
1159 Words
“What the…!” Jason exclaimed the second he heard the gunshot that made the knob of his door fall off, and the shake of it made him halt instantly. “On your knees, hands behind your head!” stormed a soldier who walked in afterwards, with his gun pointed directly at the face of Jason, who stood still in a dilemma, not knowing what next to do or where else he was to go. He soon obeyed because it was clear that he had been surrounded. Lilly came out to see him kneeling down some meters away from the door with his hands behind his head, which got her pissed, “What the f**k are you trying to do to him? Get your hands off him this minute!” she ranted at the police man who came forward to handcuff him. “Do it, Jones!” the soldier re-ordered. The policeman, who was once confused about who to obey, quickly replied following the soldier’s order, “Yes, sir.” “Hey, Lilly, come over here. Your dad has asked us to search for you and you really got him worried. I wonder how you got here and what you are doing with this guy. You have no idea how dangerous he might be.” The soldier sputtered, grabbing her by her right arm gently to pull her away from the house. “But he is not dangerous, Paul. He helped me last night…” Lilly whined to make him stop trying to take her away while turning her neck as well, so as to see Jason one more time. Paul Frost happens to be the chief security officer and one of the high-ranked soldiers for Zod and his government. He was greatly feared and respected. Zod trusted him always to deliver and, for that, had sent him to search everywhere and to ensure he found his daughter, Lilly, who had run away from home since the morning of the previous day and had not returned. Lilly felt she was in bondage herself and that being a daughter to the prime minister was a lot of burden to bear because she was always having security men follow her around and the excessive protection made her feel she was not living a normal life. “A potential slave can’t be of help to a royalty, Lilly. Now go home, I will take it from here. Jones, take her to the car, I will be right behind you.” Paul Frost commanded, handing her over to the Police officer who also had other cobs with him to take charge of keeping the young man under custody should Paul Frost desire to have him arrested. “Do not touch me!” Lilly scolded when Jones was putting his hands on her and he did withdraw from doing that because she had authority over virtually anyone as the only daughter of the prime minister. Jones simply accompanied her to the car while she went with them, willingly: he knew he dared not think of touching her without her permission because she might have her father deal with him if he heard that someone wronged her or touched her against her will. Paul Frost, however, had a high reputation and power but, at some point, knew when he was about to cross the line. However, this was not the case because he was sent and had the right to punish whoever stood in his way, with confidence that he had got the backing of the prime minister. “Get him up!” Paul Frost exclaimed the second he drew closer to Jason who was still on his knees and suppressed by the hands of two other police men standing by him. “Get in.” Jones, who was outside the building already with other policemen and soldiers, asked Lilly Politely the minute he opened the door to one of the cars packed outside Jason's place. She looked at him angrily and with disgust a minute before she entered the car. “I hate this f*cking lifestyle!” She screamed out of frustration at the top of her voice and soon became numb and quiet, wishing she had died already. “You again? Boy, you have no idea what I am going to do to you this time!” Paul Frost muttered furiously and punched hard on Jason’s stomach before he would know it. “Ehmmm!” Jason hummed for pain that was unbearably felt below his abdomen. At that instance, he sensed the impact of Jones' fistful punch. This wasn’t the first time he'd been arrested or probably might be detained, but the pain was extreme because he was really hungry that morning due to stress from last night and the s*x that drained his energy too. All he could think in those moments were the words his friends said to him when they left him with the girl he carried last night and the face of the beautiful Lilly made him feel it was worth it to endure that much pain. “That is for trespassing, boy! And we are just getting started”, Paul ranted and quickly took out his phone from his pocket to answer a call whilst Jason was still slightly bent trying to recover from the pain he felt. It was Zod who called, asking “were you able to find her!” in a thundering voice and Paul was quick to reply boldly because he had seen her… “ Yes, your honor. We found her in a shitty and pretty messed-up place with a boy about her age, maybe. What is your name?” he asked Jason to get his name while trying to explain to Zod who was on phone call with him. “Go f*ck yourself!” Jason replied rudely mannered, lifting up his face to look at Paul who had moved a few steps away from him to receive a phone call. “…bring her home safely and bring that boy along with you, right now!” Zod ordered and hung up the call. “Lucky bastard!” Paul Frost exclaimed pugnaciously, because he had something in mind to do to make Jason suffer, but guesses are that his desires for him might no longer be actualized based on the fact that Zod demands to see him. He took Jason along and had not many regrets because he had this confidence in him that Zod would even be more brutal in dealing with Jason than he himself. “Jason.” Lilly whispered upon seeing Jason taken into a police vehicle still in handcuffs, and as they drove out of the premises, all she could think of was about Jason: who he was, what they were going to do to him, what about his family and did the cute handsome guy whose personality captured her heart to crush on him have anybody to help him?
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