The Reflection

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            {Amelia’s P.O.V.}             It did not take long for my 21st birthday to arrive. I mean, time went by fast after Mother told me what I was. I was excited yet terrified to see what I would look like. Mother did warn me that it would be painful the first time.             “Two more weeks,” I say out loud while looking in the mirror getting ready for class. I ended up leaving Switzerland with Mother after graduating from high school since there were no colleges in our small town. Mother said that it was time we left and that we should go somewhere where was at least a small population of werewolves so that once I did turn, we did not look out of place. We ended up in Oxford, even though, I had begged for us to go to London. Mother said that London brought up back too many painful memories, so I agreed to go to Oxford.             I am finishing up my third year in law school at the University of Oxford and am still contemplating what I want to do with that. Hell, I am contemplating if I even wanted to finish school. I honestly hated school and I had vowed to not attend college, but mother forced me to. Somehow she blackmailed me into going. Said that if I got ‘good grades’, she would tell me more about my father, who he was, the King, and the crazy person werewolves call ‘Cyrus.’ Although Mother has not mentioned him more than twice in the last few years.             Throughout my final year in high school, I spent many days at the local library looking at history articles from the late 1400s to the mid-1800s. When my mother found out what I was up to, she nearly had a heart attack and regretted ever telling me anything. But a lot of information was mostly rubbish. I did find out, however, who I was named after, the first Queen of Werewolves. Turned at 21 after her marriage to the king, King Horatio, the forefather of us all and the one true pureblood.             Mother eventually went into more detail about how he came to reign, but she too could only recall information from stories she heard as a little girl. Legends and stories, nothing 100 percent accurate even from what she knew.             During one of our major arguments when I was 19, I finally forced my mother’s hand into telling me why she never seemed to age a day. She looked younger than me at that point and I was jealous of her. As I said before, Mother is beautiful and youthful-looking, she wears a size two in jeans, size 6.5 in shoes, and she had a perfect hourglass frame. Her breasts were 32D and her ass was the perfect peach shape.             I mean, my body was not bad off either. I was a size two also, my breasts were a 34C and my ass was almost too perfect for words. But unlike my mother, I had to work out hard. She kept saying it was the human side of me, but that after I turned, I would not have worked so hard to stay fit. She said that once I have a “wolf’s heat” cycle, my boobs would get bigger and I would have nice abs like her. ‘Okay.’             She finally came clean about how old she was that same day that I had snapped about her looks. --------------------------------------------------------               “MOTHER YOU ARE NOT!?!?” I scream at the top of my lungs. Completely shocked.             “I am sorry for lying to you. I was technically 100 when I gave birth to you Amelia.” She says twiddling her thumbs. She always told me she was 21.             “How old was Father?” I asked.             “Well…He was much, much, older than me.” She gritted her teeth. “I met your father when I was 99; however, he was um … Hold on let me do the math on this.” She says while thinking hard. How much f*****g older was he when they met!? I mean, Mother said she was born a werewolf and so was Father, but what the bloody hell? “He uh, your father was 213 when we first became mates.”             “I AM SORRY!! COME AGAIN!!!” I thought I was going to s**t myself. My father was over 100 years older than my mother before he died.             “Honey, I still look like this because we age at a very slow pace once we turn. We are born as babies, just like humans. We age at the same rate, but once we turn for the first time, the aging process slows incredibly.”             “By how much?” I asked completely shocked.             “Well, if I do my math right, wolves age approximately one year every century give or take a decade.” She said while looking at me, making sure I did not faint.             “ONE YEAR, EVERY 100 YEARS!?!” I shouted in utter dismay.             “… give or a take a decade.” She added. I looked at her my eyes wide as if I wanted to strangle her.             “So, you are telling me, that you are 120 years old, but you look like you’re still 21? Is that right?” I said while pointing my well-polished finger at her.             “Yes, that is why werewolves are basically immortal. We do not age, we do not get sick, we do not get cancer or other diseases such as kidney failure, heart failure, liver failure. All that jazz.” She said while pressing her lips together and sounding perky at the same time.             “So, if Father had not died protecting you, how old would he look today?”             “Mmmmm… 23? Maybe 24? The oldest he would look is 25.” she answered with a glisten in her eyes and biting her bottom lip. I knew that look; all girls make that look.             “EW!! MOTHER THAT IS DISGUSTING!” I shouted. At that moment I wanted to gouge my eyes out. She jumped back at my sudden outburst. My body shivered in disgust.             “Young lady, you would not even be here had your father and I not had sex.” She said pointing her finger back at me.             “Ew! Oh my God! My virgin ears! Ew!” I said covering my ears because I could not take it anymore.             “Oh, stop being ridiculous Amelia.” She said while shoving me. ----------------------------------------------------               That day was funny now that I think about it. I smiled at myself looking in the mirror once more, then suddenly, I look and jump back.             “AHHHHHH!!!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.             “What! What! Darling why are you screaming?” My mother yells while rushing into my room.             “Mother, the mirror, the mirror …” I said while pointing at the mirror with horror in my eyes.             “What about it?” she asks while looking at it up and down.             “My reflection smiled and c****d her head to the side while I was just standing here.” My face was white as a ghost. Then when I looked at it again,             ‘Hi!’             “AHHH!!!!” I screamed again.             “What now!?” my mother yelled while staring at me and then back at the mirror.           “Mother, my reflection just said ‘Hi’ to me!” I said yelling and pointing. My reflection scoffed at me. “What are you scoffing at!?” I yelled at my reflection.           “Amelia are you talking to your reflection?” my mother asked sounding as if she knew what was going on. I turned to look at her for an answer. “That is very strange, you haven’t turned yet.” I gave her this look of confusion. “Darling, I will be right back. Stay here why don’t you.” I grabbed her arm to keep her from leaving. “Amelia, she is not going to hurt you. Isn’t that right?” she asked with a smile looking at my reflection. Could she see what I was seeing? My reflection nodded and smiled when my mother walked out of the room.             “WHAT THE f**k!?!?!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.               {Astrid’s P.O.V.}             “Anastasia?” I called for my wolf.             ‘What? I was taking a nap.’ Responding with a yawn and a growl at the same time.             “Are you aware that your pup has contacted Amelia and is conversing with her through her reflection?’             ‘WHAT!? How is that possible? Amelia has not even turned yet.’             “My thoughts exactly. Thank you.”   I go back to Amelia’s room while she is screaming at the top of her lungs. Today was going to be another long day.               {Amelia’s P.O.V.}             “This cannot be happening! I must be dreaming! This… This… This cannot be real.” I said while pacing back and forth.             ‘Stop screaming! You are giving me a headache!’ shouted my reflection.             “Who the f**k are you?” I curse at the reflection.             ‘How can you not know me? Now you are just being rude.’ She says while putting her hands on her hips. I look at her like she is an insane person.             “How am I supposed to know you!? I have never had a conversation with myself before!” I said with attitude and complete annoyance.             “Hello Darling!” My mother chimes in as she comes back into my room.             “MOTHER, WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?” I scream as I grab her shoulders, my eyes about to pop out of their sockets.             “Right, well uh … The best I can explain is that whoever you are conversing with, is you, but not really.” She looks at me thinking I am understanding. I give her the side-eye look letting her know I was waiting for more. “Alright, um… This is happening earlier than expected, I was not prepared to have this conversation yet. Your reflection is your wolf.”             “What was that?” I asked her not understanding.             “Haaaaa….” She sighs heavily. “Amelia, as a werewolf, you have your human side, and then you have your wolf side. Two personalities within the same body. You can converse with one another and it is almost like having a twin but in your brain. They are you, but they are also their own individual. Typically, again, this does not happen until you turn for the first time. So, I am very curious as to how she is communicating with you right now.” She says while holding her hands together. “Can you ask her what her name is?” Mother asks.             “Why can’t you?” I snap back.            “Because I cannot see her or speak with her. Only Anastasia can.” I look at her even weirder.             “Who is Anastasia?” I asked even more confused than before.             “She is my wolf. You met her that night you followed us to the forest lake,” she said glaring at me. My eyes are wide as they can be, and I turn to look at my reflection who is smiling at me.             “Mother would like to know your name,” I said blinking a million times a minute. I felt so stupid talking to my reflection.             ‘My name is Aadya!’ She responded with a huge smile on her face.             “Aadya?” I repeat back making sure I pronounced it correctly. She nodded her head. We both look back at mother, and her eyes wide.             “Oh my God.” Mother says under her breath.             “Anastasia,” Mother said. She seemed to be conversing with her wolf.             ‘Ah, so now you know. Yes, my dear Astrid. She IS the prophecy.’             ‘Have you told Lucifer?’             ‘No, I have not spoken with Lucifer since the day she was born.’             ‘What?’             ‘The risk of communicating with another wolf is difficult without being caught on by an outsider. He and I cannot risk it. You need to tell Delko.’             ‘What do I say?’             ‘What do you mean what do you say? You tell him the truth! And you need to tell Amelia the truth as well.’            ‘No, I cannot tell her that her father is alive.’             ‘Well I want to tell Aadya that Lucifer is alive, but I can’t! Because our thoughts are not private. But you know as well as I do, that the conversation between a human and their wolf counterpart is private.’   Mother kept making a weird face as if she talking to someone in her mind. I guess she as arguing with her wolf and did not want me or Aadya to hear it.             “I guess this is how mother felt when I was yelling at you,” I said to Aadya.             ‘Yeah…’ Aadya agrees.             “If Mother is right, and we are not supposed to be able to converse until after we turn for the first time, how are you here?” I asked Aadya raising an eyebrow. I was certain if someone could see us, they would think my mother and I were crazy.             ‘I have no idea,’ She says while shrugging her shoulders. ‘I felt you. I felt your presence. I mean, it was so strong, and I could not contain myself. I have been wanting to meet you since the day we were born. Waiting to meet yourself for 21 years is really hard.’ She says with a huge smile on her face, my face, you know what I mean. I looked closer and I saw that her eyes were almost a lavender color. They were beautiful.             “I AM NOT TELLING DELKO ANASTASIA!” My mother yelled. I jumped back surprised and gave her a suspicious look. 'Delko?'             “Who is Delko?” I asked. Mother’s eyes grew wide.               {Astrid’s P.O.V.}             “I AM NOT TELLING DELKO ANASTASIA!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, unknowingly having said his name out loud.             “Who is Delko?” My eyes grew wide having realized my mistake.             “Anastasia, go away and take Aahya with you,” I say while looking down and holding myself. I felt so vulnerable at that moment.             “Mother, who is Delko?” Amelia asked again. This time with more frustration in her voice.                         {Amelia’s P.O.V.}             Mother had tears in her eyes, and I could see that she did not want to answer me. This pissed me off even more. I waited a few moments waiting for her to give me an answer, but all she did was get teary-eyed and stood there, still as can be.             “ANSWER ME!” I yelled. She let the tears fall.             “Delko…”             “Is…”             “Your…”             “Father…”             She mutters out one word at a time. Say what now? Father? He is dead, how can she speak him?             “Mom, you told me my father was dead, how can you speak to him?” I felt my cheeks getting hot, and I could fever burning in the body from anger. Tears started to form in my eyes as well. Could he be?             “Because he is alive,” she responded.
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