A honey night

1362 Words
“What does it look like I am doing? Stay still would you!” She rumbled and started to untuck him minutes after she had pulled his shirt away and had it kept on the chair he previously sat on. “You still haven’t told me your name…” His shy voice sounded extremely awkward to tell how scared he was, watching her arouse him and he was unable to do anything about it. He wished he could get her to talk more. Hopefully, that could make her stop what she was trying to do with him, but the more he talked, the more she got interested, because his intensely sweet-honey voice was pleasing in her ears, such that she desired strongly to hear him moan. “Satisfy me and I will.” She mumbled and covered his mouth with her left hand the minute she noticed he was going to say something. “What…?” “Wooow… this guy is huge…! Hmmgh…” she exclaimed and swallowed the fair and smooth cap, sucking it tightly with her mouth, slowly moving his already aroused d*ck up and down in a minute until it became hard and stood stronger than he had ever experienced since he was born. Jason could not help but “s**t… aah! Mmmmh…. Mmmmh…” moaned continuously and when he was unable to manage the good feeling all over his body and the reactions around his thigh, he placed his hands on her hair and started pushing her head down to get some more… “Feels good huh?” she asked in a rumbling tone as she looked at him. Seeing Jason gasping for breath and definitely throbbing made her want to ask him questions, but in the meantime, she felt she should rather enjoy the moment with the shy, frightened and submissive cute guy than stop the fun with silly questions. She grabbed his d*ck and fitted it into her hole and began to bounce hard on it while wrapping him up with her hands around his neck. She could hear him moan and half screaming words that made her wonder whether this was his first time or something. “A-ah! Mmmm… f-f**k yes…” he moaned aloud, clinging to her every jerking body all through the time she sat on his d*ck and when she could not stand him raising his voice, she covered his face with her round pointed bouncy boobs to shut him up, but he kept humming and gasping in pleasurable delight. “Yes, hnggh, kyaaaa… Mmmmmmh… feels so good… what the f**k, Jason…!” she moans and quickly yelled at him while moving away from him. His face looked troubled the second she got up from him and puzzled too, because he wondered why she was pissed all of a sudden. “What? … What did I do wrong?” He asked while covering himself up shyly because he was not comfortable seeing his d*ck exposed in front of the girl whom he had not yet known her name. “You mean you don’t know what you...? …fuck, gosh… you f*****g emptied c*m inside me!” she yelled at him again, lifting her right hand up in anger while seated close to him and with her left hand, she did hold up the blanket to keep the lower part of her body covered. “I did not know how to manage it, I felt it was okay and its sweetness was unexplainable, I never wanted you to stop.” Jason replied in a low, timid voice, and was scared of what she might do to him. She looked at him all over again and recalled she was dealing with a naïve person. She sighed and gradually changed her sitting posture, lying down slightly bent on the bed, facing him. “We both had no protection with us and I took no pills, so s**t happens, but it’s okay. Come here and make me warm.” She softly asked to make him stop feeling bad about what had just happened, for she understood it wasn’t intentional on his side. “I’m sorry I hurt you.” Jason whispered politely the minute he hugged her in a cuddly manner when he came to lie with her. That was the first time a guy ever apologized to her without her asking for it and that alone made her kiss him when he was not expecting it. His eyes dilated and returned again, explaining how he felt the moment she kissed his left cheek in the gloomy room and the night became silent minutes after she said, “You can call me Lilly.” Jason’s heart throbbed increasingly in his dream before he could open his eyes. “Jason…. Help me…!” the voice of his little sister screaming, rang in his ears and his mind felt the echoes of her voice before he returned to himself. “Sarah!” he exclaimed the second he opened his eyes and turned to see Lilly, the girl from last night, lying next to him with her head resting on his left arm. It was the same re-occurring nightmare he normally had for the past fifteen years since he separated from his sister, though in his dream it often happened differently from what it was in normal life. Lilly opened her eyes slowly and blinked, then asked in a calm and gentle tone because she woke up feeling good and pleased with what happened last night “Your girlfriend huh… the name I heard you mention?” He turned his neck immediately in her direction to look at her and thought of the reason behind her question before replying, “No, my sister. I don’t have any girlfriends… I probably do not need one.” [banging…] a sudden loud percussive noise was heard at the door to the sitting room and was so loud they were both able to hear it from the room they were in, which was shut. Jason held her hands and drew her close to his soft and tenderly rocky chest, the moment he sensed she was afraid. He held her affectionately tight, she almost felt like falling asleep forever in his heavenly arms — those breasts of his cuddly rocky chest and firmly built muscles were glorious, and more than a reward any girl in college had been dreaming of and had wished to lean on. A couple of minutes later, he moved away from the bed in haste to go check who could be knocking uncontrollably loudly on his door. “The way I see it from last night, you definitely need a girlfriend. Your sister, where is she? Wow!” She asked and wowed the minute she set her eyes on him to behold his height and body shape. He was so hot and handsome too, she almost forgot to dress up until… “She is long dead. Please get up and get dressed, would you!” he half ranted, and did not actually mean to be harsh, but the continuous bang on his door drove him mad. Lilly looked at him and could not believe he was the same timid and gentle looking guy from last night who could not speak fluently but rather was full of fear. She smiled and obeyed without trying to talk back at him, and even if she was going to say something, she would not have been privileged to do so because he was already on his way out. “Who the f*ck is that!” Jason yelled whilst he was about to approach the front door of the two-room apartment in which he lived. When Lilly heard him yell, she felt so proud of him and giggled at how impressive his voice was when he yelled. Impressive. Now that is a man I need! She thought within herself, hesitating to leave the room because she knew that the harsh knock on the door must be the people who would just not let her breath; however, she was a bit frightened when a loud sound of gunshot followed in a split second after Jason had yelled.
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