Accepted Into The Enemy's Den 2.

606 Words
Accepted 2. “I just can't wait to know what Mr. Jude has to say concerning my behavior in his house earlier today," Yelena mumbled to herself as she sat down in her room, staring at the door unconsciously. She was still trying to figure out her test result at the mansion when the thought of Mrs. Lisa came popping into her head. “She looked so rude! I never want to see my eyes on her!” Yelena added like she was insane or about to go unsound. “But come to think of it, I am sure I have seen Mrs. Lisa somewhere before!! She looks familiar, but ….” Yelena was still trying to fix a puzzle when her mom's voice had suddenly interrupted her thoughts. “Yelena!! Someone is asking to see you at the door!!” Mira called out as she stood by the door with her gaze on who was in her house. She had seen an unfamiliar face requesting to meet Yelena, and it made her worry. She had felt that, maybe, Yelena must have done something bad to the lady. “I hope she didn’t so anything bad, Dear? I wouldn't be myself if she did” Mira asked the person at the door with a curious stare. “No ma’am, I just need to see her immediately before returning to my home” The person stated openly with a smile just to cheer Mira up. “Yel!!!? Where the hell are you at?” Her mom called out as she was tired of keeping the person outside her house waiting. “I’m coming mom! And don't call me that.!” Yelena hurriedly dropped her guitar on the bed as she ran out of her room to go see who was looking for her. She got to the door and was stunned by the person she saw. “Maya?” Yelena muttered to herself. It was Maya from the mansion, where she had gone to apply for the post of a personal maid earlier that day. “Hey…” Yelena tilted her head to the right as she wondered why Maya was in her house at that moment and how she found her home. “Here you go, Yelena. We would love to see you by tomorrow morning” Maya handed over the acceptance letter to Yelena and spurned to leave immediately. Mira, looking confused had to shut the door and stare at her daughter for an explanation of what the stranger meant by the mansion and starting her job the next day. “Is there something you are not telling me, Yelena?” Her mom questioned with her both hands on her waist as she watched Yelena. “I… I applied for a job at the mansion, mom and I guess I just got in!!” Yelena jumped up in excitement as she made the last statement with a giggle on her face. “What???!! It’s a lie.” Her mom went closer to her as they began to unwrap the paper in Yelena’s hand, which was given to her by Maya. Just then, when they were so excited and ready to know Yelena’s outcome, a knock was heard at the door. “I'll go get it” Mira walked towards the door and when she opened it, she froze. “Who is ….” Yelena raised her head and when she placed her gaze at the door, she melted with fear as one could see her legs tremble. “Hello Toole." Her cold, cruel and wicked voice sounded as it yanked Yelena's hair off her skull.
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