1975 Words

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Marley woke at ten o’clock on Sunday morning. She rarely slept in late, but she must have needed the rest. Stretching, her arm was no longer sore from the shot. Her foot felt better, too. Just as the doctor had said. Good, because she had a day to spend with her guy. Thinking about Von sent a surge of anticipation through her. She slid out of bed, cautiously putting weight on her bandaged foot. It hurt but nothing like the pain from yesterday. She opened the door to see Von, his back to her, in the kitchen. His hair appeared damp as if he’d showered. The scent of coffee lingered in the air. Heat exploded at the center of her chest. Von had taken such special care of her. He’d always been kind, but last night he seemed to go a step extra. He hadn’t been only a perfect

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