agency. They never give me anything. After I finished college and returned home on the day of graduation, I met my luggage outside with a letter which read ' Goodbye. ' Wandering for days had led me to seek shelter in a Parish where I met the sisters who lovingly accommodated me. That was how I had decided to live only for Christ because there was nothing or no one I could live for. Life has taken everything from me, and now I have nothing to give back. New tears formed in my eyes again as the thought of my pathetic journey from childhood resurfaced in my mind. At this moment of sorrow, the sound of footsteps approaching came to my hearing. At once, I looked ahead while folding my legs up to cover my breasts as much as I could. It was dim so I couldn't identify the person's face but only sighted the silhouette. " Hey, come out here. " The order came after the man unlocked the door, and I reluctantly made it to my feet, shivering. My lips were pale, and my hair was ruffled. While shivering I walked out of the cell and followed the man. All my thoughts were that the godfather had called upon me again as he had said, but no. It soon dawned on me that Nero, the godfather's son, had a score to settle with me. The man who had brought me out of the cell led me into a wide room a bit far away from the long hall where a couple of candles were put on and the lamps were put out. Despite the darkness, I could see Nero sitting down majestically on his couch before a high table while his men, about six of them, were behind him, watching my body with their eyes sparkling like those of starved dogs. " Oh, our guest is here, guys. Our slut " Nero drawls curtly the moment I was brought in. " What ... What is going on here? The ... The godfather said I will be called upon for the last order " I took no time before stuttering in fear while looking around helplessly. " You can't... Do anything to me except he gave his words " " No. You are mistaken. I am his legitimate son, and I will soon become the Capo of this organization, so I have the right to make orders when my father isn't around. Right? " Frightened now, I began to take my step backward, powerless. I could only cry helplessly while making for the exit, but I was dragged back by the man who had brought me. Forcibly he pushed me violently towards the ground just before Nero. Blood Tainted the marble tiles, oozing out of my arm in no time, but still, I crawled up to Nero's feet, this time letting go of my pride and dignity if ever there was any ounce left. " I beg you... Please... Let me go this time. I beg you. Please " As pitiful as my voice sounded, the cold heart of Nero failed to listen. He had chuckled instead and nodded to his men, who rushed towards me at once. They stood me up from the ground and laid me on the table right before Nero, where they positioned me well enough for their boss to have his moments with me. I tried to scream, but a gag was clamped over my mouth with lightning-fast speed, silencing me before I could even utter a sound. For a while, I fought my way through as well, but the men were just too powerful, and gradually, I began to lose my strength as I began to doubt if everything would be better for me. Why cling to a flickering candle in a storm when its light is bound to be extinguished? I thought sorrowfully. At that moment, I decided to give in to fate, but it turned out a few seconds later that my so-called fate wasn't to lose my virginity in the arms of such an evil man as Nero. I was rescued and it was very unexpected. The door suddenly flew open, and the silhouette of a man appeared, commanding every man of Nero to stop and stagger backward in fear. Nero, who was already unfastening his belt, had to stop the moment he saw the same man who had come to my rescue earlier that day. " Malva," I heard one of Nero's men mutter, and I saw Cold sweat break out of his face when The dominant man called Malva began to walk forward. Carefully, with my heart racing, I watch him approach the table to look down at me. It was brief, but I could tell he saw something in my eyes that triggered his killer instincts. What occurred next was so unexpected and bloody. Never have I expected him to go berserk at my one glance, but he did. Angrily, he had reached out to Nero's men with his pocket knife and skillfully sliced open their throats, allowing the blood to gush out freely. The last man he killed was stabbed multiple times, repeatedly, and even after he is dead, he continues anyway. At long last, he stood up, barely breathing hard as he approached me, who had witnessed darkness and sin in the shortest distance. Malva had come that morning as my knight in shining armor, but that night, he had arrived as a psychopath. Both appearances were supposed to be overlooked by me when at least his intentions toward me were the same but how could I possibly erase those horrible memories? How could my heart now race when he pulled off his crew neck sweatshirt and extended it to me? How dare my heartbeat when he offered me his palm to take? Why and how I didn't know, but I know one thing for sure. Nero might be the legitimate son of the Italian Mafia godfather, but he isn't half everything Malva is. Not at all. Together, with the man who held my hand now, we walked towards the exit, and he took me back to my underground cell. He never left me, not until I stepped into the confined space and locked the gate up. Without wasting time, he turned to head out, but I was quick to stop him with my words. " Thank you " I am so grateful for his help and presence. Without him, I wouldn't have known what to do. I waited, expecting him to speak but he didn't. With his broad bare back covered in tattoos, he left me in the underground cell, leaving me to deal with myself and darkness.
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