#20 - Turning The Tables

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Adrian "I got it." I sprang to my feet, grabbing hold of Lily's plate when I noticed her getting up. She shot me a suspicious look. She'd shot me probably a hundred of those since we sat down to eat the delicious lunch, likely trying to figure out something about me. I'd fought the urge to tell her to just ask outright. "You cooked, the least I can do is grab these," I said, picking up her plate and mine. To be honest, though, clearing the table was not the only reason I insisted. I needed a minute to myself because I didn't know if I could handle any more of Lily's sway in those tight-fitting jeans every time she got up to do something, which, truthfully, had already exceeded my capacity. She hadn't done much to dress up. Just a simple outfit of jeans and a top, a headband to hold her short locks in place, but she still looked gorgeous. Absolutely stunning, and with each look I had of her every part of me groaned with need and the desire to touch her soared to heights so high it was ridiculous. "You don't have to-" "I do," I held the plates in front of my lower half, hoping she didn't get a glimpse of how much she affected me. Excusing myself, I headed towards the kitchen, pausing in the doorway when a string of curses sounded from behind me. I caught sight of Lily just as she sank back in her seat. She was still grumbling, and looked cute as hell. I looked away, as if that would keep my growing obsession with her at bay. A wet face and a glass of water later, I was still grappling with the scorching visions of my ex-wife. "I'm done!" Asher's declaration elicited a chuckle out of me as I wiped my hands. The kid had chatted more than he'd been eating until Lily put her foot down and demanded that he finish his food first. I bet she hadn't realized how much of a buffer our son was between us until Asher's focus fell on his plate. Not that I needed a buffer. I itched to talk to her and frankly speaking, the silence between us only made me more aware of the war raging in my body and pants. "I dropped the no contact agreement." Startled by both the announcement and Lily's presence in her kitchen, I turned around and faced her. "Uh... Thank you." I definitely didn't expect that and I wondered why she changed her mind. It must have shown on my face, because she said, "It's for Asher." Frankly, I only cared that it was out of the way. "Thank you still." I nodded. "I mean it's ridiculous to have it in place now when it's clear you are good for him..." I also wanted to be good for her, if she would let me. "Thank you for saying that." I shoved my hands in my pockets, afraid I might overstep my bounds and reach for her. I was pretty sure dropping the no contact agreement didn't mean she would welcome my touch... just yet. "And we should probably stop this awkwardness going on between us. At least for his sake." "Okay." Something flashed on her face at my one word answer. I couldn't tell what. Only that it got her putting distance between us. "We usually do the park today, but if you are not up for it-" "I don't- I mean, I am...up for it." I stood up straighter, letting my eagerness show. I wasn't ready to leave just yet even if I had a couple of things I needed taken care of before our dinner date. "I'll drive us." I volunteered. She halted and seemed to give the idea a thought. "That is if you don't mind." I added. "I'll have to get his seat from my car-" "No need. I had one fitted in mine." "You did?" Her shocked expression only fueled my determination to prove myself to her even more. "I did," I said pushing off the counter I'd been leaning on and heading towards her. I meant to step out of the little kitchen, but somehow stopped right where she'd halted. Lily stepped back on instinct, but thank God for the tiny space in the kitchen her move still kept her within my reach. So close I could reach for her if I wanted, which I did with a burning passion, but decided now was simply not the time. "Shall we?" I whispered instead, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from her, a sign that my proximity had an effect I hadn't anticipated, given how she was constantly placing a distance between us. Against my better judgement, I withdrew my hands from my pockets and reached for her, eager to get a feel of her flushed skin, but she ducked, slapping me back to reality quicker than I could blink. Damn it! "Asher, honey, time to go!" Lily called for our son, her voice betraying nothing of the our little moment a second ago while I couldn't control the fluttering in my chest. Had I misread the whole thing? Misread her? She stepped out of the kitchen without so much as a glance in my way. "Lily wait." I needed to apologise, but a step back in their living area had me halting as I found my son and his mother locked in a stare down. A laughable stare down going by how much my son was struggling to keep a serious face. "You think he can beat us?" Lily suddenly said, nudging her head towards me. It took my son taking a peek at me, looking back at his mother and shaking his head for me to catch on. They had this role play thing going on between them and it was the cutest thing that had me itching to be a part of. "I trust you, Frost, don't let me down." Lily tackled my son and the whole place filled with giggles as Asher swore that he'll make sure they win. When the laughter died down, Lily turned to me, a smug look on her face, that restarted the war in my pants. "Do you think you have what it takes to beat us at ball, older Frost?" Older Frost? I laughed at that. "Absolutely." Two hours later, Lily and my son were basking in a silly victory dance and I wished I could claim that I let them win. "You were saying, Mr. Frost?" Lily taunted. God, she needed to stop calling me that. All that contact we'd had during the game had deepened my desire to touch every inch of her and hearing her call me that was not helping matters. "Beginner's curse." I grouched, making them both burst out in laughter. I wanted more of that, everyday, for the rest of my life. "They got you too huh?" Derby said as she walked over to our trio, grinning. "Don't worry, you are not the only one to fall victim to this lot." The mayor comforted before waving at Asher. "Hey kiddo, ready to go?" She was on baby sitting duty later and with all the fun we'd been having, I expected Asher to protest leaving so soon, but the kid eagerly turned to his mother and hugged her. "Have fun, mom," he grinned, and before I could make anything of the kid's knowing look, he barreled into me." You too, dad." I blinked at him, before turning to Lily, wondering if she'd talked to him about our date which he clearly seemed to be in support of. She was just as shocked, apparently. "Can I talk to you?" Lily shot Derby a subtle glare, but whatever the mayor was guilty of, she wasn't about to face up to any of it." "No can't do." She grabbed on to Asher and waved. "P.S, your package is ready and delivered." She shouted over her shoulder as they disappeared, leaving Lily blinking after them and me very aware that it was just the two of us now. "We should probably go too." I said after a while of just standing there debating my next move. "Probably," Lily jolted before getting moving without so much as a glance at me. I followed after her, hating the change in the atmosphere... in her. "I'll be ready by seven," she announced after I dropped her off, her back to me as if she couldn't wait to get away from me. I hated it, but I was glad she was not cancelling. "I'll be here." I promised. When I returned to pick her up, I hoped the night would unfold in pretty much the same way the day had, with fun and easy conversation, but one look at Lily when she stepped out of her house, all my expectations went out of the window, replaced by a flood of awe and longing. Desire so deep I wondered how the hell I was going to make it through the night. Forget about how stunning she looked in those jeans. This time around, she was slaying in a figure hugging ensemble and I would gladly be offering myself as the beast. "Good evening." Smoldering eyes lifted to mine so sexily I couldn't help but swallow...hard. What was she trying to do, burn me to the ground? This date was supposed to be my show, but she was slowly turning the tables. "You look amazing." I complimented, albeit breathlessly. "Thank you, Mr. Frost." And apparently she had decided on being professional? What the hell? I furrowed my brow at her, but Lily merely smiled politely and continued with her composed demeanour. As polite as her smile was, though, it still wrecked my insides. "I hope you didn't get the wrong idea about this date." The wrong idea? I blinked at her and I was treated to another smile. This one as sexy as sin, making me do a double take of my ex-wife and realizing that my grandfather was right. She was different! "Our son is not here, so ..." Her words trailed as she walked away, leaving me to watch her hips swinging, no, begging for me to get the wrong idea.
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