Accepted Into The Enemy's Den.

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Accepting Yelena: “Yelena? In my house?” He muttered to himself, looking confused and curious. Paxton sat still in his car as he gazed endlessly at Maya and Yelena leaving the mansion or his home. Paxton was totally uncomfortable seeing Yelena in his house. He knew his parents were on some silly project of theirs again, and he wouldn't like it if it had to do with Yelena Toole. “I need to find out why Yelena of all persons came into my house without my consent. What are my parents up to?” Paxton hurriedly climbed out of his car and slammed his door like it had provoked him. He walked into the house, so he could ask his parents important questions, just to clear his thoughts about Yelena. “Why did I see a new girl in this house?” Paxton questioned the moment he stormed into the house with his face all blue. He had this cold aura that had surrounded him entirely, and that was because he saw Yelena in his house. “Last I checked Paxton, you didn’t greet me as your father neither did you greet your mom” Mr. Jude spoke out softly with his gaze placed on his Television set. Paxton is Morgan’s son, his only son at that. He was going to inherit his dad’s properties soon, but they needed to make sure that Paxton had a good attitude before handing over the inheritance fully to him. Mr. Jude Morgan had always hired cute girls who were willing to stay with Paxton and change him, but after a week, they ended up running out of the house. They claimed that Paxton was always cruel to them, he barely respected them and most unfortunately, he had s*x with them whenever he wished to because they were his maids. He had tried explaining the fact that they were always the ones coming to him for s*x, but his parents just wouldn't believe him. They felt he assaulted the maids knowingly, but that wasn't the truth. After his last maid had left with the claims that she was beaten by Paxton, Paxton had vowed never to hire or employ any other maid into his mansion and his dad accepted. But here they were again, unknowingly preparing to bring in his long-time enemy into his house without his consent. They just wanted the best for their son, and that was why they felt bringing in a new maid for Paxton would be right. Paxton, seeing how his dad had gently scolded him and how his mom kept on looking at him like a rascal, came back to his senses. He placed his hand on his short curly waves and ran his fingers through them just to ease his frustration before speaking up. “Greetings Dad, greetings mom” he TSK as he rolled his eyes before sitting on the couch in front of his parents. “She might be your new maid, Paxton” Mr. Jude stated clearly when he saw that Paxton had begun to behave properly. “ What??!!” Paxton and his mom exclaimed in unison as they turned to look at Jude, who had made a decree. “What do you mean by that, Jude??! There is no way I’m letting you bring in a beggar to stay with my son!!” Mrs. Lisa countered his decision. “He is the face of the Morgan empire and can't be allowed to get tangled up with a street girl who knows nothing about the rules of the company!" Mrs. Lisa added as she could feel her blood boiling up like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. “ A dirty smelling girl who looks like she hasn’t taken her bath for a year, dad??! Come on Dad, I can’t let you bring her into this house” Paxton retorted his dad's choice with his mom. He knew what transpired between him and Yelena back then in school, and he wasn't going to live a year again with her. Not after the pain she had caused him. “Watch your words Paxton, you don’t get to decide what happens in this house, I do and anyone who goes against my will would be thrown out of the house” His dad bellowed still on his seat as he tried to be calm. Yes, that’s right, Mr. Jude bellowed. Growing up as a kid, Paxton lived his life like a prisoner. His dad always yelled at him, punished him for being stubborn and now, Paxton had that same attitude just like his dad. But there was a big difference between them. Paxton exercises his authority over everyone in a mean and ruthless manner, but his dad remains calm until he's fed up. Paxton never cared about what anyone thinks about him, he barely listens to anyone except his dad, whom he dared not disobey. “Dad, I can't accept her as my maid” Paxton openly affirmed with his hands crossed on each other. “And if I may ask Paxton why?” Jude inquired as he awaited his son's reasons to be revealed. “Because…” Paxton looked at his mom as he paused for a while. He gave her the eye contact as to say. Do something mom, you know dad is way much crueler than I am. “Because she is not learned, and can barely take care of herself, Jude!” Lisa tried compelling him not to accept Yelena just for her son's sake. “Is there something about this girl that you guys are not telling me? Because last I checked, she could adapt to all these critiques you all are saying if she gets accepted to work here.” Mr. Jude tried explaining openly as he turned to his wife. “Never dad!! I would never allow it!!” Paxton stood up from his seat as he tried opposing his dad's decision to bring in Yelena. “Did I just hear you go against my words, Paxton??!!!” Mr. Jude questioned and from the way he had changed his gestures, one could tell that he was about flaming up. “Its…. I…” Paxton stuttered trying to defend himself. Guess every rude rich kid had a Ruthless father to deal with at home. “Well, young man or whatever you call yourself. She will be accepted into this house as your maid and that is final!?!” Jude declared as he stood up from his seat to walk into his room, but then he stopped the moment he thought of an idea. “Maya?!!” he called out and Immediately, she ran into the house to meet her boss who needed her attention. “Prepare Yelena’s acceptance letter this minute and send it to her residence. No one can change this decision” He ordered before he walked back into his room with a furious look on his face. He wasn’t happy with the fact that his wife and son had kept on countering him like he barely knew what he was doing. He only wished to change his son from acting like him and that’s all, but Paxton kept acting all weird. Maya on the other hand immediately did as Mr. Jude had ordered just to get to Yelena's residence on time before dusk. Lisa tried coming in to change her mind, but Maya had refused bluntly, knowing the consequences. “I can’t go against My bosses order ma’am, I’m so sorry” Maya bowed in front of Lisa and as she was trying to raise her head up from her bow, she got slapped on her left cheek harshly by Lisa. Maya feeling so much pain had to endure it because she was used to Lisa's slaps. Maya knew how to handle Lisa, but she wasn't hitting Lisa back because she was the wife of her boss. “I will get you for this silly girl” Lisa stormed out of Maya’s sight seeing that Maya had refused to react to her slap. She was outraged and couldn’t believe that her husband had accepted a low class girl for their son. “I need to do something about this and quick” She said as she went towards their car park and climbed into her car before she zoomed out of the mansion with anger written all over her face. She knew what she wanted and that was what she was going to get..
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