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Paul Frost's body shivered in fear the second he heard Zod's voice behind him. He slowly raised his hand up a little in pretense to make Zod think he was pointing the gun at Jason — Jason was a bit taller than Lilly and was standing behind her — whose forehead could easily be targeted. He knew what Zod’s question meant and his intent, should he get to know that he was actually pointing a gun at his only daughter. "Dad, how could you trust this man to go in search of your daughter? I hope you can see now that he is capable of putting a bullet in my head while trying to kill someone else. Wonder why you have to trust him to lead your team, who can not trust his own self to control his rage!" Lilly sputtered with eyes dwindling violently and with lowered eyebrows enraged to reveal her displeasure while seductively daring Paul to pull the trigger. Everything she said seemed justifiable to her father, but he took no further actions to penalize Paul Frost after seeing how much she put in effort to defend a guy whose appearance never seemed pleasing to his taste. For him, the clothes Jason was putting on were like those of lower-class citizens. "Frost. Put the gun down, right now, damnit!" Zod scolded to make her feel he was on her side at the moment. Paul, however, jittered when he heard the command and so he quickly lowered his gun and signaled the rest of his men to keep their distance away from Jason immediately. "Don't be afraid, he won't do anything to you, I am here." Lilly whispered to Jason, without turning her face to look at him. She said that to make him quit being nervous, because she sensed he was almost fidgeting all through the time her body rested on his, and her hands felt some part of this waist region. Zod walked towards them and stood face to face with his daughter, and with a low rumbling and almost hard tone of voice, he questioned her, saying, "where have you been... Who is this boy with you? When did you start making friendships with someone of a lower societal class, huh?" His words caused her to readjust herself and step a little forward, away from Jason, knowing that was always the tone her dad used to scold her with, whenever he did. But she was not speechless, neither did she lack words to say to him. "Dad, I know his appearance may not look appealing to you, but he has been my friend for quite some time now and I never wanted to tell you because you are going to disapprove of my seeing him or, better still, you may kill him. So I sneaked out to see him because I am always happy around him." She spoke hurriedly to defend Jason, lying so eloquently in a way that even Jason, who heard all that she said, was startled by it all. Zod looked into her eyes and studied what she had just said in a psychological sense to know she was lying, but he was not quite sure of the particular word she said that was a lie. He placed his hands in his trousers pockets and after taking a deep breath, he asked, "Lilly, what is his name and who are his parents?" ...to be sure she had known him for a long time. Jason was scared she was going to blow it this time because he had not told her anything yet about his parents, but to his greatest surprise, "His name is Jason, dad. His parents are not popular here in this city because they work overseas as doctors and his younger sister is also schooling in Paris. I could go on and on, dad. Do you wish to know more?" She sputtered without breaking to give him a chance to interrupt her, knowing he was very inquisitive and good at interrogations. Cleared throat... Zod had this feeling she was not making any sense and he knew he had no time because he was on his way out for a meeting, so he asked, "I wish to know more, but not right away. I would have us discuss in private. But for now, tell me in my ears, the name of his sister." He was going to use that as a test to know if she was really telling the truth. Lilly felt she was lucky to have known what Jason's sister's name was, and so, she quickly came close to her father's ears and whispered "Sarah." ... without knowing what her father's intentions were until after she was done telling... "Hey, you! What is the name of your sister?" He scolded Jason, trying to avoid mentioning his name because the name sounded familiar to him and the memories weren't so good, coupled with the fact that his sister's name was also relatable to something that happened in the past, but now, he was not quite sure what to think, reason being that the young boy in front of him was nothing like the person he was trying to match him with. "Sarah, sir." Jason replied immediately, and was a bit more bold than he looked before, because he was confident in himself after perceiving that the girl was smart. Zod looked at his daughter again and noticed so much confidence in her face than he was expecting to see. He got angry within himself but never displayed it outwardly. He was angry that she had used a little of his time and may have beat him by playing smart. He quickly called, "Frost!" "Sir," Paul Frost replied and quickly drew near to him. All the while, Jason was busy studying the environment he was in, and the building which was also the prime minister's residence. The building was massive and white. It has a large floor area of thirty-three thousand square meters, excluding the presidential complex, which made it even more stunning in the eyes of Jason; but he was more interested in studying the exit wings and the number of windows he could find from where he stood. "Take him in and jail him! Wait for my return." Zod commanded.
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