Not From The Lowlands

1396 Words
Mom's appearance into her room happened only a minute after the Doctor's declaration. Her face twisted into complete rage with the speed she used to reach Nine's bedside being the fastest she had ever seen the obese woman gone. "You little b***h!" "Mom—" The rest of her words got choked out as the woman's fat hands clamped itself around Nine's neck. She spluttered, trying to get her grip off but she was still too weak to. "After everything I've f*****g done for you, you open your legs for some sick bastard, I swear I should just kill you and save myself the stress later!" "Madame Dalia!" The Doctor was now in the room, pulling Mom off her body who seemed ready to squeeze the life out of Nine. She coughed out now, her hand gently massaging her neck while she tried taking in breathes as impossible as it seemed even though Mom's hand had been pulled off.. Pregnant? There was no way she could be except... Except that one time. How was that even possible? There were other girls at home that had s*x and never got pregnant. Not even once. And her first time? Oh, Goddess. "Violence isn't permitted here," The Doctor, a salt and pepper haired woman with seafoam eyes glared at Mom who was now seated on a chair beside Nine's bed. Mom was sweating again, her face all puffed and red with angry breaths coming out in huffs from her mouth as she stared at her, looking as if the fact they were so close and Nine was still alive bothered her. "Okay. I can let this linger so that after you tell me how you got pregnant, I can kill you and your bastard's Father as well." "I—" How could she say it? Tell her? She didn't actually put it past the woman to murder her in her sleep if she refused to say anything. A pregnant Nine meant two mouths to feed. Goddess. Thinking of it still made her head hurt. "See?" Mom asked, looking back at the Doctor. "She's not talking." She was standing again, wrath squeezed on her face. "I should just—" "I don't know!" Nine blurted out. Both women turned to her. The Doctor in surprise and complete irritation on Mom's. "So you let just so many people f**k you that you don't even know who exactly it is? And for free? Or maybe it wasn't free and you've been hiding the money. You slimy piece of s**t—" "I really don't," She cut in. Nine wasn't an emotional type. What was the point in crying when it never changed anything? But tears fell out her eyes as spoke, shudders leaving her body. "I— I didn't want it. I don't— He—" "Oh, Goddess." The Doctor was at her side now, holding her shoulder. "Were you raped, dear?" Nine nodded hurriedly, more tears leaving her eyes. She had wanted to tell someone, anyone, but she couldn't, and now she had landed herself in a mess she couldn't control. "So it was for free?" The Doctor sent another glare to Mom who ignored the look, turning back to Nine with a snarl on her face. "Then tell me who the f**k it is, so I can get my money. I bet he has nothing to even go as low as f*****g you but I'd still suck him out for everything he's worth—" "He's not from the Lowerlands." The silence that ensued was ear deafening. Nine could hear the sound of her heart beating as she continued, "He— He's the same one that I said told me to drive him around, except I didn't do that. He asked me to... Take him to the Golden Lily and when I got him to his room—' "The Golden Lily?" The angry look on Mom's face had given way to surprise, just like the Doctor. "Are you sure?" "Yes." She couldn't forget it. The look on the receptionist. The way he held her down. Her nightmares still fresh like it happened yesterday. "He's rich," There was a near gleeful look on her face as she said those words before she turned back to Nine, eyebrows knitted together.. "What was his name?" "I don't—" "Think!" The fat woman snapped. "Tell me what he looked like. And don't miss any details. Even if it's the length of his c**k. Tell me." Nine winced at the words but knew she had no other choice. The images of the last time caused her head to hurt but she pushed them down, trying to remember how he looked after. "He has... Black hair and tanned gold skin. With— With hazel eyes, though it's not so visible and he had this card, with a type of cross on it—" She paused as she stared at the faces of the women in front of her. Both in pure disbelief. Immediately, the fear she had in the beginning returned. Of course, no one believed her. Who would? She was ugly and undesirable. They both probably thought she had gone crazy. Madame Dalia stood after a few seconds of her words. There was a crazed look in her eyes that Nine had recognized with the years that had gone by. A look that showed money was either on its way, or a business deal was about to go beautifully well. "Get dressed. We have somewhere to be," "But—" Mom's eyes stared daggers at her. "Just because I'm still letting you breathe doesn't mean I will continue being nice. Don't push me, brat." And stormed out of the room, slamming the door in the process. "Nine?" She turned to the Doctor now. Her eyes were kind. Caring. It was the first time anyone was looking at her like that. It made Nine want to cry again. "Are you sure of what you just said? The person you just described?" "Yes." It was true. She wouldn't just mention anyone to be under the wrath of Mom. Nine was many things, but liar. "How— How would she ever find him? There must be many people with that sort of description." "Madame Dalia has her ways," The woman said with a sigh. Nine's hands played with her hospital gown. Thoughts ran through her head as she did so before she turned back to the older woman, her voice soft, "Is there something I can do about it?" The Doctor only gave her a pitiful look and said with a shake of her head. "I'm afraid no. Madame Dalia is your guardian and is in control of whatever happens to you. Especially now. Your life is about to turn into a chaotic battlefield." If the words were meant to rattle her, they succeeded. In truth, it terrified her. ‡********** Nine sat beside the driver's seat in Mom's car, wearing a blue shirt and long skirt. One of her little belongings that hadn't faded completely and still looked presentable enough with her heart thumping loudly in her chest. Mom had found who it was but refused to tell her anything. Which made her worry more. "Remember what I said?" The woman asked, sparing some glances at her as she drove recklessly through the road. "You're going to cry and scream about how hard he f****d you, and hit you—" "But he didn't—" "I said he did," Mom snapped. "And the bruises have stayed this long, which would make sense. He's a werewolf anyway so they'd buy it." "He doesn't deserve that," Nine's voice was low as she spoke. Guilt was eating away at her now. He might have hurt her but she could tell, somehow, he wasn't always that way. That Sophie, whoever she was, had hurt him enough to get him drunk. "I don't give one f**k if he's the Saint of Love itself!" Mom thundered. "You would do as I asked or you'd be thrown to the street with that bastard of yours! Do you understand me?!" Her mantra rang to her head. All she had ever wanted was her freedom, but now, how was that possible after this? Again, more tears came to her eyes, but she fought them down as she said quietly, "I understand."
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