Chapter 7-3

1980 Words

“Go away!” she cried. “Go away from me at once. I know what you are doing!” “Why are you afraid?” Now his voice was caressing and he was coming nearer to her slowly and purposefully. She wanted to scream, but she felt as if her voice died in her throat. Moulay Ibrahim was standing just behind her and she felt that at any second his arms would be round her. With a lithe movement she evaded him, “I can hear my husband,” she exclaimed. “He is coming!” Running across the room, she dragged open the door. There were two men on either side of it, but she did not stop to look at them. Instead she ran with all the speed she could command down the corridor towards the brightly lit landing at the far end. She only paused and looked back when she reached the top of the grand staircase and coul

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