A Pain In The Ass! (Paxton's Taunt).

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Paxton, A Pain In The Ass. It was a beautiful day in the town of Los Angeles where people would joyfully walk around the streets and have fun because of the Christmas season which was close. Yelena was still in her room in the mansion which she worked in now as a personal maid for her school enemy Paxton. She kept on rolling on her bed as she grumbled to herself. It was still six in the morning and she was being called upon by Maya to go check the he devil himself, Paxton. “I hate him with my life!! Why can’t I even just back out from this silly job anyways??!” She kept on murmuring to herself still on her bed. “Why?!” she cried out but with a low tone. She wouldn’t want anyone to hear her voice by such hour. And besides, she was already being disliked by Paxton's mom so it would amount to no good if she starts her first day at work with a bad impression. She had recalled the very moment she stepped on Paxton’s toe in school and how he had reacted towards her back then like he was a python ready to attack anyone who dared him. It was a mistake at that moment but Paxton never wanted to listen to her plea because he cared less about people's emotions. “Who knows what would be the outcome of staying in this house!” She heaved a sigh as she stood up from her bed. She shook her head first as she tried to take away the thought of Paxton going crazy in front of her. She made her way to the bathroom and took a quick shower so she could catch up with Maya who had woken her from sleep for a while now. She liked Maya and wouldn’t want to be a disappointment to Maya so early. “I can’t believe I’m going to serve that jerk called Paxton!” She grabbed her uniform which was placed on her bed by Maya that morning. Yelena got dressed but there was a problem with the dress, it was too short for Yelena. It had exposed her fair thighs and made her look all seductive. "Won't he think I want to have a pleasing time with him? What if he mocks me for putting this on?" She mumbled as she kept on looking at the cloth on her body. She wasn’t the average height kind of girl so they sent in a wrong size of dress for her to put on and work for Paxton. “How do they expect me to wear this short dress in front of their son? I thought they said they were trying to change him??” She said to herself as she kept on looking at her reflection in the mirror and wished to get a longer length dress. “Yelena???” She was immediately pulled out of her thoughts when she heard Maya’s voice echo out her name. “Crap!! I’m coming” She responded as she dressed her bed properly before dashing out from her room. “What took you the whole day to get ready Yelena? Paxton takes his first breakfast by Six AM in the morning and…..” Maya was still trying to explain her point when Yelena suddenly cut her short. “Six AM??? How is that even possible??” She opened her eyes widely as she questioned in astonishment. “Yes Yelena , now if you don’t mind I would love it if you listen attentively. Paxton hates silly girls” Maya announced as she stopped walking. “I am sorry" Yelena apologized. Maya rolled her eyes before she spurned to continue her journey. “Better be . Now back to what I was saying, he takes his second Breakfast by 10 in the morning and….” She was interrupted again by Yelena. “Second Breakfast??!!” Yelena exclaimed out of curiosity. “You know what??” Maya halted for a second before she spurned to look at Yelena who was shocked. “Do the learning yourself” Maya urged as she placed the book of things to do for Paxton on Yelena’s chest. “I… I am sorry… I didn’t mean to….” Yelena tried apologizing again but Maya was already fed up by Yelena's silly questions which had kept interrupting her teaching. “I think I just blew my first act” Yelena mumbled with a sad and frustrating look on her face as she looked at the book given to her by Maya. She was still feeling ashamed of herself when she suddenly heard her name from the top of the house. “YELENA!! Where is that good for nothing maid?” Paxton called out with a rude and annoying tone which made Yelena wish she never met him in school or anywhere. “Me? Good for nothing??” She tsk as she turned to know where his room was located. It was a mansion so they had a lot of rooms and the worst part was that Yelena and Paxton were two pools that never want to come across each other. “YELENA??” She heard her name again which made her tremble. She wouldn't want Paxton's dad, Maya or Even Lisa to hear Paxton call her like she wasn't doing her job well. She needed the money and wasn't willing to give up because of silly Paxton. Yelena wasn’t sure of the room to open and that was what Maya was trying to teach her but she wouldn’t listen. She turned to the desk where she kept the book that Paxton’s history was written in and she felt frustrated seeing how big it looked like a gigantic building with different rooms. “How the f**k do they expect me to go through all this?? I can’t even find anything important so quick here!!” She grumbled as she ransacked through the pages of the book. It was a big book and finding a point about Paxton inside it within seconds wasn’t going to be easy for her since she was new to it. “Damn this book” She closed the book and immediately hurried up to go see why Paxton was calling her continuously. She got to the first door where she felt his voice was coming from and took in a deep breath. She knocked on the door three times but she got no response from anyone inside the room. She looked rather confused than okay knowing how long it would take to locate his room. “Guess I’m doomed” She heaved a sigh as she began her journey for the search of Paxton. Yelena went round the whole rooms in the mansion, knocking on each door to know if Paxton was in any of them but she didn’t get a response. “Why isn’t he even calling on me again so I would be sure of his room?” She got frustrated and just then, she heard a door opening. She turned to look down and that was when she realized that Paxton was wicked right from birth. “Hey Yelena, I’m hungry” He smirked as he looked up to see how devastated she was. She was already on the sixth floor while Paxton had been in the first floor and the first room which she knocked on . “How are you this wicked Paxton??!” She yelled out turning blue. “Take it easy there Yelena…. You shouldn’t blame me for anything. I just didn’t have the strength to respond to your silly knock on my door” Paxton said through his gritted teeth. He was so excited to see Yelena his rival, wishing to hang herself to death while she was upstairs because of Paxton. “You know what??? I’m going to get you and I will make sure I rip your throat off before you know it!!!” She Threatened as she turned to climb down to go meet him. She was about taking her first step down when suddenly, she tripped and fell down the stairs with force. Yelena rolled down the staircase of the sixth floor to the fifth floor because of Paxton's silly taunts on her. She had tried grabbing the steels but her hand kept slipping till she got to her final stop. “Yelena? Yelena?” Paxton called out twice because he was still having fun knowing that she was frustrated. He heard her call for help as she rolled down the stairs but he never knew that it was possibly going to be serious. He couldn’t get a response from her and that was when it dawned on him that he must have probably killed her. “s**t!! Yelena??!” He ran up to go save her with his heart pounding continuously . "My dad would kill me if she does so quick!" he ran as fast as he could with tears threatening to fall off his eyes.
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