Chapter 13:

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Chapter 13: Krushna did little to hide her ire. “I don’t care what the man says, I don’t even know him, and I don’t trust him. If he is anything like the British aristocracy, I say throw them both over the side and let them swim back to their ship.” Helena followed Captain Cox’s lead. She sat back and let the others speak their peace. She had strong feelings about their visitors, but she wasn’t sure she was ready to order them drawn and quartered… just yet. “I hate to admit it, but I’m not sure we should trust them as well,” Aunt Deirdre said. Her voice so soft, the others had no choice but to stop talking and listen. “Once I considered the pair my friends, my equals, but after they sent the thief in that nearly killed Ross…” She had to stop to wipe the tears from her eyes. “We all know

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