Destiny Awaits

3708 Words
            {Delko’s P.O.V.}             I was beyond angry; I was engulfed with pure rage. Draco had the nerve to put his hands on my daughter and attempt to take advantage of her during her most vulnerable moment. I could not tell Astrid about this; she would come straight here and kill Draco herself. As I made my way down to the dungeons where Draco was being held, I could hear his screams. Danny and Stephen were torturing him. I did not care what his reasons were, Draco betrayed me and tried to defile my princess. I would do what Amelia asked of me. I was going to kill him. But not just yet.             “That is enough,” I say to them as I open the door.             “Sir!” Danny and Stephen salute me as I enter Draco’s cell. Their knuckles covered in blood. I look over and see Draco is bruised, bleeding, and his eye swollen shut. They did a number on him.             “Sir, how is she?” Stephen asks carefully.             “Traumatized. She will not allow even me to touch her!” I shout. I look down at Draco who spitting out blood from his mouth and looks down at the floor. Draco was not going to be shown an ounce of mercy. I take off my shirt and wrapped my hands. “Let us begin.”               {Amelia’s P.O.V.}             I open my eyes and find that I am walking through a forest, but it was not like any forest I had ever seen. I walk out of the forest and see a lake that was glowing yellow, almost golden. The trees were glowing a fluorescent blue. This place was beautiful and was almost too perfect for words. It was magical, almost heavenly. Wait? Am I dead?             “No, you are not dead,” I heard a voice. I turned around but do not see anyone.             “Who’s there? Who are you?” I keep looking around.             “Did you forget who I was already?” I heard the voice again. I look out to the opposite side and see red eyes peer out at me. I look closer and a pure white wolf comes out from the darkness.             “Aadya?” I ask and she bows her head. “I do not understand, how?”             “You wished that we were never born Amelia. Do you really think so little of me and the bond that we share?” she says as she stares directly in the eyes.             “What? No, of course not. I cherish our bond.” I did not realize that my words would also affect how my wolf thought of me. “I am so sorry Aadya, I did not mean to hurt you,”             “Amelia, I know you are sad, angry, confused, broken, and worst of all, you are resentful.” I started to cry at her words. “But this is your path. This is our path. Together. Everything happens for a reason.”             “What reason could the gods and goddess have for taking away my happiness? If I am such a powerful being, who is supposed to be some miracle werewolf, then are they punishing me!?”             “They are not punishing you, child,” I heard a tender voice through the wind.             “Who is that?” I look around and look at Aadya whose eyes are glowing brighter than ever. Her eyes were almost like flames.             “Someone who will you guide you, guide us,” she responds. She bows her head again and runs back into the forest out of sight.             “COULD YOU BE ANYMORE f*****g CRYPTIC!?” I yell at her.             “Child, do not speak to your wolf that way,” I hear a voice and turn around. There stood a young woman a few inches taller than me. She was wearing a loose-fitting light blue A-line dress that sparkled in the moonlight. She had light golden blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, peach color cheeks, and light red lips. She looked like a supermodel.             “Who are you?” I ask. She just smiled without saying anything as she looked me up and down.             "My, you are stunning. No wonder your mate loves you. It is also no wonder that men gravel the ground you walk on.” She says looking me over again and again.             “What in the actual fu…”             “Do not finish that sentence!” She commands, and I shut up. “Your vocabulary is astonishing for a young woman. So vulgar! It does not suit your looks.” She says while grabbing my face at the end of her statement.             “My apologies?” I respond. Who was this chick? “Who are you?” I ask again.             “My identity at this moment is not important, what is important is you and eagerness to give up.”             “I never said…”             “Are you trying to lie to me, or are you lying to yourself?” she says cutting me off. I look at the ground knowing she got me good. Truth was, I wanted to give up. Nothing was going the way I wanted or how I planned. “Amelia, all of these trials and tribulations are part of completing your journey. It is not over, far from. Your journey is just beginning.”             “I do not understand. Rejecting Stephen altered my destiny. The prophecy says that I must be marked and fully mated before I come into my full powers. Without Stephen, how is that going to happen? I was told rejections cannot be rescinded.” I complain.             “Your fate was sealed the moment you were conceived, Amelia.” She says while holding my hands and being just as cryptic as Aadya. “You will become who are you meant to be. But it cannot be rushed. You are meant to take down Cyrus and bring peace to the Kingdom of Werewolves. You and Stephen together will reign and will be of the most powerful duo that has ever existed. Packs all over the world will know your names."             “I rejected him! What part of that do you not understand!?” and Maddie says that I am dense.             “Oh that,” she says finally acknowledging what I had been trying to say for the last 10 minutes,            “That incident does not count,” she says shaking her finger.             “Excuse me? What do you mean it does not count?”             “Well ... One, you did it incorrectly on your part, and two, it was never accepted on his,” she says shrugging her shoulders.                     “Incorr… Accep… What!?” I had never been more confused.             “Wow, your friend Maddie is right, you are denser than a sack of potatoes.” She says her putting hands on her hips. My mouth just dropped. Did this figure of my imagination just insult me? I had no idea what to say. She smiles and she looks down at my chest and notices the scratch left by Draco. She puts her hand on it and takes in a deep breath. After a few seconds, she removes her hand,             “There, all better.” I look down and my wound is gone. I look back at her and she takes my hands again. “Look, I cannot give you the answers, you must figure it out for yourself; however, I can give you guidance. Go to the library, and there you will find the answers you seek.”             “How will I know?”             “You just will,” She moves my hair and tucks it behind my ear. “You have been blessed by the Moon Goddess herself. Do not give up hope child.” I close my eyes and take in her words. “You are destined for great things.” She whispers in my ear and then I felt her presence disappear.               I open my eyes and I see that I am still tucked in the armchair in my Father’s room with the sun shining in from the window.             “It was only a dream…” I touch my face where the girl tucked my hair.             ‘You sure about that?’ Aadya says. I sit up and feel that my chest is no longer hurting. I look inside my hoodie and pull off the bandage and find that it has completely healed. I get up and run out of the room. I run into the boys and Daddy on my way down the stairs.             I see that they are covered in blood and sweat and their knuckles are all bruised.             “What happened!?” I said inspecting all their hands.             “Draco’s face happened,” Danny responded.             “Is he dead?” I ask.             “No,” Stephen said. I look him in the eyes and remember what that young woman told me in my dreams. Could Stephen and I really have a second chance? I did not want to get my hopes up.             “He is going to be knocked out for a few days,” Daddy says while patting the back of my hand and notices that I do not flinch or pull away. “Sweetheart, you let me touch you,” he says while grabbing my shoulders. The guys also looked shocked.             “Are you alright?” Danny asks. “Last night you almost ripped Stephen’s head off for trying to touch you.”             “I am sorry for that Stephen, I know you were only concerned about me,”             “It’s okay,” he responds.             “Dad, I'll be in the library,” I say and kiss him on the cheek. I run down the stairs and head for the 3rd floor. The library was in the southeast wing of the 3rd floor and wrapped around the palace. It was normally empty because no one really had a reason to go in there.             I get to the library and go through the double doors and shut them behind me. The place was ginormous, and I had no idea where to start.             “A clue would be nice,” I said while looking around to try and find a starting point.                        ‘Do not get frustrated. You are a werewolf, tap into your senses.’ says Aadya.             “How?” I ask utterly annoyed. I could not believe that I was taking guidance from that chick that appeared in my dream.             ‘Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Let your senses guide you.’ I do what Aadya says and try to clear my mind, I take in a deep breath and calm myself. After a few moments, I thought I heard something or someone calling out to me,             ‘Amelia…Amelia…’ a whisper so faint I thought I was hearing things. I follow the voice while continuing to keep my eyes closed. I was amazed that I did not run into anything or trip. I could feel myself going around tables, chairs, and even a few steps.             ‘Amelia!’ I open my eyes after one final call and find myself in front of a shelf in the far corner of the library. It was dark as no light reached this corner. I stare at the shelf, it has a bunch of books, some old and some new. The older ones seemed to be much older, almost if someone was deliberately trying to conceal them. My eyes drew me to a single book, in the middle of the shelving. I felt drawn to it for some reason. As I reached out to grab it, I felt a jolt from the spine of the book.             “Aadya, did you feel that?” I ask her while looking down at my hand. It did not hurt, nor did it seem evil, whatever the contents of this book were, it was almost as if it was calling me. Like the book was drawn to me as much as I was drawn to it.             ‘Take it,’ Aadya says to me. I reach out again and feel the jolt once more, but it was not as intense, it was almost welcoming. I carefully take it off the shelf, careful not to damage it as it seemed very fragile. Time had ravished the binding, but the pages still seem to be intact. I blow on the cover to try and remove the dust. It looks as if no one opened this thing in centuries.             I open the cover and suddenly I felt as if I was being transported through the skies. The next thing I knew, I was in the palace halls, but it looked so much older. I look around and there are knights standing guard, dogs running around barking and service staff that was dressed as if they had seen a fashion magazine in their life.             “Has anyone seen Amelia?” I hear a strong and powerful voice. Was someone looking for me? I turn and see a man about 6 feet tall, his hair was dark brown, closer to black, he had hazel eyes, was muscular and stood with pride. Wow, whoever, he sure was hot.             “My King, she is in her quarters getting ready for tonight,” I heard a female voice. I turn and see this petite golden hair blonde, but she was older. She walks right past me and does not even acknowledge my existence. What is going? Can they not see me?             “Mother,” the man says             “Horatio, my son,” she responds. Wait, Horatio? As in the King of Werewolves? “Are you ready to make her yours forever?” she asks him while holding his hands.             “Yes. I have long awaited for this day. The Moon Goddess has said that on this night, the night of Amelia’s 21st birthday, when the full moon rises, we consummate our union with my turning her into a werewolf.”             “I am proud of you Horatio, not only are you an exceptional King, you have grown to be a fine young man. I thank the heavens for bringing you to me and for giving you this gift..”             “Mother let me turn you tonight as well. This gift I have been given; I want to share it with you,”             “No, I am not meant to live forever,” I watch as they look into each other’s eyes.             “Your Majesty, Your Highness, the ceremony preparations are complete.” Says a maid while bowing.             Then out of nowhere, I am rushed outside, and it was nighttime. Wait, what the hell? I am standing in the garden of the palace, floating on top of the fountain in front of the maze. Why am I floating? I look down and see Horatio and a crowd of spectators. I see a man standing next to the King and he looks awfully familiar. I lean in and get a closer look and my eyes widen. No, it can’t be … Cyrus.             “My King, are you nervous?” Cyrus asks.             “No. I am excited. After tonight, I will reign, and Amelia will be by my side forever.” He turns with a smile and puts his hand on Cyrus’ shoulder. “Once I have turned her, I will your old friend.”             “My King, it would be an honor to serve you until the end of time,” Cyrus says with a bow.             “Make way for her Majesty, Queen Amelia!” I look over to the doors and there stood a petite young woman, wearing a familiar-looking light blue dress, light golden blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. Wait, that is the girl from my dream. The one who told me that my destiny still awaits me. She was the Queen? The Queen of werewolves.             Again, I am being rushed through skies and land in someone’s bedroom. I look around and see the King and Queen, sleeping. I hear the door creak and I look over to see Cyrus entering. As he tippy toes in, he starts to draw his sword. So, the stories were true, Cyrus kills the King. Before I knew it, Cyrus holds his sword high and with one swift move, he stabs the King in the heart. I turn at the sight I see before me. Cyrus had no mercy. Holy s**t! Whoa!             Again, I am being wooshed into the sky and I see a war below me. The Kingdom is on fire, blood everywhere, wolves, and humans battling to no end. The wolves are massive, black, brown, and grey in color.             “Kill the purebloods!”             “By order of King Cyrus! Destroy the purebloods!”             I hear shouting, are all of the wolves purebloods? I see arrows, swords, and spears being thrown at the werewolves. As they die, they stay in the wolf form. Wait, but when a wolf dies, they should turn back into their human form. I keep seeing the destruction occur as if I am there. Countless bodies of humans and wolves alike start to stack up like a pile leaves in the peak of fall.             I land in an office, and it seems to be a little more modern. I look around and see Cyrus sitting at a desk, pondering.             *knock knock*             “Enter,”             “Sire, the witch you have summoned has arrived,” says the man who opened the door.             “Let her in,” Cyrus says. I feel like a complete fly on the wall.             “My King,” She elderly woman bows.             “Tell me, why have you not found me, my destined mate?” Say what now?             “It is not written in the cards yet, Sir,” she responds keeping her head down. Something about this elderly woman seemed off.            “Tell me then, what do you see in my future. How long do I reign as King of Werewolves?” I look over her and her eyes are cloudy white.             “I see… I see your demise, King Cyrus. A young girl, with pureblood in her veins. The last direct decedent of the True King. More powerful than any werewolf that will ever exist…” she says.             “WHAT!? My demise!?” Cyrus roars and grabs her by the throat. “How do I stop this?” he growls while still holding on.             “You cannot,” she says calmly as her eyes turn back to normal color. “Her destiny has been written in stone. She cannot be stopped.” She says while looking him dead in the eyes. Was she talking about me? As I said this, I see that the witch is looking at me dead in the eyes. I freeze in fear. Could she see me? The room starts to turn, and I am still in Cyrus’ office. Based on the décor and calendar hanging on the wall, it almost appeared to be the present day, but still older.             The door flies open. Cyrus enters and the same elderly woman follows him.             “Tell me, Witch, now that I have killed hundreds of baby girls, what does my future entail?” he asks her while rubbing his chin. I look over and the witch’s eyes are cloudy as she peers into the future.             “I still see your demise,” Cyrus roars in anger and throws everything off his desk. “There is one more thing you should know.”             “What is it?” he askes white gritting his teeth.             “She is not alone. She has a mate. He already lives in your Kingdom. She will share her powers with him, and together, they will rule the Kingdom. The most powerful Alpha and Luna that will ever exist.” Her eyes turn back to their normal color again.             “Summon Delko!” he commands. Delko? As in Dad? The door opens and in came my Father. I watch and listen as Cyrus tells my Father everything and he seems to completely unphased. Based on the year of the calendar, I had already been born.             I watch to see Daddy leave along with the witch and I follow them. She follows him into the elevator and rush in just before the door closes. I feel like a fly on the wall again.             “Delko, I know your secret,” Daddy looks at her and growls.             “Do not worry, your secret is safe with me,” she says looking up at him.             The elevator doors open and they both go into Daddy’s room. I walk in before the closes again and stand in the corner.             “Delko, you cannot keep her hidden. Your daughter is the key to the survival of your kind.”             “Why do you keep warning him?” he asks her.             “Warn him? No, I am not warning him. I am telling him that he will die by the hands of your daughter.”             “How can you be so sure?”             “Should she find her mate, and they consummate their love, Cyrus’ demise will be eminent. She must come here as soon as she turns. Her destiny awaits her.” With that Daddy, leaves the room slamming the door. I stand there in complete and utter shock. What the hell was going on? Daddy never told me or mom that it was the Witch’s idea to bring me here.             “Hello Amelia,” she says while staring me straight in the eyes.             “Holy mother of the goddesses!” I jump back completely scared shitless. “You can see me!?”             “Well, of course, I am the that brought you here. I led you to the book.” She says smiling.             “I do not understand, what is all of this? What have I been seeing?”             “I am answering your questions. Is that not what you have been seeking?” I was completely speechless. “I understand that you are hurting…”             “Hurting!? Is that what you are calling this? Hurting!?” I lose my s**t at what she says. “The King wants me dead, and countless have died because of me, there is a crazy stalker tormenting me, my best friend just tried to rape me and I rejected the love of my life! Hurting is just the tip of the iceberg!” I yell at the top of my lungs and the tears start to fall and my hearts start to break all over again.             “Child,” she grabs my hands and brings me into a hug. Her embrace is warm, and I feel a sudden sensation of power and energy. I feel my eyes start to burn as I see hints of red and gold.             “What did you do?”             “I healed your heart,” she says as she wipes away a stray tear and my vision comes back to normal.             “Please, answer me this. The Queen and you both say that my destiny still awaits. That I am destined for greatness," I start to you say.              "You are," she says.              "The Alpha you speak of, is it Stephen?”              “Yes,” she says and then vanishes.               I let out a huge gasp and I find myself back in the library still holding the book.             “What the bloody hell?”
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