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Two years later. Jo Times Gossip Magazine! Prince Asher Of Melissa has been caught frolicking with the son of a high member of the court...again. The royal families of the twelve kingdoms of Jo have always been a model of respect, character, and charisma. They raise their children— who would take over from them when they're no more— to be exquisite and refined just as they are. This is why it's a wonder why the King and Queen of Melissa have turned a blind eye to the trashy public image their son, Prince Asher keeps upholding without shame. Now, it's no news that Prince Asher of Melissa is quite the perfect gentleman and completely sociable, even more than his esteemed peers. The seventeen-year-old is always an admirable spectacle to witness in every social gathering across the twelve kingdoms. Perhaps, it shouldn't come as a rude surprise as his admirers continue to grow each day, suitors reaching out to Queen Ruth and King Jasper despite knowing quite well that the prince is already taken. He has already been bonded publicly when he was a child to Prince Dominic, who's well in line to become King of Agravaria in the coming months. Although, to the best of our knowledge, the prince hasn't been caught on camera explicitly doing anything inappropriate, however citizens are concerned with his suspicious closeness to both Prince Seth and Enoch - the two princes of Delver. Last week Friday, he kissed Prince Seth on his cheek at a social gathering, ignoring the utter shock of the people watching. They were caught strolling the streets of Melissa at night— we all know how rare it is to see Prince Seth on the streets because he's a busy man. Could it be that his affectations for Prince Asher lean more on romance than brotherhood? One wonders what his mate, Alpha Prince Dominic thinks about his escapades. The two are hardly seen close to each other at social functions and the citizens of the twelve kingdoms are curious to know why their relationship is so strained. When asked, Prince Dominic's response only paved the way for more questions. "He's only a teenager and surely wants to experiment and express himself. It's not in my favor to be uptight about all he's doing. We both have our lives to live. As for our relationship, we've decided to keep it private." But the citizens aren't buying his words. How private could they possibly be that they don't even visit each other? Asher stopped going over to Agravaria last year and hasn't spoken to Dominic in months. This has never happened in history, since the inception of fated mates by the Moon Goddess. There has never been a dissolution of the bond between fated mates, but if there was a way around it, Prince Asher and Prince Dominic wouldn't bat an eye before giving their consent. They can't stand each other. It's such a pity because they'd look so good together. But we can only dream, right? "This is absolute nonsense!" Asher slammed a fist on the wooden table in front of him, rattling the empty glasses on it. He tossed the newspaper aside and rubbed his forehead, disoriented by what he'd just read. The press statements about his social affairs were getting out of hand. But it wasn't as though they were entirely wrong. He wished to dissolve his bond with Dominic. "Why are my escapades always so detailed? Prince Dominic flirts a lot with girls and no one raises their brows at what goes on in his private quarters. What's with the double standards?" Prince Seth of Delver— which was the seventh kingdom of Jo untangled his long, lean legs and sighed. He had to admit, the papers were upsetting. The bloggers and newsmongers were exaggerating what had happened between him and Asher. Asher never kissed him on the cheek at the social function they'd attended together. The Melissa Prince had merely whispered one too many jokes in his ears for a long time and everyone watching had made it into something it was not. Prince Seth himself was happily mated to Finn, who was a marine biologist and was away in Giordan for work. It was cruel to think that he was having an affair with Asher when they weren't even mated to each other and had no physical attraction between them whatsoever. "You ought to have gotten used to it by now. The papers live off the scandals committed by the royal families. They want to see us mess us so bad so they can make content out of it. Forget it, it's no use worrying." "But this is a false scandal. We didn't do anything together so why are they lying?" Asher was on the verge of tears. Surely, his mother would be heading over to his chambers by now, waving the papers and demanding that he explained what he did not know. "As if being saddled with a cruel asshole as a mate wasn't enough, the public wants to bring me down by all means." "I'm surprised that Dominic doesn't even care. Are you really sure he's your mate?" Asher scowled, not even going to think about it. He hadn't felt Dominic's voice or his emotions since that ball two years ago, but that didn't mean he couldn't feel the foreign need at the back of his mind— the invisible chain— that linked him with the arsehole. "Oh, he is alright. I'd once thought that the Moon Goddess made no mistakes in her matchmaking duties, but this has got to be her worst. We're complete opposites. Incompatible." Prince Seth knew how Asher could be unreasonable whenever the mere mention of Dominic came up. Granted, the two weren't getting along, and he had no personal relationship apart from political with the soon-to-be Grand King. But Dominic wasn't much of an arsehole as Asher made him be sometimes. The Alpha was just aloof and irritated by Asher which wasn't surprising because Asher was loud and sociable unlike him. They were core opposites. "I wish there was a way to dissolve this stupid mate bond. Then I'll be free from him forever. Free from his cruelty. He'll be free too to chase any girl he likes." "You shouldn't be saying such words, Asher," Seth frowned, "the Moon Goddess does not make mistakes. You're just not trying your best at making your bond better." "What else would you have me do?" Asher threw his hands up dramatically. "Follow and monitor his activities like a lost dog? I've been to Agravaria countless times, and he's either away attending a meeting, or he's too busy to make 'small talks' with me. He's infuriating." "Well, maybe he's really busy." "No, Seth," Asher's eyes grew cold. "No one is ever busy to talk with his mate. He doesn't want me. Never did. And I don't want him as well." Seth sighed, exasperated. "But there is no way to dissolve the bond. Dominic...will grow to love you. He just doesn't show affection. I mean, he didn't even attend his brother's wedding ceremony last month." "That's a very bad thing because as a leader, he's expected to feel compassion for his citizens whenever they're in distress. He'll likely be a tyrant when he takes over from his ailing father, and we'll all suffer for it." "Now you're taking this too far." Seth shook his head. "Things have already gotten farther enough." "Have you tried speaking with his parents about his behavior?" Asher nodded. "His mother sympathized with me and promised to talk to him. She isn't a liar so it means Dominic decided not to listen." A grave silence fell upon them, getting uncomfortable the longer it stretched on. Seth pretended to concentrate on the wall clock hanging on the white wall opposite, not on the subtle teardrops running down Asher's cheeks. He hated to see his best friend in such a pitiable state, yet couldn't bring himself to hate Dominic who was the cause of his distress. "Sometimes, I wish I had a mate like your Finn," Asher lifted his face and focused green glassy eyes on him. "You two understand each other, and even while he's away your bond grows stronger. Why can't it be like that for me?" Seth shifted unconformably, averting his gaze. He wished he didn't have to lie to Asher about his mate's bond with Finn. Lately, they'd been having issues with the mind link and couldn't communicate properly. Seth thought that perhaps it was because Finn mostly worked at sea and it was so far from Delver— Giordan was forty miles away— but he knew that wasn't the case. The mate bond wasn't a slave to distance. Something was off at Finn's end, and he was scared that it might have something to do with the scandal surrounding him and Asher. "You really don't know how lucky you are, do you?" Asher's question snapped him out of his ruminations. He smiled awkwardly. "Oh, stop it. You're not cursed." "But why does it feel that way? Why can't he just love me— why can't he let me in?" "You two will be fully mated in a year. Relax. Things will turn out fine." Asher sniffled. "What if they don't? What if he hardly comes home because he hates my face?" "In that case, you'll have to take it up with the Werewolf Council." The Council was the highest authority, and there was only one in the entire twelve kingdoms of Jo. Regardless, they had branches but the main headquarters was at Agravaria. It was made up of five Elders and the Grand King. If Dominic became Grand King by then, it still didn't stop Asher from lodging a complaint with them about his marriage to him. "Ugh. He'll manipulate their decision and have my case thrown out. I just hate my life." Seth drew closer and placed a hand around his shoulder. "I'm sorry. It'll pass, believe me." "I hope so." "Excuse me, your Highness?" a guard announced from the door. "Yes?" "Prince Dominic of Agravaria requests your audience. He'll like to come inside." They both jumped to their feet so fast as though they'd been stung. Asher hastily made his bed and arranged his shirt, a flush on his cheekbones, eyes glinting with a surprise that mirrored Seth's. "What is he doing here? Oh my goodness, could it be that he's read the papers?" "It seems likely," Seth nodded. "In that case, it's not nice if he sees you here. He might get the wrong idea." Seth shrugged. "It's not like we're doing anything, man. I can handle his questioning." "I know, but I don't want you to get into trouble. Dominic is an arsehole." "I won't. Tell him to come in." The golden double doors opened immediately and Dominic strode into the room, owning it in a minute with his presence. Asher straightened his back, his eyes fixated on his mate's face. He felt his heartstrings tug, as though Dominic was pulling them. However, the tugging stopped the minute Dominic gritted out in rage. "Have you gone completely nuts, Asher?" Asher was perplexed, not getting what Dominic meant by that question. Did he look insane? "I don't understand what you're trying to say here." He stepped forward boldly, pushing himself up on his toes to stand nose to nose with Dominic. He hated the height difference so much. "Don't try to act dumb, you little snot. Haven't you done enough already? Why do you enjoy making me the laughing stock of the citizens? You have lost all respect for decency that you now go about kissing your admirers in broad daylight? What do you take yourself for? A w***e? You're a f*****g embarrassment seeking cheap publicity." Seth shuffled in dread, gaping at Dominic. In truth, he'd never seen the Alpha look so furious that he wouldn't mind snapping Asher's neck into two. Dominic always projected an air of ironclad confidence and composure. He never lost his cool no matter what. His anger was normally vibrant in his silence. He never exploded no matter what. But this...Seth couldn't figure out what had gotten him so mad at Asher. Even if Dominic had believed the press's falsehood, he had pretended not to care about it. He told the press that Asher was young and expressive... So why was he suddenly pissed? Asher wasn't taking the confrontation any lightly either. He watched in horror as the Melissan Prince smirked right into Dominic's face, challengingly. "If I'm an embarrassment, then what are you? I'll tell, a narcissist, self-entitled bastard. That's what! You're such a f*****g hypocrite, slamming me for committing the same thing you do every day. Do you think I have no idea about your girls? You think I don't know that you've been unfaithful, sleeping around with every female in town? If there's anyone who should feel ashamed, it has to be you!" The fury in Dominic's eyes turned murderous, his hands trembling to hold something. He threw the glass flower pot that sat on the desk to the floor, roaring. "You're an epitome of everything disappointing. I hate you with every fiber of my being." Seth noticed Asher flinch at Dominic's hurtful words, but he didn't back down. Pinning a vibrating Dominic with a smirk, he bit back bravely. "I hate you with my blood." Whoa. Seth couldn't stand by and watch no more. He had to step in before they ended up saying things they would regret later. "You two need to calm down. This isn't the right way to solve things." The two princes ignored him for a long moment, staring down at each other with such a startling intensity of rage and hatred. Dominic seemed to realize himself and stepped back, shaking his head gently. He schooled his facial expression into its usual neutrality and turned to look at Seth now. Perhaps for the first time since he stepped into the room. "What the f**k are you doing here?" "You have no business with my visitors." Asher glared at him. Dominic ignored his rant, moving closer to Seth like a predator closing in on his prey. Seth had anticipated this, but Dominic's scrutiny was another level of torture. He wished he could disappear into thin air so bad. "Cat got your tongue? I asked a question." "I-I-I came over to see Asher." Seth's back hit the wall now and he swallowed. Dominic slammed a fist at the wall next to his head, rage rattling through him. Seth melted, tears escaping his eyes. Behind him, Asher was shouting, warning Dominic to back off his visitor and stop disgracing himself. "Why would you want to see him when you're the reason why he's such a disrespectful d**k?" Dominic snarled, pleased with the tears running down Seth's cheeks. He said to Asher over his shoulder now. "Just look at the ass you settled for. I'm a much better man than he can ever be." Asher rolled his eyes, coming over to them. He pushed Dominic off, blocking the Alpha from having further contact with Seth. "You've overstayed your welcome. I demand that you leave my chambers now, else I'll have my guards throw you out of the palace." Dominic barked out a burst of long laughter— cruel, evil, maniacal. It reminded Asher a lot about that night they'd first met officially, and Dominic's words to him. He couldn't forget the hurt he'd felt that night, nor could he ever bring himself to forgive Dominic. "Who's going to throw me out of the palace? You?" Asher wasn't intimidated at all by his status. He was still a prince of Melissa and had, to an extent, a say on who got to stay around. Dominic couldn't do as he pleased in his own home just because he was going to be Grand King. His parents would never have the same mindset with him and could sanction him seriously if they ever found out that he'd ordered Dominic out of the palace. "I believe I didn't speak a foreign language when I said I wanted you out." Dominic nodded, raising his hands in surrender. His eyes flitted between Asher and Seth, who sat in a heap on the floor. "I'll leave. And this will be the last time I'll be coming to your home, Asher. From this moment henceforth, you'll be the one searching for me." Asher was genuinely scared of his threat. He knew that Dominic had so much power and control over him, even more than his parents. Yet, he raised his chin in utmost defiance. "We'll see."
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