For A Royal

1807 Words
It was the first time Nine was seeing the Golden Lily during the daytime. It stood high to the heavens like a skyscraper, with clear glass walls and windows, a swimming pool that glittered and gardens all around it. Once again, she found herself daydreaming about how nice it would be to actually stay a day there before the feeling of someone squeezing hard on her arm brought her back to Earth. Mom's face was still twisted in a grimace, and as if to point out her anger, squeezed more onto Nine's bruises causing her to wince as she said, gritting her teeth. "Do not act like a brat out there. Do you understand?" Nine nodded. She let her go now, her big eyes still following Nine as the girl walked out before the obese woman did. Her eyes stared back at the gate, her legs begging her to run back. She knew Mom. She would cause a scene if anyone tried ignoring her but before she could think twice on her decision, Mom's fleshy hands were on her arm again, pulling her towards the doors. The glass doors slid open as they entered, closing only when they were close enough to the reception counter. As Nine got closer, she realized she recognized the woman there. It was the same woman from that night, and by the way the woman was looking at her, she could tell she remembered. Still, she maintained her posture and tried giving a nice smile to Mom, ""Hello, welcome to the Golden lily. How may I help you?" "I would like to speak with the manager. There is an issue that requires his attention," Mom said in a flat, dead tone. Nine could spot the woman look at her from the corner of her eyes before letting out a nervous chuckle and saying with a strained voice, "I'm sure if there's any problem—' "Tell him that it is a matter of rape and physical abuse," Mom cut in, words sharp as a knife. The lady's eyes widened as she looked back at Nine who was now staring at the ground. Even though she didn't say a word to her, Nine could swear she felt the hard gaze the woman was sending at her direction. "I— Well, of course. If you'd just—" She waved her hands at the cushion chairs at a corner. "Take a seat," Nine didn't wait for any more words as she matched to the cushion and sat, nearly gasping at how easily she sunk in, even though she was practically weigtless, but when she turned back to the counter, she realized Mom was still there, hands on her waist and staring intently at the woman who was trying her best to not act frightened as she made a call on the hotel's telephone. She had no idea how long she had expected the Manager to take, but for some reason, he appeared earlier than she had expected and he looked more different than she had imagined. He was tall, with beards that seemed to give his face an older appearance though the kindness in his eyes and smile on his lips made him look younger. "Hello, Madame. My name is Ezekiel. I am the manager of the Golden Lily. Please, come with me to my office," At those words, Mom turned her fiery gaze to Nine who took that as a quick opportunity to rise from the chair and hurry to her side. With Ezekiel ahead of them, they all walked into the elevator and watched him hit one of the many buttons. After some seconds, it opened to a hallway. Ezekiel walked out first and they followed after, leading them to an office with glass walls, though when Nine and Mom were seated behind his table, he shut the blinders and joined them, smile still on his face. "I heard about what happened, and I must admit it's the first time I'm hearing such a thing here." His eyes moved to Nine. Suddenly, they didn't look so kind anymore. She could see the smile still there but he reminded her of a wolf hiding in a sheep's clothing. "Now, darling, can you tell me what happened?" It was obvious he intended to scare her into not admitting it, which was happening because she felt frightened but it made Nine wonder about how many girls he'd done the same thing too. Fortunately for her, Mom saw the look and latched on it with a wicked look. "Refer to me as Madame Dalia, thank you. My daughter, Nine, was doing her late night shift in the pub she works in when this drunk man, out of his wits completely, asks her to drive him here and take him to a room which she does, because my Nine's a hard worker, you see. And then, she does as he asked and is about to leave when he takes advantage of her!" Nine nearly jumped at the sudden anger in her voice, and even Ezekiel seemed bewildered but Mom wasn't done. She grabbed Nine's bruised arm, the one she has created in the car and pushed it towards him. "Look at it! It's been weeks and she hasn't healed! She barely had any meat on her body and now, she's been terribly terrified by the trauma that she never leaves her room to eat and talk to people. Even now, she's still so jittery because everything scares her!" It amazed her how everything Mom was saying made sense, but she said nothing about it. She wouldn't dare anyway. Ezekiel's fake smile had gone away as he now stared at Nine, like he was seeing her for the first time. It was true she was bruised all over, and with the oversized clothes she had on, she looked like a skeleton. She awaited the insults. That she wasn't desirable enough to be raped but once again, she was shocked when she heard the compassion in his voice, "I am very sorry to hear about that Nine. No one deserves to be— Hurt." Nine looked at him now. She could tell he pitied her, somewhat, and a part of her wanted to confess that it wasn't the man who did it but Mom, yet, she was beginning to realize that the overweight woman was smarter than she let on. "T-Thank you," "Is there anything about him that you know? Or something about that day you remember?" Ezekiel asked. His hands were now on his computer's keyboard. "The date? Time, perhaps? If that wouldn't cause much trouble." "Of course it won't," Mom said, more to Nine than the manager before she looked at her and said, "Tell the kind man what he wants to know." And I dare you to say something that doesn't go with what I said. Though Mom hadn't said it out loud, she could hear those words in her head but Nine wouldn't. She had seen this same woman throw sick girls into the streets if she realized they were becoming a liability. "It was around 12:14 on a Thursday. June 17th..." Her voice was low as she spoke, her fingers fiddling with the hem of her shirt as the memory came rushing through her head. No matter how many times she had tried to forget it, she couldn't. "I don't remember the suite he used, but there was a card, a gold one, with some sort of cross on it. A-And it was room 507," "That's a royal suite number," Nine's hear snapped up at the words, meeting the astonished look of the manager but Mom didn't seem fazed by the revelation. "So? Get on with it," "Of course," He said, immediately he got himself back. Nine watched him as he typed something on his computer then made a phone call before turning back to Mom. "Madame Dalia, that this is a very grievous and yet delicate matter and—" Mom raised her hand and waved it like she was batting down a fly as she said, "There is no problem. I assure you that if we can get your assistance then the hotel will be free from any charges or unnecessary involvement in it." "Oh." There was a genuine look of surprise on his face at those words. "Alright then," Nine looked at Mom now. She looked so calm, like she was finally in her element. It now made sense how she was able to do all her illegal dealings without being caught. And her acting skills were something else. She acted like her mother now but Nine knew she would gladly make her sell her body, make her f**k random men just to fill her pockets. It was so twisted, it was almost amusing. Nine felt a small headache from the pressure of it all. The sound of a phone ringing filled the air and Ezekiel picked it immediately, saying into it "Yeah. Yeah, I'll be there in a minute," He stood now, adjusting his suit. "Madame Dalia. If you would give me a moment. I will be with you shortly," Mom nodded in response and watched him as he walked out the door before turning her attention to Nine who shrunk back instinctively. She hated it when she was the only focus of mom's attention. It always felt like the woman would do something but Mom was smarter than that. She wouldn't hit a 'physically abused' person she cared about in public. They only had to wait a little while before the door opened and the manager walked back in and returned to his seat. Though the air in the office was cold, Nine could still spot beads of sweat on his face. He looked from Nine to Mom. Mom was perfectly silent, watching him before he spoke, letting each word out like it killed him to do so, "Well, we found out who checked into the room with your daughter on that day and we are not exactly sure who it was but we can guess that the person used the royal card which of course, only royals have," "Then why all the dilly-dallying?" Mom snapped, her true nature peeking through her words. "If you aren't sure, give me the footage, or do you want to be charged for being an accomplice to rape by withholding the evidence?" "Oh no," Ezekiel nervously chuckled, the sweat increasing. "I just— Well, forgive me. Here," As soon as he presented it, the woman snatched it from his hands and gave him a wicked smile. "Nice doing business with you." Nine felt her heart beating from it's cage. Mom looked like she was almost bursting with glee from the revelation because it only meant one thing. She was pregnant for a Royal.
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