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All my life, I have always been the girl who dreamt of finding love given that all my school years, I had always been the one to seek love from those who never wanted to give it in return. In my school I was nicknamed 'smoochie' because I had thick lips that protruded my mouth and some just called me loner. I had gotten used to being a loner that being unpopular in highschool did not bother me. I had a few friends, I did pretty ok in my classes. I was top of my stream, yet I was considered one of the lowest socially speaking. I was despised and nobody would have ever dared to dream of even giving me a little consideration as a date. The first ever boyfriend I had was in seventh grade. I was twelve and I felt eligible though I still had not hit the peak of puberty, which was what I would consider a tough patch in my life which if I had the power, i would have erased. He told me he loved me which was deep for a twelve year old and i was scared. He then planted a kiss on my cheek behind the school classroom but when we were in class he humiliated me. He told me it was all a joke and no one would ever want to go out with me. Everyone laughed. The next boyfriend I had was when I was seventeen. He was jerk. He was captain of the cricket team. We went out on a first date but when he drove me back in his automobile, he attempted to take advantage of me. He parked it behind large fields of tall stalks of corn and said he wanted time for us alone. "Why cant we go hang out somewere else? This place is creepy!" I insisted. But he was adamant about not leaving and I was scared of losing him so I went with the flow even though I was deeply uncomfortable. He made small talk which I found uninteresting and i was oblivious to the fact that he was doing it because he wanted to hide his true nature because moments later, he had his lips planted on mine, forcefully and he was almost lying on top of my body. I struggled to get rid of him, to push him away but his firm grip on me was too muscular just as his thirst for me was unquenchable. Sadly that night, i had given up on my true self and dressed in skimpy clothes just to please him, to look cool. I mean it wasn't every day a cool and bad popular guy went for a girl like me. I ended up over powering him, my wolf instincts came in and i found my self fleeing the scene in rage and feeling hurt. He got out of his car. "Come back baby, we are just getting started!" "Come on Anathi, you scared? I won't tell anybody! " I heard his voice echo as I hid in the field. I was afraid of going in deeper because i did not know where the fields ended or what was on the other side. He did not seem to give up on searching for me either. The moon was almost up and it would be another night, a full moon where I wouldn't get to transform. I ended up giving up, after all I was far way from home, there were no rides in the road we had taken so I couldn't hitch hike. He was my only ride so I went back. "Bae , don't be scared, why you run off just like that?" I didn't answer, i was at the peak of tears about to let all the rivers within me loose. "It's okay, bae it's not r**e if we are dating." he said in a cold and uncaring tone while running his hands up and down my body and digging his gripping his fingers hard into my rump. "What?" It had just hit me. Real hard but I needed to learn. This was not going to be another sad highschool romance tragedy but a lesson in life. He did not love me. Anyways, what did a seventeen year old high school bad boy know about love? I was just one of the girls he would use as a s*x toy and he would leave me for someone else. I realised my prospects were greater than that. This wasn't me, the make up, the heals the clothes weren't me, the words were not me. The body was just an empty shell of what I thought I wanted to be but i was not entirely oblivious to whom I truly was and i was not going to let this monster take advantage of me just for a story to tell back at school so I escaped and ran along the road. He was behind me in his car shouting at me to get in but I refused. He was enraged to the point that he attempted to hit me several times with his car. His intension was clearly to kill me. Now that I knew what he had tried to do to me, he could have gone to jail for attempted r**e. At the face of danger, that is when my very first lucid wolf senses kicked in and my second transformation in my entire young life hit me unexpectedly, I did not even know it had happened. All I remembered was jumping in the air and the next moment I was as fast as the wind. I don't remember much of what happened but the next thing I knew was waking up next morning lying in my room on the floor naked with my bedroom window open. I rushed to close it. I noticed my body was covered in deep red blotches and marks and I had a bad sneeze and a stuffed nose from the grain pollen. I was allergic to corn, to trees, to grass, to dust so definitely spring was my worst enemy. So yes, i remembered the previous night. I had not just dreamt this nightmarish date from hell but I had willingly snuck out my home to meet him.
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