Paxton's Soft Side.

1274 Words
Paxton’s Soft Side: “Yelena!!!!” Paxton called out with his heart pounding knowing what he had done to Yelena. Paxton ran over to where Yelena had tripped and fell to the ground . He got to where she was and had kept on panting as he swallowed nervously before he went closer to her. “Yelena? Are you okay?” Paxton asked as he went on his knees looking at Yelena with his eyes all moist. “I am okay Paxton . Now if you don’t mind, I would really appreciate it if you leave me alone” Yelena said out as she tried sitting up on the ground. “Does it hurts?? Where ?” Paxton panicked as he tried helping her out. He placed his hand on her left knee and it made her feel pain so much that she just couldn’t control herself anymore but to scream out her pain. “Aaaahhhhh!!! f**k!!!” she exclaimed in pain grabbing Paxton by his ear so tight. “Hey Yelena!! Let go off my ear!!” Paxton demanded as he tried absorbing the pain he felt from Yelena's grip. “I warned you to not do anything stupid but you wouldn’t listen to me” Yelena hissed before she darted her gaze from Paxton. She got a tight grip of the steel that was behind her as she tried getting up to her feet but unfortunately for Yelena, she fell back to the ground with her bum hitting the floor so hard. "My waist!! Darn it" She placed her hands on her back as she tried holding in the pain. She was badly injured and it was all because of Paxton. “Don’t touch me” She warned Paxton who had tried to help her up again. “Look Yelena, I know I’ve been so mean to you right from our high school days … I’m .. I’m just so sorry okay. Please let me help. I just can’t stand seeing you hurt this way because of me Yelena. Please let me help you” Paxton said with a soft voice. Yelena was shocked seeing the old, scary ,rude and nasty Paxton say sweet things to her all of a sudden. The Paxton she knew would never care about ones feelings no matter what and he was never willing to help anyone back then. He saw how calm Yelena had suddenly turned after she heard him speak to her with a low voice just to soothe her. 'I think it's best to try to help her now, I should make her accepty help' Paxton said Inwardly before taking his shot to help. “Please, where does it hurts?” Paxton interrogated as he wished to get a response from Yelena. ‘He looks different’ She thought to herself as she placed her gaze on Paxton who was close to her. She was totally lost in her imaginations. “Fine if you won’t answer me, please don’t hit me” He stood up and carried Yelena in a bridal style as he walked down the stairs frantically. He just didn’t want anything bad to happen to her at that point. She climbed up the stairs because of him and knowing that she was hurt because of him left a scar in his heart. “You.. you are running too fast” Yelena said with a low voice. She was trying to maintain her tone knowing the pain she felt on her knee. “I am sorry Yelena but this is the best way to get you treated quick okay?” he continued going down the stairs with Yelena in his arms and his face looking all fierce. Finally, he got to the door and when Maya saw him, she rushed towards where he was standing . He was still trying to open his car and put Yelena inside it when Maya showed up beside his car. “What happened to her Sir?” Maya questioned looking tensed. “Nothing that concerns you” He slammed the door furiously as he walked over to the driver’s door. He immediately climbed into his car and in no time, he zoomed out of the compound without looking back. Maya knew that something was wrong, she knew that Paxton was hiding something from her and she wasn't going to keep it away from her boss. She immediately took out her phone and swiped it to the left to unlock it so she could make a call. “Hello Sir” Maya started the moment Mr. Jude picked up the phone. “Yes Maya any thing wrong?” Jude questioned with his deep voice as he stood in his office. He had knowingly told Paxton to stay at home so he could go see how the company was being handled by his son when he wasn't around. “I think something just happened to Yelena. Paxton carried her in his arms and I feel they are heading to the hospital” Maya uncloaked as she turned to the direction of the gate. “Thanks for the report Maya.” Mr. Jude immediately hung up the phone without letting Maya say one more word to him. “What silly thing have you done this time Paxton? Can't you just lay low when you get a maid?” Mr. Jude mumbled to himself as he became more violent. He spurned to his table and swept everything off his desk angrily. He just wouldn’t be happy if Yelena was breaking the deal he had with her and if Paxton had done something bad to Yelena. "I need to go see for myself! I need to make sure that everything I planned are still in place!" He dashed out of his office and requested to be taken to the hospital urgently. After few minutes, he got to the hospital . He was about going into the room that was said to be Yelena's room but halted the moment he saw Paxton and Yelena together , talking to each other. “I .. I am sorry for what happened to you today Yelena” Paxton apologized with a soft voice. “Like you care Paxton. You’ve never cared about anything concerning me since we were in high school. You even lied about crushing on me too Paxton!!” Yelena yelled out looking angry. “I didn’t come to apologize for the past Yelena, I came to apologize for the present” Paxton suddenly turned into the ruthless Paxton from school. 'That's right, the Paxton I know is here's She smirked looking at him. The moment he made things clear to Yelena, he spurned to leave the room but then he paused for a while.. “What else do you want?” Yelena snorted seeing that he had gone back to his old self. “I can’t believe you actually thought I would fall in love with someone like you Yelena” He scoffed and immediately walked out of her room . “What?” a tear dropped from her eyes hearing what Paxton said to her. She bowed her head and had kept on rubbing her eyes just to stop her tears from pouring out from her eyes but it was to no avail. She was still feeling emotional when she heard the door open. “What do you want to say to me again…?.” She was about saying but was cut short by Paxton’s dad. “I hope you didn’t forget our deal Yelena?” He halved a smile on his face looking at Yelena panic at the glance of him.
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