#19 - A Long Held Dream

1372 Words
Adrian "I need you to do this right." Wallace emphasized as he paced my hotel suite's floor, his tone laden with seriousness. Apparently I wasn't the only one feeling nervous about the surprise opportunity to spend the day with Lily and Asher today. Although, to be honest, it wasn't quite for the same reasons. Wallace was intent on making sure that I wasn't a repeat dumb fool, which luckily for him, I had no intention of being, while I simply couldn't wait to begin the rest of our lives. I couldn't wait to lay my eyes on them...on her. It had only been a few hours since I stepped out of Lily's house, but it felt too damn long. My heart did another little flip as I pulled a Tee over my head, thinking about Lily...my forest Lily. After last night, I had let more memories of us trickle in. The walk down memory lane was far from easy, but I did it and I'd been left with wanting this to go right more than ever before. Not just for Frost Industries. "Would you like to hold my hand while I'm at it?" I scoffed, earning myself a concerned expression from Wallace. "Do you need me to?" "Of course not," I scowled at my grandfather. "I'll have you know that I've been on dates and I'm pretty sure I know what needs to be done." I still didn't know how the hell I was going to make Lily understand my forgetting her and breaking her heart in the process, but I was determined to try, even if it meant digging through that wall she'd built to keep me out. The damn thing was so thick, she could easily keep me out for a lifetime. She'd given me Asher, but I was not oblivious to the fact that that was all she intended to give. I was actually still surprised that she said yes to more than a business lunch. I wasn't complaining though. I would take every opportunity to be with them. I made stuff happen without opportunities, being accorded one simply made my odds so much better. Although, with Lily I also knew it wouldn't be that easy. That's why I'd decided I needed all the help I could get when a few meddling individuals jumped in to help after I inquired about the best place to wine and dine her. My grandfather being one of them. The lunch date would be her call, but when it came to dinner, I was taking the wheel and I had every intention to pull out all the stops to impress. "As I'm sure you do, but you've never dated your ex-wife." Wallace sighed, shaking his head at my stubbornness. "The mother to that piece of heaven we have so been beautifully gifted deserves everything." I whirled on my grandfather at that. I had expected more scolding but was startled by how fondly he sounded speaking of Lily. If he wasn't my grandfather and if he wasn't so hell bent on getting me together with her, I would have easily thought he wanted her for himself. His tone was so full of warmth it practically dripped when he said those words. He had always been loving towards her, hell I had even accused her of taking advantage of that trait in him, but this was warmer than his usual self. It was as if a long held dream of his had been fulfilled by Asher's birth and he was even more determined to hold on to Lily. I stared, suddenly realizing that demanding I wed Lily and father an heir may not have had anything to do with furthering the Frost legacy in a manner I thought at the time. Hell, I'd been so upset with him, it had never occurred to me there could be another reason. Curiosity prickled, but I knew this was not a conversation we could have just yet. "Does this say cool dad?" I asked instead, hoping that would count for my willingness to indulge him. "That's a bit too much, don't you think?" Benji walked in, amused over my display. At my scowl he sobered and said, "The kid won't care, that shouldn't be your aim either." He pointed out, his knowledge of what mattered or didn't to my son highlighting the five years of Asher's life I'd missed. My regret must have shown on my face because Benji's expression softened, and he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "You are his dad. That's all you'll ever need to be cool for him." He said, handing me the bouquet of flowers I'd ordered for Lily. Witnessing Asher's excitement after finding out that I was his dad, I knew Benji was probably right, but I wanted to be more. "Thanks man," I said, staring at the bouquet. It hit me then that this would be the first time I willingly gifted Lily flowers. God, I had so much to make up for. "I'm back!" Courtney happily announced the moment the door opened, drawing my attention from the feelings of guilt mounting. Her presence was my cue to leave. "I hope you are hungry, because I brought food-" she halted in her tracks, eyes going over my dressed up frame before settling on the bouquet of flowers. Something hot flashed over her face. "You are leaving? I thought we had the day-" "I'm having lunch with Lily and Asher." I informed her as I reached for my car keys and headed for the door. "Dinner too, so don't wait up." "Wait, wait, wait!" Was that panic in her voice? I turned to her, noting her wide eyes. "What am I supposed to do here all by myself?" "Whatever you want." I shrugged. "It's yours now. My stuff is already packed. Benji will take care of it." "W-What, you are leaving me here all alone?" Courtney's whining voice earned a frown from me. She had to know that we couldn't share a suite. Not only because I didn't want Lily getting the wrong idea about us, but Courtney's suggestion to cross the line after my divorce had drawn a new line in our friendship. At least for me. She'd later choked it up to not thinking clearly after a couple of glasses of wine. I understood that, but that didn't mean I could erase the possibility she'd planted in my head that my best friend may have had feelings for me. "No, not alone, my dear." Wallace chimed, saving me. "I'm famished." The old man waved Courtney over, not giving her a chance to protest. Not that she could ever say no to my grandfather even if she wanted to. I had been banking on that. "And I promise I'm better company than he could ever be." I laughed at my grandfather's cockiness as I walked out, my mind switching to the upcoming lunch date with Lily. Driving through the town I had a newfound appreciation for small town life. The ease with which I navigated through it and found myself in front of Lily's house made me easily see myself here or maybe it was simply the two people standing in the doorway waiting for me that did it. I'd barely parked the car before I jumped out and ran up the driveway, eager to get to them. "Dad!" My son barrelled into me moments later after slipping from his mother. I could definitely get used to this. I scooped him up and ruffled his hair, his giggles filling my heart with so much warmth that I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. "These are for you." I walked up to Lily, handing her the flowers. Surprise and something resembling hurt flickered on her face and I inwardly kicked myself for it. For a moment I thought she might not even accept them. But then she did, although not with that breath-stealing smile I'd hoped for after bringing her her favourite flowers. "Come on in," she invited. "I hope you are hungry." She'd cooked? I fought against thinking about what her choice to cook at home instead of going out to a restaurant really meant.
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