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"His Royal Highness, Prince Dominic of Agravaria, the First Kingdom of Jo." Asher had been discussing with Princess Esther, his brother's betrothed, when the large horns blew, announcing Prince Dominic's entrance. Esther nudged his hand, gesturing towards the double doors as they opened. Asher turned, his heartbeat erratic as Dominic's guards filed in first before the Prince. Now that he thought about it, it was weird to note that he'd never seen or met his mate personally. The Queen of Agravaria often encouraged him to come around and when he did, Dominic was either out for some important meeting or simply unavailable. Asher had tried to be proud of how hardworking Dominic was. He assured himself that things would be better when he turned eighteen and got married to Dominic. His eighteenth birthday was less than three years away and he could hardly wait anymore. He envied the way Theo and Esther were being sweet with each other, and now, as his eyes lit up the minute Dominic walked in, he longed for his mate's eyes on him. Yearned for the magnetic pull that Theo had described as bliss, but he felt nothing. Dominic's eyes took in the teeming crowd with a sort of distaste — like he had a problem with the entire werewolf shifter population. He was a lot taller than Asher had imagined, or seen in the pictures. He walked briskly through the crowd, drawing attention, most especially from the female folks who were pointing and whispering excitedly to each other. Dominic flashed a smile and she passed out flat — her friends squatting and ordering a steward to bring a glass of water quickly. A surge of jealousy shook through Asher. Here he was waiting for a smile or at least a glance of acknowledgment, but all he got was nothing. Asher wasn't the insecure type, nor was he shy by any means. He was the most outgoing of all the children in the royal family - even more than his sister, Sabrina, who was a self-acclaimed social bug. But his weak bond with Dominic and the current scene that had just occurred between his betrothed and a girl added to his anxiety. Could it be that Dominic was ignoring him because he wasn't a girl? Maybe he was overthinking everything. Dominic was wearing a glittering black tux, and his pitch-black hair shone under the chandelier lights, the gold highlights complimenting his hazel eyes. His jaw was chiseled and his features were austere - perfect. His shoulders were slender but muscular. If anything, he looked more than twenty-one years of age and Asher worried that Dominic might treat him like a baby brother and not a mate due to their glaring age difference. There was something about Dominic that he hadn't seen in any Alpha male or king before. Even Theo, his brother, couldn't exude a quarter or even half the amount of confidence and quiet command of authority Dominic was giving off. He made himself seem like he was the tallest in the room when there were up to six kings and no less than twelve queens - excluding six queen consorts present. It was overwhelming. Nothing could've prepared him for a meeting like this. He straightened to his full height, shaking off his self-consciousness. He might be fifteen and dressed in princely robes and cufflinks - not in a shimmering tux like Dominic, but he was still Prince Asher of Melissa the Third Kingdom of Jo. When Dominic passed him in a flourish to go and hug his mother, Queen Ruth, Asher's heart sank in disappointment. Dominic's cologne was harsh and minty, just like his aura, and he noticed how members of the crowd shook their heads at him in sympathy. Sometimes, Asher tended to forget that his mate bond with Dominic was a public affair. Esther gasped in surprise, gaping at Dominic's back along with him. "That was...weird. Do you think he recognizes you?" Asher swallowed, a lump forming at the back of his throat. He was hurt. "I don't know. Surely, he's seen pictures of me." "Don't be so sure now, Ashy. Come on." She pulled him with her towards Dominic. Asher felt a car crash unfolding in slow motion. He was scared stiff, and he didn't even know why. Esther poked the spot in between Dominic's left shoulder and he tensed. The Alpha Prince turned around, his twinkling gaze sweeping over Asher and Esther with a subtle annoyance. Asher wanted the ground to open up and swallow him, or better still crawl into a hole and never come out. He regretted ever letting Esther drag him into this. His mouth was open, his tongue hanging out like a fish as he gaped at Dominic. Esther bowed, nudging him to follow suit. His bow was klutzy and fun as he managed to avoid falling to the floor and hitting his face on Dominic's pristine black shoes. Dominic didn't bow back, of course, but simply crossed his arms with a sigh that suggested that he felt disturbed. As the heir apparent to Agravaria, the First Kingdom of Jo, he was the second-highest in command over the entire twelve kingdoms. He only had to bow to the monarchs of the other eleven kingdoms out of courtesy because he wasn't king yet. But when he became king, everyone bowed to him. He became lord over everything. Agraria was the largest and the most powerful politically, among the twelve kingdoms. "It's a pleasure for us to meet you, your highness," Esther said, pulling Asher a little closer. "I guess you couldn't recognize your mate earlier. Allow me to introduce you, Prince Asher of Me — " "I'm very well aware of who he is, thank you." Dominic interrupted, his tone scathing. Esther blinked in shock, retreating instantly into her shell. "I see that you're the bride of the ball. Congratulations. Theo made a good choice, settling for you." His eyes dropped to Esther's cleavage and he smirked, licking his bottom lip consciously. The storms were gathering in Esther's eyes now as she swiveled on her heels, and without much of a glance at Asher, stormed away towards the buffet table. Dominic's laughter was low and maniacal, making Asher squirm. All the devils looked beautiful from a distance. He couldn't believe that Dominic could conjure up dirty thoughts at the sight of his sister-in-law. Where was the dignity everyone preached about him? "That was inappropriate," Asher cringed at how squeaky his voice sounded. Dominic rolled his eyes and yawned, consulting his watch as though Asher was wasting his time. "What would you know?" He leveled a steely gaze at Asher, placing his arms on his shoulders and shaking him slightly. "You're only fifteen. Nothing but a boy who knows nothing." "Prince Dominic." Queen Ruth called his attention, gliding away from her women's circle to them, her face glowing as she smiled. "I see you've met Asher. It's been what? Like, ages since you saw him when he was just a baby. You can see how grown he is now.” Asher's cheeks colored as his mother patted his shoulder softly in her usual motherly way. He'd told her many times that he felt embarrassed whenever she displayed her doting love towards him in public. As a child, he suffered ruthless bullying and thoughtless name-callings from his peers, who nicknamed him Mommy's Boy. Queen Ruth only laughed and said that they were simply jealous of him. He was a prince after all. He had to get used to it. However, the embarrassment was on another level when Dominic nodded and raised a perfect brow at him. “Ah, yes. He's grown up alright. Physically.” Asher had never felt the need to stomp down on someone's foot the way he did at that moment. The nerve! He could decipher the subtle insult in Alpha's voice. Does he think I'm still a kid? He flushed scarlet when Dominic's eyes swept over his princely robes, disdain gleaming in his eyes. Asher looked everywhere but at him. Jesus, he has a problem with my dressing too? “A compliment, really, your highness,” Asher blurted with a curt bow, anger surging through his veins. “It's little wonder why His Majesty is only meeting me in person fifteen years later when we're betrothed to one another.” “Asher — ” Queen Ruth warned after a terse silence. “There's no other way to look at things, other than you are simply selfish. You only think about yourself, and disregard others. Because you'll be king someday. I've visited your castle so many times, and on each occasion, you're either out attending a meeting, or unavailable. Unavailable to me! Your mate!” “Prince Asher Von Heaven, that is enough!” His mother exploded. The waltz that was playing lessened and everyone had stopped talking to stare at them now. “That is very disrespectful of you. Prince Dominic deserves none of your petty tantrums. And I raised you better than this. Apologize to him.” Asher's mouth fell open in shock. He blinked at his mother in shock. “But Mo — ” “I'd hate to repeat myself, Asher. Apologize to him.” She seethed, her left-hand itching to smack him. Asher hung his head in shame, shooting Dominic a glare. The Alpha had his arms crossed and a smirk on his lips, watching him impassively and enjoying every bit of the scene he'd just created. “I'm so sorry, Alpha Dominic. I don't know what came over me and I apologize for my spiteful words towards you.” Even though you deserve them, you self-entitled arsehole. Asher vibrated when Dominic simply leaned down to whisper in his ear. “You look beautiful when pissed off,” he chuckled darkly, steam whooshing out of Asher's ears. The Alpha stepped back and said aloud, “It's okay, everyone. Let the waltzes start playing again.” The music started once more, along with the murmurings. No doubt, they'd make the news cover story the next day. Ingrate. Self-entitled bastard. ‘I can hear you, Asher ’ An unfamiliar voice boomed in his head. Asher froze, eyes widening at Dominic. The voice was indisputably his. Only mates could communicate clearly through mind links. Asher almost fell to the ground, relief washing all over him, soothing. He was perfectly fine! He wasn't abnormal. “I'm so sorry, Dominic,” Queen Ruth apologized once more, upsetting Asher. He felt like she was inflating his ego all the more. “Asher isn't normally like this. Please don't take any banter of his to heart.” “I'm not annoyed, Queen mother. He's just a child. Children make mistakes.” Dominic said flatly. Queen Ruth laughed, nodding in agreement. Asher hadn't practiced how to communicate through the mind link. Since Dominic hadn't said anything to him till now, he was as blank as a clean sheet. He thought as loudly as he could. “You're insulting me, your majesty. I am not a child.” Dominic looked at him from head to toe, chuckling. Queen Ruth began saying something about the insecurity at Giordan and Dominic listened, nodding and throwing in some input on what he thought from time to time. Asher hated politics, and so found them incredibly boring. Scanning the guests now, he tried to seek out Esther but couldn't find out. Perhaps she was out in the garden cooling off after Dominic's insult. “You should pay attention to matters like this, Asher. You'll be a king someday, ruling beside me. Would you avoid all talk of politics even then?” Asher rolled his eyes. “I still have three years more before any such thing happens, and I'm not even looking forward to it. And how come you're eavesdropping on my thoughts, instead of listening attentively yourself?” “I can multitask. It comes with a lot of practice, which you can't possibly relate with.” “You're so boring. Why couldn't I hear you before? Why did you wait all these years before speaking to me?” There was a short pause and Asher thought he wouldn't say anything more. But Dominic cleared his throat, replying. “I am six years older than you and more mature. Your mind is filled with irrelevant gibberish and listening to it for barely a minute gives me a migraine. As busy as I am, I couldn't subject myself to such a distraction so I just shut your voice out. Asher bunched his hands into fists, taking deep breaths, and tried to think of a reason why he couldn't punch the living daylights out of Dominic. The Alpha was rude. Funny how everyone else thought the best of him. “You're such an undercover asshole, fooling everyone else around us. They all think you're the best, meanwhile, you're uncultured and insulting.” “I am your Alpha, Asher. I won't sit around and listen to you talk nonsense about me. Do you even respect anyone at all?” “Don't you dare say what you don't know about me? Seriously, who do you think you are to decide how I should speak to you? We might be mates, but it's not official yet. I'm not under your roof. I'm in my palace and I call the shots — ” The mind link went dead. It was such a painful feeling. Like being cut out of power supply three hours early. Asher glared at Dominic's chest, trying to find the tiniest connection with the arsehole. It took him a lot of effort, but he finally succeeded. He wished he hadn't. Because now he couldn't feel anything. His mind felt empty like Dominic hadn't spoken to him at all. Like Dominic didn't exist. Like all these bitter, lone years. It emanated I don't want you. Go away. He rubbed his temples, the feeling of rejection tight in his chest. He shut his eyes and the tears escaped, but he quickly wiped them off. Why? Dominic glanced at him, his eyes softening at him for a moment before they hardened into those of a cold-blooded monster. He smirked, satisfied with the way Asher was handling the rejection. Asher turned away, crushed and unable to keep the tears of utter anger and humiliation from spilling now. He ran through the crowd, out of the ballroom outside, and sat at his favorite spot in the garden. I hate you. Do you hear me? I hate you, Prince Dominic!
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