Birthday Ball + Enemy Unmasked

2663 Words
            {Amelia’s P.O.V.}             It has been a week since my vision quest, or at least that is what Aadya is calling it, and still, nothing has happened. Although I think I have gone bat s**t crazy, Aadya assures me that it will pan out. We will find out who this tormenter is, rekindle our love with Stephen and Cyclone and destroy Cyrus. Again, that is what Aadya keeps on saying.             I am sitting on the bed just thinking about everything that was shown to me, but I kept it all to myself. Whoever my enemies were, I did not want to tip the advantage I now had. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear knocks on my door.             “It’s open!”             Maddie comes in with a frustrated look on her face. Now what?             “You sneaky b***h, you thought you could get away with it didn’t you?” she says crossing her and tapping her foot. I look at her funny and raise an eyebrow.             “Get away with what?” I ask.             “Your birthday!” she shouts.             “My what?” I look over at my wall calendar and see that it was May 20th. There were only three days left until my birthday and I had completely forgotten.             “Were you just going to let it idly pass by?” she asks while coming over to me.             “I’m sorry, I totally forgot about my own birthday. With everything that has gone on in the last year since my coming here, let me just say I am not in the celebrating mood.”             “Well, I understand that, but it is the first birthday you will celebrate with your Father, and …” she stops midsentence. I look at her as she twiddles her thumbs.             “…and what?” I look at her.             “The King found out and he wants to throw a party for you in your honor. It was announced this morning. You Father tried to protest, but since you are technically his Mistress, the King felt that it was necessary.” She quickly says and bites the inside of her cheek.             Well s**t.               “Oh, come on, it is your birthday! Even we if have to continue our charade, let us at least have fun celebrating you and turning 22.” She nudges me with her shoulder.             “What is this party going to be? Big dinner?” I asked completely unamused.             “Dinner? This is the King we are talking about and your Father, the General,” she says. I look at her afraid of what she might say. Please do not say ball, please do not say ball, please do not say ball…             “The King is having a ball in your honor,”             You have got to be f*****g me.               “Maddie! A ball!? For a birthday!?”             “I am just the messenger,” she holds her hands up. I can tell that she has more to say.             “What else?”             “You will like this one, I think …” I giver her the side-eye.             “Shopping for a ball gown,” she says with a cheesy smile.             “A BALL GOWN!? MADDIE!! HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ME WHERE SKIRT, LET ALONE A DRESS?!?”             “It is an excuse to go shopping,” she said trying to lighten the mood.             “Maddie, you realize with everything going on right now, my being the center of attention is suicide! There is still a psychopath after me! This ball is going to put me in his crosshairs!” I was fuming by this point. I was trying to stay invisible because I did not want to call attention to myself. I knew Maddie was not to blame, but s**t.             “I know you are frustrated, but it is too late. Preparations are already being made. Besides, whoever is after you would not be stupid enough to come after you at the reception hall where there will be a few hundred people in attendance. Plus, your Father has made sure that Stephen or Danny will always be with you. Also, your Father recently promoted a new warrior to replace Draco.”             “I heard, what's his name?” I ask.             “His name is Benjamin, but he prefers to be called Benny.” I nod as I would have to make sure I remember that. “Also, Draco’s execution has been stayed again."             “Why?”             “I don’t know,” she responds shaking her head.             Cut me a f*****g break will you please! I shout in my head to the goddesses above.               The next few days fly by fast. Maddie and I had gone shopping with Daddy’s credit card, and I ended up getting a beautiful light blue princess gown with a plunging sweetheart neckline with silver beading. I also picked up a few extra things as personal birthday gifts to myself. I do not think Daddy will be happy when he sees his credit card statement.             On the morning of my birthday, Maddie had a spa day lined up for us that included facials, manicures and pedicures, massage, and full-body scrubs. The King had hired professional makeup artists and hairstylists for me to use when I got ready. I thought it was overkill, but I could not defy the king. Even if it was my destiny to kill him eventually.             Maddie helped me get my dress on after hair and makeup were done. I put my favorite pair of YSL heels that I ended up getting in white just for this dress. Maddie had made certain to sew in pieces of Daddy’s clothing into the dress because I was not going to be able to wear a bra. I looked in the mirror and added some highlighting powder in areas where the sun naturally would hit.              “Ready?” Maddie asks.             “Bleh!” I say already dreading what was going on downstairs.               The night went on, people sang me Happy Birthday, Daddy kissed me on the cheek and had to hold onto my waist in a way that made me want to yack my lunch. Eventually, I was kicked around like a hacky sack from man to man who wanted to dance with me. I personally hated ballroom dancing, especially when I had to lead the guy who has two left feet. I did get the chance to dance with Daddy, Danny, Stephen, the new recruit Benny, and even Cyrus at some point.             Dancing with my Father was worth it since we never got to have a daddy-daughter dance when I was growing up. Danny made it fun as he cracked jokes the whole time to make my mood better. Danny had become a big brother to me, and I was very grateful for his loyalty. Benny was sweet and made sure to keep his hands in proper places. He may have been a warrior, but I knew he was afraid of the General. Benny obviously did not know anything, and unfortunately, after what happened with Draco, I would not tell anyone else my secret.             My dance with Stephen was awkward, yet magical at the same time. We knew that we both still loved each other and given what I was told by the Witch and Queen Amelia, I wanted nothing more than to tell him how much I loved him. But until the threat was neutralized, I had to pretend. My dance with Cyrus was uncomfortable. He was being a gentleman, but I do not know what it was about him, his touch was cold, but it felt like my skin was burning at the same time. He tried to make small talk, and I did my best to entertain him, but he made me sick.             “King Cyrus, may I intrude?” I hear a very voice that immediately sent chills up my spine.  And not the good kind.             The King and I stop dancing, and in front of us is a very well dressed man. He looked Latin American, was over 6 feet tall, had dark brown hair that was split from the most left side of his head, had green eyes, and a jawline that could cut paper. He too was very fit but did not seem as clean-cut as Daddy or Stephen.             “Ah, Fernando, finally you come out of your office,” Cyrus says shaking his hand.             “My King, Miss. Aimee,” he does a half bow to both of us. Although this guy has handsome, I could not help but get an eerie gut-wrenching feeling from him. He seemed dangerous. Aadya was not happy with his presence. She was growling in the back of my mind. The King takes his leave and I bow to him. As soon as he does, Fernando takes my hands and start to lead in the dance.             “Ms. Aimee, I hope you are enjoying your birthday,” he says to me.             “Yes, I am,” I give a short response. Why did I not like this guy? I knew him all of 20 seconds.             “I must say, you are ravishing in this dress. The way it accentuates your neck and other parts of your assets are quite stunning,” he says as he stares directly at my cleavage.             “Excuse me!” I respond in protest. He just blatantly stared at my boobs.             “My apologies, I did not mean to offend you or stare,” he smiles and turns me around bringing me back again.             “Do not let it happen again,” I say in a demanding tone. “What, what do you do?” I ask to make small talk hoping that the song will end soon. I was sick of dancing.             “I am the palace Accountant,” he says. “I stay quite busy as I handle the books for the King, the General, and all of the legal counsel. You can imagine how busy they keep me.”             “Do you live here in the palace?” I ask.             “Why yes, I actually reside on the fourth floor with my mistress Daphne,” he says.             “And who is Daphne? Did she accompany you?”             “Yes, she is over there by the wine table,” he says. I turn around and see this big boobed brunette bimbo wearing an unflattering short black dress. If she bent over, you would probably see her ass and v****a. Her boobs were also spilling out over her dress. Her attire screamed street w***e. She was hanging out with Natalia and both were staring daggers at me.             “I believe your mistress is quite angry that you are dancing with me and not her right now,”             “Well, you are the guest honor tonight Ms. Aimee, I am sure Daphne can wait a little while longer,” he says and shoots me a smile. I think he was trying to be charming, but it made me feel sick. I look over at Daphne and Natalia, and both are fuming. If they were cartoons, flames would be coming out of their heads and smoke out of their ears. Finally, I heard the music end. We do our bows. He kisses the back of my hand, which again sent shivers up my spine.             “Goodnight Ms. Aimee, and Happy Birthday,” he stands and walks away.             Once the music stopped and men stopped playing Hot Potato with me, I found that my feet were killing me. These YSL heels were not as comfortable as I remembered. I mind linked Daddy and told him I would be outside in the garden and to send one of the boys. I snuck past behind the orchestra and made my way to the fountain that was by the maze. I looked at the fountain and realized it was the same one in my vision, the same one Horatio stood in front of when he was going to turn Queen Amelia.             I sat on the edge of the fountain removing my shoes. My feet really did hurt. I looked down into the water and could see the koi swimming without a care in the world. I placed my fingertip on top of the water and chased one of the fish with it.             “What are you doing?” I heard the most welcoming voice.             “Just having fun with my friend here,” I say as I keep chasing the koi with my finger on top of the water.             He sat down next to me and noticed that I was barefoot as my shoes were next to me on the edge of the fountain.             “Do your feet hurt?” he asked. I nodded my head and kept playing with the fish. When I felt him lift my legs onto his lap and he started to massage my feet.             “Stephen, what are you doing?” I try to take my legs back, but he stops me.             “Stop. Your feet are really swollen, I can tell.” He keeps massaging them.             He adds pressure to all the right spots and rotates my ankle slowly to release any tension. I could not stop my heart from racing. As he massaged my feet, it took me back to when we were happy together. Even though we were hiding the fact we were mates, we still had amazing moments together and I desperately missed those times. I missed his touch, his hugs, his kisses, his scent, how he would make feel just by looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes and how he could send orgasmic chills all over my body with his tongue. I was truly, madly, and deeply in love with him.             I looked up at his gorgeous face and I wanted to touch him so badly and at one point caught my hand trying to reach for him, but I stopped. He stopped massaging my feet and looked up at me. I knew by the look in his eyes, he was reminiscing about us too. The love in his eyes told me everything I needed to know. No words were needed.               {Unknown P.O.V.}             I watched from my bedroom window as Aimee sat with Stephen at the edge of the fountain. He was massaging her feet and I could see the love in her eyes. I did not understand, why did her rejection not break their bond? Why did her heart still belong to him? When I was dancing with her tonight, I gave her my charming smile and her heartbeat remained the same. Not even a tickle in it. When I complimented her amazing God-given assets, she was offended. There was no warmth in her cheeks and no chills in her breath. Did she not find me attractive? As I watched, I heard Daphne come in with her sister Natalia.             “My Lord, what are you doing?” she asked while hugging me from behind. She started to remove my clothing and her hand grabbed my member. She turned me around and kissed me which I accepted. I then felt a secondhand wrap around me and find that Natalia was naked and kissing my neck. Both were eventually sharing me, and I stood there taking it. I could feel that I was not getting it up fast enough, so I looked out and saw Aimee smile and look lovingly into the eyes of her rejected mate. I closed my eyes thinking about her in my room, in my bed pleasing me and me pleasing her. The more I wanted Aimee, the less I wanted Daphne.             Soon Aimee, very soon. I will make you mine. You will wear my mark and the world will know you belong to Fernando Del Cordova.

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