Chapter 6: The right thing

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Ann’s pov “No problem.” I said with the sweetest smile I could master. I got Emily a room closer to mine and she nodded looking around. “Thank you.” she said, and I went back to my mate who was still fast asleep. His wounds were getting better, and he wasn’t as pale as he was a few minutes ago. The blood is working, and that too at a miraculous rate. I held his hand just so he knows that I am there. “I can't believe that she agreed to stay here, isn’t she afraid even a little?” Lukas asked and I just shrugged. I have been asking myself that question and I didn’t get an answer, but it's pretty obvious. She isn’t scared of us. I think only people who have something to live for are scared. I don’t think Emily has anything to live for, maybe that is why she isn’t scared. She isn’t scared of dying. Because of the events, I fell asleep without even knowing it. The day was long, it was very hard for me to believe that all those events happened in one day. I feel like it's been a month already, it sure was an exceptionally long day indeed. “Alpha Prince, you are okay?” I heard someone say. “Shhhh...” I heard another person say. I slowly opened my eyes and looking at me was my handsome mate with his beautiful blue eyes. He looked so well rested and so full of life. “You woke her up.” he said, and I looked at his little brother. “Sorry.” Connor said and bowed his head which made me smile a bit. “It’s okay.” I said looking outside and realising that its morning already. “How are you feeling?” I asked my mate who gave me the biggest smile. “All healed up.” he said and kissed my forehead. “Mom said that you two should come and join us for breakfast, she prepared a feast for you.” he said. I got up and started stretching, “I need to freshen up first.” I said, and Conan nodded as well. “Go, we will be with you soon.” he said, and Connor left us alone in the room. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth when my mate wrapped his hands around me. “I was so scared.” he whispered, and I turned around to look at him. “Me too, I didn’t know what else to do.” I replied, and he kissed my forehead. “You did great, you were amazing.” he said but frowned like he didn’t like what came to his mind. “We will have to find a way around the deal you made with the Lycan king, I won't let you marry that man.” he added. I smiled because I knew the moment I made a deal with that monster that he wouldn’t let it happen. My family wouldn’t let me marry that monster, they wouldn’t allow me to live with those beasts. Conan didn’t let me go but held my waist with one hand and brushed his teeth with another. When we were done, we went to the pack house where everyone was waiting for us outside with a large table. Connor wasn’t exaggerating when he said that they prepared a feast, it was a beautiful day outside. “They are here.” Mike said, and everyone started clapping their hands and cheering. “Well, you don’t look like the walking dead anymore.” a voice said, and we all turned to find Emily coming towards us. She then sat down without an invitation and started serving herself food. “I don’t remember inviting you, this is a family celebration.” the Queen Luna said. Emily didn’t even look at her and continued eating as she replied. “Our King is going to marry your wolf less girl, I think that is going to make us family.” she replied. “You don’t need to be disrespectful; you are our enemy, and you don’t belong in this table.” Lukas said. “Enough, this is a celebration, so we can let her sit here and eat. There is no harm in that.” Conan said and looked at Emily. “You should learn to talk to people properly.” he added, and she smiled. “You should teach your people some hospitality, I have never been in a house that is so poorly managed. I had to sleep on an empty stomach last night, so you should be glad that the only thing I am doing right now is crashing your little celebration.” Emily replied. She took a bowel full of bacon and got up. “I will eat in my room, I am scared the beast in me might want human flesh and honestly none of you look delicious enough.” she said with a smirk. I could see that what she said instilled fear in some while others just frowned. “Never mind her, let’s eat.” I said to Conan, she is not someone we can understand yet. We sat down and everyone started talking about everything and anything. I noticed that my little sister wasn’t with us, and I knew that I had to talk to her. Even as we were eating Conan never let go of my hand. After breakfast, I went to look for my sister and found her in her room. “Can we talk?” I asked her. “I guess your mate is all better now.” she said, and I held her hand making her look at me. “I would have done the same for you. I would have done the same for anyone of you, and you know that. I love you, Charlie and Conan so much, you guys are my family and I can't live without you.” I tell her. She frowned, “I am not angry because you did that. I am angry that you have sacrificed your life again. You have never lived for yourself, but it's always for other people.” she said. “I made that choice, I am going to live for myself, and you have to believe me.” I said to her, and she frowned. “So please don’t be angry.” I said to her. “Of course I am angry, I am angry with myself. If it wasn’t for me then you two would have gotten married a long time ago. You wouldn’t have had to agree to marry that monster.” she said. Anne went to a private school in the city, and they both did, and she suddenly got sick. Conan and I were planning to stay in the same city and go to the same school. We wanted to get married immediately after high school. But when Anne got sick, I couldn’t move to another city and leave my little sister to fend for herself. So, both Conan and I decided that it would be better to wait before marking each other and getting married. Ever since then everything just got in the way, and we kept postponing but this time we even had a date. All the arrangements were done, and we were going to be together. But now something got in the way again, but I won’t let it. The only thing that would stop me from marrying my mate would be the moon goddess. Hell, I would even fight the gods just so I could be with him now. “I heard that he threatened you before he left. What If he harms you? And what if whatever the Alpha Prince has planned doesn’t work?” she asked me. “It's going to work, I promise that it's going to work.” I said to her praying that Conan has a plan, and it will work. The next days we spent together, I guess the fact that I almost lost him scared me so much. I didn’t want him to leave my side, and I could tell that he wanted the same. “You haven’t packed your clothes, you really aren’t being serious right?” Emily asked me as I was getting in my room. She was sitting on my bed looking at a picture of me and Conan. “What are you doing? You are invading my privacy.” I said, and she just shrugged standing up. “Today is the day we are supposed to go back, if I go back without you then you will regret it,” she said and started walking away. “Conan has a plan; he isn’t going to let me marry that monster,” I said to her, and she looked at me with a smile. “It must be nice to be you, you are no naïve, and honestly that will get you killed. If you love him as much as you say you do then do the right thing.” she said and closed the door behind her. Does she mean that I should marry a monster I don’t love? How is that the right thing?
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