Chapter Sixteen

4961 Words

***LUDOVIC’S POV*** I was a little taken back by Angel’s outburst asking if she was a wolf. But I won’t lie to her. I could see the color drain from Maura’s face, it wasn’t something she was expecting to hear. But I figured once we went to the park and the kids were playing, Maura and I could talk. And I could explain how everything is, and tell her all I know. Angel and Maura held my hand the whole way to the park, I even had to stop and put Chase on my shoulders because he felt left out. Maura is holding on tight. I can hear her heartbeat pounding in her chest. Her anxiety is going nuts. I probably should have diverted the question Angel asked but I didn’t want to lie to her.  I leaned over and whispered in her ear. “I know you're freaking out a little. But I promise it’s going to be

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