Chapter Twelve

1070 Words
“That would be nice, dear. Let’s go. I’ll teach you my recipe now. And I’m glad that you made it, son. You don’t have to anyway if you are that busy with your work,” The old woman muttered while pulling Eve’s hands. She bites her lips when Damien’s expression got confused. Then he looked at her, she glared her eyes and looked at him with just-go-with-the-flow look. “You know I always did it, grandma. Although I was not really informed that- “ “Should we begin now, ma’am? I’m excited about learning your recipe.” Eve got her attention and pulled her to the kitchen. Her smiles remain as she murders Damien on her head. “Is everything good? Or did you have an argument?” Damien’s grandmother faced them both. Eve let out a soft chuckle and held his hands. She did not want to be caught; the old woman seemed keen to observe everything. “Not at all, ma, my girlfriend here was having her swing mood earlier, so I was not informed that she was here without me.” He answered with a broad smile, but she knew that he was smirking. He was annoying her. “Ha-ha. Should we proceed now?” Eve interferes. “The two of you really look great. What a perfect pair. I suddenly remember your grandfather, son. When we were young, at the same age as yours. We were inseparable and we loved each other. Those golden days will remain forever. That’s why it’s important that love is stronger than everything, it should be the center of your relationship. Because love conquers everything.” She muttered. Eve did not know how to react. Suddenly, the place got so hot that she felt her cheeks burning up. Damien, on the other hand, cleared his throat and pressed her hands. They were speechless. “Don’t worry, grandma. We’ll keep that in mind, and as you can see, we love each other a lot. Right, sweetheart?” He winked at her. Eve tried not to look obvious and laugh at him. “Well, in that case. We should start now. I’ll ask someone to prepare for everything. The two of you, wait here.” “Busy schedule, huh? I know you’ve been avoiding me, woman.” Damien whispered to her ears after his grandmother left them. “I don’t understand why your presence is needed here, Mr. Heather. As I remember, your grandma wanted to teach me her recipe. I didn’t know that you were more interested in cooking than minding your business.” She whispered back. They were close to each other as they stood near the glass table. No one dared to move an inch. “This is also my place; how come I’m not welcome here? Since you didn’t go as we planned, our deal is not done yet. You came here by yourself without me, so it doesn’t count.” He murmured next to her before settling on the chair. Eve was left dumfounded and in disbelief. She wanted to beat him for being a jerk. But before Eve could move, her phone rang and echoed inside the kitchen. This also got Damien’s attention to focus on her. She went pale after seeing her daughter’s name on the screen. Bad timing. “You should answer it before grandma comes back,” she heard him say. And she had no choice but to swipe the answer button and wait for Yssa in the line to speak. (“Mommy, where are you now? You told me you would not be late; two hours is not that long.”) Fortunately, her phone was not on the loudspeaker. She will be doomed if Damien hears her. However, he didn’t take off his gaze from her as she tried to open her mouth to answer. “Hey, baby. I’m sorry, okay? I won’t be able to make it right now, but I promised I’ll be there before it gets dark. Have you taken your lunch already?” She was sweating and pale. Damien on the chair raised his eyebrows. He didn’t know that she was into someone who wanted to be pampered. Because he thought that Eve was talking with a man. And he hates it. (“Alright, I’ll wait for you then. Don’t forget the time, okay? Auntie Brenny made my lunch earlier, and now we are playing.”) She was relieved. Yssa was an obedient and smart girl. “Alright, that’s good. I need to take care of something now. I’ll see you later.” (“Bye, mommy. See you later, I love you, mwah.”) She loved it when she was so sweet to her, but Eve was with someone she should be avoiding now. And note that he looked like going to murder someone in his expression. “I love you too, baby. See you later,” she answered and ended the call as fast as she could. That’s when she let out a deep sigh. ‘That was close.’ “I didn’t know that you were so attached to your ex-boyfriend, Ms. Darlington.” Damien’s frigid tone crept into her bones. She had goosebumps all over her body. But she also wanted to laugh. “I don’t know what you were talking about, don’t forget that I should be mad at you for tricking me.” She answered calmly, her eyes were searching around the kitchen. She did not mind standing rather than sitting next to him. "Deal is deal, woman. Don’t play with me, you won’t like it when my patience runs out,” he spoke seriously and stood up. Eve rolled her eyes from annoyance; she didn’t like it when he demanded like he owned her life. “You, moron- “ “Shh. Grandma is coming, you wouldn’t want to be caught, right? And when it happens, you’ll take the fall. You will be responsible and compensate for it,” Damien smirked at her. She closed her eyes and imagined her daughter’s face. This made her calm down and focus. “Very well, Mr. Heather. But I will make sure that this will be the last time we will cross our paths.” “You said that last time, sweetheart. Don’t you think that this isn’t a coincidence?” He answered back and left her dumbfounded again. ‘Asshole!’
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