1970 Words

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Sunday evening, Von remained in his chair on the deck. He could rattle off ten things he could do to prepare for Monday morning or get ready for bed, but he couldn't motivate himself to shift positions, let alone stand. I can't do this again. His words to Marley echoed through his head, swirling like a whirlpool until he was about to drown. He scrubbed his face with his hands. This was not how he thought things would turn out. He’d believed this time would be different, but he was where he’d been nearly eight months ago. Alone. Heartbroken. Adrift. Worse, he had only himself to blame. Von blew out a breath. This was one-hundred percent his fault. At least he’d walked away before she broke up with him. Yes, things had been better between them, but that would have

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