#13 - Unpredictable

1663 Words
Lily I had three more hours before I met up with Adrian. Three more hours to choose between my son's happiness or to deny Adrian of everything he'd thrown away when he slept with that witch and shattered my world. After his unexpected morning visit, which left Asher with a constant grin and me feeling torn between protecting my heart and breaking my son's, I thought that my ex-husband's absence would easily erase the image of him happily playing with my son and make the decision easy. However, spending time with Asher had only made it that much harder. He couldn't stop gushing about every little thing he'd done with Adrian and thanks to my neighbours, that wasn't about to change. What was the jail sentence for getting rid of two meddling old ladies again? I wondered as I fought the urge to rush forward and do just that with Margaret and Marjorie who were still waving furiously at me even when they'd already gotten my attention. But maybe that would have to wait until after I freed myself from the intense look Adrian was giving me. No, it was more than intense. It was as if he were seeing me for the very first time and damn my heart for noticing. "Lily?" He mouthed, standing, ever so slowly, his gaze growing more intense by the second and for the weirdest reason, I couldn't look away as a sense of familiarity overwhelmed me. He hadn't looked at me like that since... "Oh, mom, there is Mr. Frost, can we please invite him along too, please?" Asher tugged on my hand, breaking the moment, thankfully. I didn't need the past rearing its head. "I thought this was an 'us' time, baby. We get to have doughnuts, just the two of us. Besides, not everyone likes them the way we do." I'd never had to manipulate my son before. I hated Adrian for making me stoop so low. "I bet Mr. Frost will like the doughnuts too just like he does my favourite chocolate." My heart pinched at Asher's sentiments, at his oblivious mind. I couldn't do this to him. As much as I wanted nothing to do with his father, Asher was a whole different story. "I guess we can get him one too and if he likes it-" "Yes!" Asher squealed, wrapping me in one of his tiny hugs that had a way of calming me since the first time he gave me one. I sighed, holding on to him tighter, wishing he could always stay this tiny and this oblivious about the world so that I could keep him all to myself. Knowing it was wishful thinking, I let go and smiled. "Why don't you go ahead and I'll get the doughnuts." I urged him and he didn't need to be told twice before taking off. Margaret and Marjorie made room him, but my son barely acknowledged them before shifting his attention to his father. Despite whatever had gotten Adrian staring at me the way he was earlier, he was all ears and smiles as he responded to whatever my son was saying. Asher had never been shy with people, but there was a way he'd connected easily with Adrian. The bond between them was so natural, it hurt to watch. It made me realize that I wasn't villain enough to take that away from him, apparently. "SOS." I texted Derby, needing her. I hated being a disturbance, but there was no way I was going to sit at that table alone and pretend everything was fine, not even for Asher. "Same as always?" From the counter, Cassandra's eyes shot past me and over to Adrian and Asher before giving me a curious look. I'd give the owner of Radiant Bean Coffeehouse a moment to put two and two together if she hadn't already. I just hoped she wouldn't jump onto the meddling train, being one more person who'd always hounded me about having a man in my life. "I'll get extra and another coffee." I smiled, mumbling more instructions about how I wanted the extra cup of coffee. "Damn! Now that's a scary amount of detail, love." Cassandra commented, making me realize what I'd just said. "You sure you want to have nothing to do with him?" So she'd already connected the dots, not surprising given how observant she was with all her customers. The resemblance between Asher and Adrian was probably like a banner screaming for her to piece the puzzle together. "Old habits." I shrugged, hoping that was enough to convince Cassandra that remembering how my ex-husband liked his coffee was nothing more than a reflex. The smirk she flashed me in response said she didn't believe me, but that didn't matter. "I'll be right back," Cassandra grinned, leaving me to count the remaining pastries in the display, afraid to look back at where my son was and what I might see. "Whose butt do you need me to kick?" Derby quipped when she walked over to me as soon as she entered Radiant Bean, but something must have showed on my face because her grin faltered in the same instance as she scanned the surrounding. "Oh," she gasped when her gaze fell on Asher and Adrian. "You wouldn't tell that they have only just met," Derby pointed out the obvious before she flinched. "...which is probably not something you want to hear." she turned back to me fully, her face full of concern. "Are you okay?" I let out a bitter chuckle. Of course I wasn't okay. Every rein I thought I had on my life was slowly slipping away with Adrian's presence. I'd never felt so helpless and conflicted in my entire life. "I thought I would be." Derby's gaze darted between me and my son. "He should be fine, if you want to talk about it." She gestured towards the door, but that was the thing. Deep down, I didn't want Asher being fine with Adrian. Even if I understood my son's needs, I didn't want Adrian and her, them being a part of him which would be unavoidable once Asher knew the truth. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to, and with what you've told me, you can easily take him on if it comes down to it." Derby encouraged, but I only sighed. I could definitely take on Adrian, if only that would not end up getting ugly for Asher. "Ladies?" What was he doing here? Unease surprisingly assaulted me at the sound of Adrian's voice so close. I didn't want to feel that and definitely didn't want him seeing it either. I schooled my features as me and Derby whirled around and faced him, but that probably changed when my gaze clashed with his and time stood still or more precisely, jumped back years in reverse. I blinked at a colourful version of me sitting on my teenage bed, frowning, and there he was in front of me, in all his teenage glory. Adrian was shirtless, but my focus still remained on his eyes. It was always the green that got me. "I don't get how you don't see just how special your eyes are. There is a whole world right there..." He countered, "Why don't you show me then..." "Lily?" I jumped, startled, eyes blinking at Adrian who was suddenly too close as the memory of his younger version faded, leaving me feeling a rush of emotions I had long buried. The determination on his face made me brace to turn down his offer to join him or whatever he wanted. I needed a minute. Except he hadn't walked over for me, I realized when he unexpectedly turned to Derby. "Miss Finnegan, I hope you don't mind my interrupting." "Please, call me Derby," my best friend pasted on her professional smile, a silent assurance that she would stand with me. That made me feel better somehow. "I know I said that I would only be here a few days, but with the turn of events, I will definitely be here for longer and I will have you know that I have made a decision." He'd made a decision? I stared at Adrian, dread filling me at what this decision entailed. "Like you said, I do realize that Radiant Springs has potential that Frost Industries could get behind." "Really?" Derby's professional mask fell off in a heartbeat and I couldn't blame her. This was after all what she'd slaved away for since she became mayor. A chance for Radiant Springs to flourish again. "This was unexpected." she flashed me a regretful smile. I understood her dilemma, so I smiled encouragingly. "Uh, thank you-" "On one condition." Adrian added, making me swing my gaze back to him, ready to back Derby if the condition turned out to be something that would harm the little town. Every other potential investor had laid down one or two of those ludicrous demands. My breath hitched, however, when his gaze clashed with mine instead. What the hell was he looking at me like that for? "As much as this is your baby, I would very much prefer to work with Miss Summers and in turn she'll update you on every matter." "Me?!" I gaped at the man. Sure I loved Radiant Springs and had been its secret superhero in the shadows, but that didn't mean I wanted to take on such a responsibility, especially not with him involved. "If you have no objections, I would appreciate it if you could point me in the direction of who might help me buy a house?" Of course I had objections, but his last statement had thrown me so far off, I couldn't make any of them except stare wide eyed. "You are looking to make a purchase?" He was staying? I had completely forgotten how unpredictable Adrian could be. Him staying had not even crossed my mind.
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