Delko + Lucifer

3297 Words
            {Astrid’s P.O.V.}             ‘Well my love, I told her. I finally told her about who she is, or rather what she is.’ I said. I miss him so much, Amelia’s Father, Delko. ‘I am sorry my love, but I had to tell her that you were dead. I fear that if she knew you were alive, she would try to contact you, or worse, attempt to find you.’             ‘My love, please do not apologize. It is for the best.” He replied in a soft whisper. “Cyrus cannot know of her. Who she potentially can be? Thinking that I am no longer of this world is the only way to keep both of you safe and keep her hidden.” Delko continued.             ‘What will happen on the day of her first turn? If she is who I believe she is, there is no telling what powers she will possess.’ My voice trembling.             ‘Fortunately, my darling Astrid, we still have a few years.’ He said in a soothing voice reassuring me. ‘I love you and miss you terribly.’ With his final words, he severed our link. Delko, one of the finest warriors of Cyrus’ army and his Beta. A beautiful specimen indeed. A month before the order of the execution of all purebloods, Delko and I had consummated our marriage and I became pregnant with his child. After hearing of the prophecy, and the order to kill any baby girls born, Delko and I could not risk it. He helped me escape knowing that not only did I have pureblood DNA, but the possibility that I may be carrying a little girl.             We found a village about 100 miles from Cyrus’ kingdom. Cyrus did not know of us, and he could not know. To keep Amelia safe, we had to say our goodbyes. I remember that day as if was yesterday…               “-Flashback-             “My love! Astrid, we need to leave now!” Delko exclaimed while bursting open our bedroom door.             “I am coming!” I tried to grab a few things; however, he grabbed my arm and protested.             “Leave it, it will just slow us down!” he pulled me out of the castle.             “Where will we go?”             “Far away from here.” He replied. Once we made it past the guards and to the final walls, we both looked around to see if the coast was clear. “We need to turn.” Quickly, we both took the shape of our wolves. We climb the walls and made our escape. I could feel the faint heartbeat of our unborn child. I let out a small purr to let him or her know that I would not let anything happen to them. My wolf, Anastasia was very concerned but had to keep running. She could not stop to check on our pup. I reassured her that he or she was fine.             “Lucifer!” Anastasia called out to Delko’s wolf who was running behind us.             “My love we cannot stop! Not until I know you are safe!” Lucifer yelled while staying behind us to ensure we were not being followed.             Once we made it to the village, we both turned back into our human form and put on the only clothes we brought with us. There, we bought some supplies, tools, food, and water.             “I cannot stay long my love. Cyrus will be looking for me.” He said while holding my shoulders. I knew that he would be leaving us, but I could not let him. I hugged him tight and he embraced me in his arms. Tears falling from his cheeks and onto mine. I will never forget his scent and his touch. The tightness of his muscular arms and how he towered over me at whopping 6’2. I always felt if as I was a small child his arms given our incredible height difference. I was only 4’10 and weighed just over 100 pounds. Delko weight almost 220 pounds, more than double my weight. And was solid muscle. Lucifer was almost double the size of Anastasia. Though the image of us together looked silly, our bond could not be denied.             “I must go now.” He says while pushing me away.             “No, Delko please. Please stay with us. Your child needs a father!” I shouted while hugging him again.             “Astrid, I need you to survive. You and my prince or princess need to survive. I will be alright knowing that you are safe and away from Cyrus.” He replied while breaking our embrace. “I love you more than life itself, and I always be with you. You know how to contact me my sweet. You will never be alone.” He kissed me passionately with his final words and he took off back into the forest. I watched as the love of my life turned back into Lucifer. From the trees, Lucifer turned around and howled in sadness. Inside, I could feel Anastasia howl back, knowing that our love was gone.             I took the supplies we bought and made my way to the other side of the village. I made my way into the forest on the other side and found an abandoned cottage. It looked so run down and looked as if no one had lived there for decades. ‘Perfect.’ I thought to myself. I broke open the door and could smell that something died. Blood and other bodily fluids wreaked havoc on my senses. I did not need to be a wolf to know that there was a rotting corpse. I open the bedroom and there it was. A human body rotting away. I almost wanted to vomit but kept my composure. I had seen and smelled worse.             I wrapped up the body in the bloodied blankets and took it to the far ends of the forest and buried it. Whoever it was deserved at least that much. I returned to the cottage and began to tidy up. I went to gather leaves and branches to start a fire, then I saw it. A small cave just 200 feet from the cottage. I investigated and saw that it was deep, but not too deep. “This is perfect!” I could hear my wolf getting excited. We both agreed that when it was time, we would give birth here. After finding the cave, I felt a small breeze and could sense fresh water nearby. I went in the direction of the scent, and not about another 50 feet, there was a small river. The water clear and clean. I could see plenty of fish swimming and my wolf senses could hear small prey in the area. At least I knew I had access to freshwater and food.             As time passed, my belly grew, and I could feel the kicks of my pup. He or she was very healthy and even my wolf howled with excitement and love whenever we felt the baby kick. I would let Anastasia out occasionally so she could get exercise, hunt, and drink water. Nearly 8 months after leaving Cyrus’ palace, I felt content with my life. I kept in contact with Delko, but our conversations were brief. Delko keeps me informed about what is going on, and that Cyrus has calmed down, but still orders female pups that are born to be slaughtered. The Kingdom of werewolves was being overtaken by males because of this. More and more wolves were having trouble finding mates.             This only proved that Cyrus was terrified of the prophecy child. This was no secret; his fear was written all over his face the day he announced the new law. He even went as far as to just tell everyone why he was doing it. Cowardly Bastard. Afraid of an innocent child.             As I was lost in my thoughts, I felt it, the sharp pain of contractions. I felt as if I had just wet myself and looked down. My water had broken. My pup, my pup was coming. I gathered my strength and grabbed the blanket I had made not too long before. I slowly made my way to the cave where I planned to give birth.              “Anastasia, it’s time,” I said calling out to my wolf.             “OUR PUP IS COMING!” she yelled with pure joy.             “I need you to take over!” I pleaded as another contraction came on.             My mother told me that it was always easier to allow the wolf to take over during labor. Centuries of werewolves giving birth found that it was much easier to recover from the pains of childbirth if the wolf took the lead. The birth of a pup is much more powerful than the birth of a human being. The pup will ravage its way through the birth canal tearing your insides. It is said to very painful and impossible to control. Hence why an unturned human cannot live through the birth of a werewolf.             “We need to push…” says Anastasia.             “We can do it,” I reassure.             “Yes, we can, I can feel the pup and I am making sure we heal as he or she pushes their way through.” She says calmly. “I feel it!” she proclaims. “They are almost here! Just a little more!”             I push will all my might, while screaming in agony. Soon, I feel our baby exit my body. I grab a knife, cut the cord, and wrap them in the blanket.             “What is it?” I hear Anastasia in the back of my mind as she gives me back control.             “A princess…” I whisper as look at our daughter in awe. She begins to cry, and I hold her close so she can hear my heartbeat trying to calm her.             ‘Delko, my love?’ I try to reach him.             ‘Astrid, I could feel your pain. Are you alright?’             ‘She is here.’             ‘She?’             ‘Yes.’             ‘We have a daughter.’ I could hear the smile on his face. ‘Lucifer is howling with joy my love.’             ‘Yes, and so is Anastasia.” I replied.             When our daughter opened her eyes for the first time, I was in complete shock. I could not believe what I was seeing. ‘It can’t be…’             ‘Darling, I can sense your fear. What is the matter?’             ‘Delko, her eyes….’             ‘What about them?’             ‘They… they are… Red with golden irises.’             ‘That is not possible. For centuries only the king had those eyes.’ He exclaims. I could hear the shock in his voice.             ‘Delko, do you think…?’             ‘Could she be…?’               “The prophecy.” We say in unison.               I felt a roar come from Anastasia and she tells me that Lucifer is doing the same. I could sense that her protection and motherly instincts were kicking in. She tells me that Lucifer is filled with passion and fire to protect us even more now.             ‘My love, I must go now.’  Delko says with sorrow in his voice. I could tell that he wanted more time.             ‘No, wait! We must name her! We have to name her together.’ I pleaded.             ‘She has the kings’ eyes, right?’             ‘We cannot name her after the King, she is a girl you lunatic!’             ‘No, but we can name her after the queen.”             We both pause for a moment, and with a deep breath, we both whisper “Amelia.”               -End flashback-               I could feel the tears stream down my face. I will never forget that day. Knowing that our daughter, our Amelia could be the prophecy that Cyrus feared more than the devil himself wished I had not told her about any of this. I could not tell her about who she could potentially be, that needed to stay a secret for as long as possible or even eternity.               ‘Astrid, I can feel your sadness. I could feel you thinking about our final day together.’ I heard Delko’s voice.             ‘Have I not warned you not peer into my thoughts?’ I said annoyed.             ‘I am just waiting for the moment I catch you thinking about us in bed. Your s****l fantasies my darling. I feel your arousal here and there.’             ‘You filthy animal!’ I shout to him, my eyes wide in shock. Thank the Lord that Amelia cannot hear any of this. It would scar her for life.             ‘Yes, but I am your filthy animal remember?’ He chuckles. ‘Astrid, I long for the day I get to hold you again. The day I embrace you in my arms and have my way with you.’             ‘You dirty old man. Have you no shame?’ I say while trying not to laugh.             ‘I maybe 231 years old, but I still have the body I had when I was 21. You know we werewolves do not age. And you, you are only 117, I can only imagine how sexy you are right now.’ I could hear the arousal in his voice. I was so flustered. He was speaking to me as if he was a horny teenager. ‘I must go my love. Kiss my princess for me.’             I nodded my head as he severed our connection again. 17 years of this bullshit. I pray for the day that Cyrus’ reign on the werewolves ends. Only then can I embrace my love again. My Delko. ‘and my Lucifer.’             “Anastasia, there you are…”             “I was speaking to my pup just as you were speaking to yours. She cannot wait to meet Amelia. She is very eager.”            “Will you please tell me her name?” I asked. For some odd reason, Anastasia never discloses the name of Amelia’s wolf.             “You can wait.” She replies while giggling. I felt her retract into the back of my mind.             “Fine, be that way.”               {Delko’s P.O.V.}             I severed my connection. I always enjoy our brief moments together. It hurts not being able to spend more than a few minutes with her, but I cannot risk Cyrus finding out about Astrid or my Amelia. My beautiful Amelia, how I wished I could hold my Princess. I have already lost out on 17 years of her beautiful life because of Cyrus and his never-ending rampage. The fact that he feared a child more death was beyond me. All that really showed what a coward he was.             Although I am his second in command and am loyal to him, I have found myself lost in the thoughts of ending his life and becoming King. It would mean I could bring back my love and my princess. However, Cyrus, although insane, having been turned by King Horatio himself, he was too powerful to challenge. Anyone that has tried, has failed and has lost their life. The only one strong enough would be Amelia. That is, if she is who we believe she is. She must remain hidden until she comes into power.             I keep her secret hidden deep within my soul so that no one can find it. It is said that Amelia will come into her wolf powers after her first turn when she becomes 21, that is the same for all werewolves that are born full-blooded. Amelia would need more than her wolf powers to stop Cyrus. After I hid away my love and my unborn child Cyrus came to me and told me something that no one else knows. I have not even told Astrid.               -Flashback-             “Delko!” screamed Cyrus             “Yes, my King,”             “Tell me, do you find me ruthless?”             “Sire?”             “Be honest my old friend. Am I ruthless?” he asked again with a smug and cocky grin on his face.             “Sire, you are King. I believe that comes with the territory. Does it not?” I always found ways to answer the question without really answering the question.             “Yes, it does! I AM DAMN PROUD!” he shouts while making a cynical laugh. His laugh drove shivers up my spine, but not good ones. He was insane and because of him, I had to hide my love. Even from myself.  “Come closer friend.” He demanded.             “My King,” I replied while walking closer to him.             “Do you want to know why I am killing baby girls?”             “Because you want to reign supreme my liege. You want to be certain that the prophecy does not come true.”             “Yes, that is very true," he says while rubbing his chin. "But there is another reason.”             “Sire?” I look up confused.             “What if I told you that I wasn’t just killing off baby girls, but also potential mates.”             “Your Majesty, I do not understand.” I honestly did not.             “Well, you see my humble servant, with no females, wolves will have no mates. They would have to settle for humans. And we already what a pain in the ass that can be. Having to turn them, making sure they do not die in the process. What a tiresome process indeed. I am glad that Horatio had already turned Amelia. I did not have to do it myself.”             When he says that name, it tugs at my heartstrings. I knew that he was speaking of her Majesty but given that my princess was given the same name, I could not help but feel saddened.             “That stupid witch came to see me again. She said that this child, this b***h that someone would call an offspring could only defeat me after she found a mate. Another wolf. Someone in MY kingdom. If I keep killing off these baby girls, then this will never happen.” He says while laughing again.             Hearing him call my princess a b***h's offspring not only angered me but Lucifer, my wolf as well. As a father, I loved my daughter, but Lucifer was worse than I was. As a wolf, Lucifer can contact Anastasia and Amelia’s wolf, but he chooses not to. He must sit back and listen to me as I have conversations for both of us. Lucifer is afraid to come out unless it is during battle or training. Afraid that he would his powers to track down our beloved and our daughter. I hear him cry and whimper most evenings. I feel bad for the fellow.             Cyrus was purposely keeping men in our Kingdom from finding their true loves in hopes to avoid the birth of the prophecy. But what he does not know is that she has already been born.             “Your Grace, have you no remorse for our men? To prevent them from finding mates just to prevent a child from being born. How do you not know that you have already wiped her out of existence?” I asked knowing it would not do much.            “Delko, how can you be so stupid and naïve? Do you not understand that there is no timeline for prophecies? They will come true unless you stop them. Which is what I am doing now. My reign will never end!!!!” He shouts in all his glory.              -End Flashback-             I hope and pray to gods above that my princess reaches her 21st birthday. As much I hate to say, I hope she finds her mate and comes into her full powers. I pray that she finds the will and the strength to bring down Cyrus and take her rightful place. Queen of werewolves.             ‘I miss Anastasia.'             “Lucifer, I understand. I miss Astrid just the same.” I replied as my wolf whimpers in sorrow.             'Contact her again? Please?'             “I cannot, we have already spoken too many times today. I cannot risk Cyrus finding out about our mate. We will have to wait a few more days my friend.” I reply. There is no response. Although that is not the answer he wanted to hear, it was the only that I could give. Be strong Lucifer, we will see them again
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