1 • Mary •

1757 Words
As the sun's rays peek through the slit, I flutter my eyes open to see it's already morning. With a low groan, I made to sit up and get ready for the big event that would take place today, but at that moment, I realized I was in a moving van, gagged and bound by my ankles and wrists. Immediately, I flinch because, of course, I thought it might be a dream. The previous night, I remembered vividly well I had gone to bed early with the expectation of taking my vow this morning, but then, why and how am I in a moving van? Where am I heading? Frantically, I sat up to look around, seeking a way out, but all of a sudden, the van took a turn and drove into a very large fort. I was short of words. How easily can anyone explain it? Who'd dare abducted a nun at night, in a parish without being caught? That's unbelievable. So I thought, but my belief and hope were soon shattered when the van door opened widely by a rugged-looking man. My heart skipped a beat abruptly when the man, thrice my size and height moved closer to me to blindfold me. What occurs next was expected. I tried fighting back, but my strength did nothing but infuriate the man so much. He grabbed me by the arm very painfully and hauled me out in an instant. I was gagged, but I kept muffling out in struggles, trying to break free. However, all my efforts hit the brick walls, and I knew this when I felt myself being pushed to a kneeling position. The shove is cruel and a bit personal. Who? Why? My questions weren't answered, but my suspicions were confirmed when the blindfold was removed from my face, and I saw the man before me. This time, it wasn't just a mere thug but a cold, scary man with a piercing gaze smoking a cigarette. His dark eyes were surveying the space behind me for a brief moment as he puffed out smokes then those eyes of his shifted to my face, making me shiver uncontrollably. His silver hair was slicked back and his sharp jawline was covered in gray hair. His eyes, two icy lakes, seem to bore into my soul as if daring me to resist more than necessary. I know him. I could recognize him. A few times, I had an encounter with him whenever I visited my Dad in Grey Mansion, and each time our eyes met, I felt the dark aura from him. " Hi, " The man greeted me softly, and I felt my heart leaped up to my throat, thudding. I'm terrified but I am more confused. To ask questions I began to mumble. My struggles make the powerful man before I nod at the thug who had brought me in. " Rizio, Ungag her and free her from those ropes that bound her ankles and wrists. She is ... Someone I know " The thug called Rizio Bow apologetically and at once obeyed his master. " What is going on? Why am I brought here? What is all this about? " I wasted no second before blurting out, asking. My lips quivering now in so much fright as I perceived the air of smoke that hung up in the air. I felt the place was so ungodly, and a sacred person like me shouldn't be there. In response to my questions, however, the man tilted his head to think briefly as he set down his cigarette. " I am Sal Conti but you can call me godfather. Your father owes the Italian Mafia Organization a huge debt... " Immediately after hearing this statement, My heart dropped. I know exactly what to expect from there. After all, I have watched so many movies as well as read more stories before I decided to become a nun. However, I never once expected myself in such a scenario. " To cut all the chase. Your father sold you to the Italian Mafia Organization to clear up his debt. Oh, Silly Grey. I can't believe he didn't think twice before selling you out " " That's impossible " I firmly disagree. " My father will never do that. He might not have been the best father but he is... " " He signed the contract himself. " A steady voice came from behind Me, jolting me in an instant. Slowly, I turn to see him, a man approaching. As he grew nearer, I made out his face in the dimly lit hall. He possessed chiseled features that seemed to absorb the shadows just like the godfather. Carefully, I look down to see he has a file in his hand, and When he gets to me, he drops it, making the papers scattered before me. " You can read, right? Go on, " He told me, but I failed to obey. This is because I am scared. What if It all turns out to be the truth? What if truly, my father ... Sold me to clear up his debt just as ... He abandoned mom to die? Those were the thoughts going on in my head when I was distracted by the godfather's question. " You are worth my money, aren't you? " As he asked this blunt question, a self-satisfied smirk spread across his face, and his gaze began to wander over my body with an unbridled lust that made my skin crawl. I was taken aback by his brazen behavior, my shock, and discomfort evident on my very face. " I should tell you that I have nothing to do with Grey Ross, sir. I cut all ties with him last week. Today ... I was supposed to take my vow as a nun but ... I have to go back. I beg you " " A nun? " This time, the young man who had come given me the file asked in awe. " Father, does that mean she is a virgin? " Father? The godfather is his father? Oh no. The curiosity on his face, however, wasn't what jolted my heart but the expression Sal Conti puts on. With his heavy mustache and thick grey hair, I knew so well he would never and ever let me go. " Strip her, Nero " He suddenly ordered, and the two-syllable words brought out multiple men from different angles in the long rectangular hall. I found myself in the middle of them all. With no one to trust, I clutch the rosary around my neck. " My body is the temple of the lord. You can't violate it. I beg you, " I stuttered pitifully as a burning sensation stung my eyes. All I needed was the verdict of Sal Conti. I needed him to withdraw his order, but unfortunately, he didn't. " You were supposed to be a nun today, right? Let's do you a favor. You can't be a nun anymore, my dear. Today onward, you will be the Italian Mafia organization's plaything. Our slut. Every man here will take turns to bang you up against the wall. That's the only way you can be worth all my Penny. So stay still and let the men do their job. Let them strip you of your last dignity as a nun " At that moment, I could see my world come crumbling down on me. I thought I'd die from the scream I let out. The horror that fills my heart. Frantically, I backed off as I tried to find a way out, praying fervently for a miracle. Why should a calamity like that befall me when I have worshiped no one but the living lord? Why can't a miracle occur? A savior emerges, or, better still, a knight in shining armor? " Enough! " As though my prayer was answered, the one order came from a man ahead. That voice was powerful enough to command perfect decorum in the long hall. I gulped down hard. My lips quivered with so much fear as I waited for the man who was coming up to me. He arrived at the perfect time but not for the perfect purpose. Each step he took forward made me do nothing but quiver in fear. He is an embodiment of dominance, power, and handsomeness. The Man who approached me possessed Chiseled features, piercing blue sea eyes, and a strong jawline, which defined his captivating face. He has dark, messy hair that perfectly framed his sharp cheekbones and prominent nose. What made his presence more felt was the mesmerizing scent of roses that swirled around him. When he finally stood still before me, I saw his Fully curved lips twitch a bit, revealing a hint of dimples. He wasn't smiling, nor was his face giving out his feelings. As dangerous as the moment is, I find myself halfway excited that I didn't take the vow after all. Because how could a sexy man like this be available, and I'd vow to become a nun forever? That silly thought was going through my head when he took a step smoothly, forcing me to know my place and keeping me captivated, unable to take any step away. It was as though his charm had worked on me. Carefully he reached out to the zip behind my dress, stunning me completely. As he was about to let it down, I couldn't help but flinch; my heart caught up in my throat as cold sweat broke out from my face. " Stay still if you want all this to end quickly," He mutters quietly behind me, and as a ray of sunlight through the tunnel, I stand transfixed, Unable to stop the tears that trail out just as my dress falls. His fingers brushed my tender skin and stripped me of not only my dress but also my dignity. " Firm breasts... Nice t**s. She is surely a virgin " The one called Nero whispers carefully after seeing all of me. The godfather keeps mute for a while. He also allowed his eyes to roam around my body, and at last, he gave an order. " Lock her up and starve her in the underground cell. Once I cleared up my thoughts I will attend to her " Upon hearing these statements my knees gave way, and I fell to the ground. Then and there I know things will never be the same again. Never.
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